Peru Guide

497 results - showing 441 - 450
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After over two years of strict Covid regulations to enter and move around Peru, finally at the beginning of October 2022 the Corona rules were significantly eased, making traveling to and in Peru not only simpler but also more relaxed again. And yesterday, October 26, 2022, we were all surprised to hear that finally the state of emergency is lif...

Utca Paucar

Peruvian Legends, Myths & Tales
These things happened a long time ago, how long no one knows. Some say the story goes back to the days of the Inca empire. Others believe it is even older. On the slopes of a great mountain stood the palace of an aged lord called Ahuapanti, ruler of a vast domain. Above the palace rose a mountain, crowned with snow; below ran the swift waters of...
Until October 12, 2022 everyone - visitor, resident and Peruvian; adult and child; vaccinated or unvaccinated - who came to Peru by air was required to present a Health Affidavit when entering the country. This changed with the Ministerial Resolution 811-2022-MINSA.

Villa Per Se

International Schools in Peru
Villa Per Se is an educational institution whose pedagogy is based on promoting values and principles for the formation of free, happy, safe and sensitive beings, capable of expressing their emotions and exploiting their spiritual and intellectual potential.
Alternative School in Lima

Labor Day - Dia de los Trabajadores Peru

Peruvian Public Holidays & Festivities
As in many countries around the globe, Peru commemorates the labor movement and the achievement of workers’ rights on May 1.
01 May

Huatya Curi and the Five Condors

Peruvian Legends, Myths & Tales
A long time ago, at the jagged top of the world where the snow lives, there was a poor young man named Huatya Curi. His name meant Potato Eater, for he lived off the vegetables he found in the mountain fields of the Yauyo villagers. His name also meant orphan, because love for him was a cold wind, not a gentle touch.

Colegio Waldorf

International Schools in Peru
The Colegio Waldorf Lima is the oldest Waldorf School in Peru educating the children based on the pedagogical philosophy of Rudolf Steiner which emphasizes the role of imagination in learning and aims at integrating holistically the intellectual and the practical and artistic development of pupils
Waldorf School in Lima

Virgen de Chapi in Arequipa

Peruvian Public Holidays & Festivities
Each year between April 29 and May 2 Arequipa celebrates its patron saint, the Virgin of Chapi, with the largest religious festivity in the area. About 250,000 worshippers from across the country and abroad make a pilgrimage to her sanctuary at that time either walking for 15 hours or more through the night, joining later or arriving by car or bus.
01 May

The Macaw Woman

Peruvian Legends, Myths & Tales
There came a time long ago when the earth was covered with water. As the water rose, it drowned the people, all but two brothers, who fled to the mountain called Huacayñán. Still the water kept rising. It threatened to cover the mountain.

Colegio Anglo Americano Prescott

International Schools in Peru
The Colegio Anglo Americano is a nonprofit private school in Arequipa promoted by the Asociación Educacional Anglo Americana Prescott. The school follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) education program and has about 1200 students.
Anglo American School in Arequipa
497 results - showing 441 - 450
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Maria Reiche - Memories

Maria Reiche - Memories

Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

Long Reads...

  • Peruvian Archaeology

    The Mystery of the Nazca Lines in Peru

    In the 1920s, when people first flew across southern Peru, they made an astonishing discovery. Stretching below them,…
  • Peruvian Personalities & Founders

    Francisco Pizarro González (1474-1541)

    Francisco Pizarro, a peasant from Spain, was one of the least well-equipped conquerors in history. However, in the name…
  • Peruvian Archaeology

    The colorful Fabrics and Textiles of Peru

    Europe’s first knowledge of Peruvian textiles was acquired following the Spanish invasion of Peru in 1532, when the…
  • Peruvian Legends, Myths & Tales

    The Jeweled Frog and the Condor

    By a quiet pond, at the side of a cloud-topped mountain in Peru, lived a small green frog and his large green family.…
  • Peru Info

    Peruvian Economy

    The Peruvian economy is an emerging, social market economy highly dependent on foreign trade and classified as an upper…