RESIDENTE' Codigo de verificacion. Is there any way to obtain this so I can submit my travel permit on line?
RESIDENTE' Codigo de verificacion. Is there any way to obtain this so I can submit my travel permit on line?
- This commment is unpublished.@JohnHello John,as explained on our visa pages (for example see here, if you applied for a retirement visa), you can download and/or print the document at the end of your application. If you missed that, once you make the appointment for the biometric data appointment, you find a tab on your screen labeled "Cargo tramite". If you click on it, your verification code and your login data should be displayed. If you missed that as well or can't find it, then once you made the appointment you can download the Formulario PA - Cambio de calidad migratoria under the Historial tramite menu point, which hopefully has the verification code and the login data printed on it.If all these options don't work:- To get the verification code no way around giving Migraciones a call and ask for it.- To get the login details for your Buzon electronico, just enter the Agencia Digital and on the main page at the top click on the Buzon Electronico button or use this direct link. Then click on "¿Olvidaste la contraseña?" and you get to the "Verificacion de Datos" page. Here enter your nationality, passport, passport number, last name(s), first name(s) and your birth date. After submitting your information by clicking on Siguiente, you get an e-mail with the "usario" and a link to reset or create a password.Hope this helps.GreetingsEva