Peruvian Tourist Visa

Peruvian Tourist Visa

A Guide to Peruvian Visas

Part 1

When planning a trip to Peru, eventually bureaucratic and visa related matters come to mind. As finding detailed and up-to-date information on this topic can be challenging, we put together comprehensive information and advise on all Peruvian tourist visa issues that might pop up.


Content overview


Peruvian tourist visa in a nutshell

  • Nationals of some countries need a tourist visa and have to apply for it at a Peruvian consulate before coming to Peru; see PDF under attachments at the end of this really long article to find out if you have to apply for a tourist visa.
  • Nationals of other countries can travel visa-free to Peru and receive a "temporary authorization to enter and stay as a tourist for a certain time" (sounds fancy but since the end of May 2023 it's nothing more than an entry in the Migraciones database) at the Peruvian border or airport upon entry.
  • Most nationalities that can travel visa-free to Peru are allowed to stay up to 90 days in a 180-day period and a max. of 183 days in a 365-day period for touristic, recreational or health purposes (see attached PDF at the end of this really long article to find out if you can enter Peru visa-free and how long you can stay).
  • Peruvian tourist visas issued at a consulate are mostly multiple entry visas.
  • The "temporary authorizations" for those who can travel to Peru visa-free are single entry.
  • All visitors coming to Peru need a passport with at least 2 free pages in the visa section that is valid for at least another 6 months upon arrival.
  • As in nearly all countries around the globe, foreigners are not allowed to work in Peru or receive a remuneration for any kind of professional activity in Peru while being in the country on a tourist visa / temporary authorization to enter as a tourist.
  • Tourists can only sign legally binding documents (work contract, sworn statement needed, for example, for changing your immigration status, car or apartment purchase, marriage license, ...) with a so called "Permiso para firmar contratos".
  • Extensions of tourist visas / authorizations to enter as a tourist are not possible anymore.

Do I need a visa to enter Peru as a tourist?

Peru is a very welcoming country that signed agreements with many countries, allowing the citizens to travel visa-free to Peru for tourism. Citizens of below mentioned countries do not have to apply for a tourist visa at a Peruvian embassy or consulate before coming to the county. They only need a passport with at least 2 free pages in the visa section that is valid for at least another 6 months upon arrival to get a “temporary authorization to enter and stay as a tourist for a certain time” (sounds great, but today is just an entry in the Migraciones database) directly at the immigration control at the airport or border. For a more detailed listing, please have a look at our PDF "Visas for Peru by country and allowed length of stay" at the end of this very long article for clarification.This PDF is an English translation of the original from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which can be found here.

Following nationals do not need a tourist visa for Peru

  • South America: Citizens of all South American countries except Venezuela
  • Central America: Citizens of most Central American countries (exception Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti and Nicaragua)
  • North America: Citizens of the United States, Canada and Mexico
  • Europe: Citizens of all countries within the European Union and of Switzerland and the UK
  • Africa: Citizens of South Africa
  • Asia: Citizens of Brunei, Indonesia, Israel, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand as well as some citizens of China and India (according to a supreme decree from September 2016 Chinese citizens and according to a supreme decree from March 2017 Indian citizens with a permanent (!) residence visa or a visa with a validity of at least (!) 6 months for the USA, Canada, any country belonging to the Schengen area, UK or Australia can travel to Peru visa-free; other Chinese and Indian nationals still have to apply for a tourist visa at a Peruvian embassy or consulate!)
  • Oceania: Citizens of Australia and New Zealand

How and where to apply for a Peruvian tourist visa

As already mentioned above, citizens of some countries need a visa even for touristic and recreational purposes (please have a look at our PDF "Visas for Peru by country and allowed length of stay" at the end of this very long article for clarification.). As Peru doesn’t offer online visa applications, these nationals have to apply for a tourist visa at a Peruvian diplomatic mission that has jurisdiction over their domicile or country of residence.

Requirements for the tourist visa application at a Peruvian Consulate

Required documents to apply for a tourist visa include, but may not be restricted to:

  • Application form
  • Valid passport
  • Round-trip ticket
  • Hotel reservation, tourist package reservation or invitation letter
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Passport photos
  • Proof of legal residency in the area or country under the consulates jurisdiction
  • Receipt for paid application fee

Please be aware that the consulate, where you apply, will invite you to a personal interview.

On the website of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) you find a world map showing all Peruvian consulates abroad. Just click on a marker and the address, phone number, e-mail and - if available - website of the consulate appears.

There is no Peruvian embassy or consulate in my country. Where do I apply?

Especially in Africa and Asia, where the residents of most countries still have to apply for a tourist visa, Peruvian consulates are scarce, website aren’t up-to-date and e-mails often aren't answered. So, finding the correct consulate, getting information and applying for the visa can be quite a challenge. The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs unfortunately doesn't consistently publish which consulates have jurisdiction over which regions/countries. Therefore, if there is no Peruvian consulate in your country of residence, the only way to find out where and how to apply for a visa is by getting in contact with the nearest Peruvian diplomatic mission (which sometimes isn’t near at all) and ask if they are in charge or know who is.


How long can I stay in Peru as a tourist?

In March 2017, a new Peruvian Foreigner Law (Decreto Legislativo 1350) went into effect, allowing tourists who can travel visa-free to Peru for touristic, recreational or health purposes to stay for a maximum of 183 days within a 365-day period. Shortly afterwards, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs excluded Schengen States nationals from this general rule, allowing them to stay for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Then, in June 2019, a new publication of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) eliminated the general 183 days in a 365-day period for most nationalities, who can travel to Peru visa-free, and divided it into two times 90 days in two consecutive 180-day period.

While the modification of Peruvian Foreigner Law (Decreto Legislativo 1582), which was published in November 2023, confirms that foreign nationals can stay as tourists in Peru for a maximum of 183 days in a 365-day period, the RREE publication is still in place.

So, today, most nationalities who don’t have to apply for a tourist visa before coming to Peru, are given up to 90 days in a 180-day period upon entry; the 180-day period isn't per half year from January to June or July to December but calculated from your first entry.

Brazilian, Chilean, and Mexican nationals as well as those Chinese and Indian passport holders with a permanent residency or a visa with a validity of at least 6 months for the USA, Canada, any country belonging to the Schengen area, UK or Australia, who are still allowed visa-free up to 180 days should know that Peruvian immigration often only gives them 90 days as well upon entry.

In case you have to apply for a tourist visa before coming to Peru, it’s up to the consulate to decide the number of days you can visit the country. Be aware that even if the consulate issued a 180-day tourist visa, often immigration officers only give you 90 days when you enter.

While you generally can expect to get the full days allowed (if you haven’t overstayed your welcome before excessively or if you haven’t been in Peru before and now try to re-enter the country before your 180-day period is over), you should be aware that you aren't entitled to getting the full 90 (or 180) days. As everywhere around the globe, it’s at the discretion of the immigration officer if he or she lets you enter at all and how many days you are allowed to stay.

Please see our PDF " Visas for Peru by country and allowed length of stay" at the end of this very long article to find out if you need a visa to enter Peru or if you can travel visa-free and how long you can stay - this PDF is an English translation of the original from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which can be found here.


Entering Peru

With the introduction of the new Immigration Law in 2017 and progressive digitalization, especially during Covid times, entering Peru today is a quite easy, seemingly organized and at least for now usually a quick process.


After a complete shutdown, Peru re-opened the country for international air travel in October 2020. Land borders only re-opened in mid-February 2022.

Finally, on November 1, 2022, the State of Emergency in Peru was lifted and all Covid entry requirements as well as all other regulations and restrictions that were in place to avoid the spreading of Covid were repealed.

So, entering Peru is back to "normal" and you just need your passport with at least 2 free pages in the visa section that is valid for at least another 6 months upon arrival and, if you have to apply for a tourist visa before coming to Peru, your visa stamp.

Entry process

After leaving the plane (or at the border), just follow the flow to the immigration control; note: at the beginning of 2023, automated passport control machines were finally put into operations, but for the moment are reserved for Peruvian passport holders.

At immigration control just present your passport (which should have at least 2 free pages in the visa section and must be valid for at least another 6 months upon arrival).

While during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country, in May 2022 the entry stamp was re-introduced just to eliminate it again at the end of May 2023 for those entering Peru on international flights; and, unfortunately, this time it seems for good.

Today, your entry and the number of days you got is just automatically registered and nothing more than an entry in the Migraciones database. Now tourist once again don't have anything in writing on how long they are allowed to stay as a tourist.

So, to find out how long you can be in Peru as a tourist, you must ask the immigration officer and, if you want to have a confirmation "in writing" or need proof when you entered or left the country, you have to check online. Our article "How many days did I get when entering Peru?" explains how it's done

While during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country, in May 2022 the entry stamp was...

Once you are finished at the immigration counter, proceed to the baggage carousel and claim your luggage.

Clearing customs

Since June 2022, the good old customs declaration form has served its time and was replaced by the App "Bienvenido al Perú" which is available on iOS and Android and in short details which items have or haven’t to be declared. So, if you have something to declare, download the App, fill in required fields and once in Peru proceed to the customs counters at your point of entry.

Peruvian customs urges travelers to know and comply with Peruvian customs regulations. So, it's up to you to inform yourself. Our article “What you can & can’t bring into Peru” helps with this.

When travelling to a foreign country it’s always a good idea to know which items you can bring with no problems, and which ones you better leave at...

  • If you have nothing to declare, you don’t have to do anything. Clear immigration, get your luggage and proceed to the exit.
  • If you have something to declare, download the App "Bienvenido al Perú", follow the instructions and fill in the form within 48h prior to your arrival in Peru. Once in Peru, proceed to the customs counters at your point of entry.
  • If you carry more than US$ 10,000, download the App "Bienvenido al Perú", follow the instructions and fill in the form within 48h prior to your arrival in Peru. Once in Peru, proceed to the customs counters at your point of entry.

We highly recommend to be honest, as failing to declare taxable or dutiable items can result in fines of 50% of the custom value of the items if caught; failing to declare currency over US$ 10,000 results in a 30% fine on the amount you carry with you.

Before you can leave the airport, you and your luggage are scanned and you might be asked to follow an official for a thorough check of your luggage.

You made it! Welcome to Peru!


How many days did I get?

After not stamping passports during peak Corona times, in May 2022, tourists entering the country finally got an entry stamp again, making it easy to check how long they could stay in Peru.

Peruvian entry stamp
Peruvian entry stamp 2022

Unfortunately, at the end of May 2023 Peru eliminated the entry stamp again for those entering Peru on international flights. And, unfortunately, this time it seems for good as successively stamping at land borders is stopped as well.

So now, the only way to find out how many days you are allowed to stay as a tourist in Peru, is to ask the immigration officer or, if you prefer a written confirmation check online. Our article “How many days did I get when entering Peru?” explains in detail the legal background and gives you options to check the number of days you are allowed to stay in Peru as a tourist.

While during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country, in May 2022 the entry stamp was...


Extension of a Peruvian tourist visa

For the past two decades, every few years Peruvian regulations changed, allowing or denying foreigners to extend their stay as a tourist in the country.

Since August 2021, foreign tourists cannot extend their time in Peru anymore. However, this general “no” for tourist visa extensions was softened with the implementation of new Migraciones administrative regulations on October 22, 2023, which allow foreign nationals from member countries of the Andean Community, and only these (!), to extend their stay as a tourist again and officially abolished with the new Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1582 on November 14, 2023.

The new Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1582, published on November 14, 2023, states that foreign tourists can stay in Peru for 183 accumulated days in a 365-day period; so, half a year within one year. It further describes that in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days, an extension can be granted until the 183 days are reached, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions.

As till today (March 2025) the administrative regulations, called TUPA, indispensable for the implementation of the new Foreigner Law, still haven't been published, we don't know, which foreign nationals might one day be allowed to extend again or for which nationalities there might be restrictions or when foreigners might be able to extend or how it works. For now, the only foreign nationals, who already now can extend their stay as a tourist, are Bolivians, Ecuadorians and Colombians, which is stated in the TUPA from October 2023.

Even though it's now already over a year since the publication of the new Foreigner Law, we still can only wait and hope for more official news. You can find detailed background information on the topic in our article "Tourist Visa extension in Peru".

For the past two decades, every few years Peruvian regulations changed, allowing or denying foreigners to extend their stay as a tourist in the cou...


Expired Peruvian tourist visa

Like in any other country, we recommend respecting the rules and regulations here in Peru, including the time you are allowed to stay in the country as a tourist.

However, if you overstayed your stay as a tourist a few days, weeks or even months - at least for now - you rarely have to fear extreme consequences. When leaving Peru you just have to pay a fine of 0.1% of an UIT (S/ 5.35 in 2025) per day you overstayed. The fee must be paid before leaving the country. In our article "Peruvian Overstay fine for tourists" we explain the details

Tourists who stayed longer than the number of days they were given when they entered Peru must pay a fine when leaving the country. While this usua...

Once the fine is paid, you can usually leave Peru with no reprisals.

Those having excessively overstayed their welcome (we are talking about many months or even years), however, might be additionally sanctioned with a re-entry ban for a certain time.


Border-hopping Peru

Between 2008 and 2017, border hopping was an easy and popular way to “renew” your tourist visa. Back then, the Peruvian foreigner law stated that visitors can enter Peru for touristic, recreational, or health purposes for 183 days. It however didn't mention if the 183 days were per year or per visit. So, many foreigners used this little gap in the old Peruvian immigration law to live in the country on a tourist visa. As soon as their visa was about to expire, they just crossed the border, stayed 5 minutes, a day or two, in one of Peru’s neighboring countries and returned asking immigrations for another 183 days. For years, this worked absolutely fine.

After the introduction of the new foreigner law (Decreto Legislativo 1350) in 2017 which rectified the loophole and the reduction of the time most nationalities can stay visa-free in Peru two years later, Peruvian border officials got stricter and increasingly applied the new rules giving foreigners only the back then allowed 90 or 183 days in a 180 days or 365 days period and didn’t let border-hoppers re-enter (or only for a few days) when they already stayed the maximum allowed time as visitor in the country.

Then in March 2020, Covid hit the country, borders were closed and Migraciones worked hard on digitalizing certain processes and procedures. Now, all entries and exits are saved in the Migraciones database and can be retrieved at all control points.

Since August 2021, travelers, who already stayed their allowed 90 days in a 180-day period, reported that when trying to re-enter the country at Lima’s airport before their 180-day period was over, that they were scolded and only given anything between 3 and 30 days. And according to reports from travelers who tried to re-enter Peru at a land border after already having stayed their 90 days, immigrations often only gave a few days up to a month. Others, however, reported that they had no problem re-entering Peru before their 180-day period was over and still got the full 90 days, but only if they hadn't already stayed the max of 183 days in a year.

So, be aware that it's always at the discretion of the immigration officer and his/her evaluation of your situation how long you are allowed to stay in Peru.

One way or the other, the times of border-hopping seem to be over and foreigners wanting to stay longer in Peru should work on getting a "real" temporary visa (for example, a temporary work visa or a temporary student visa) or a residence visa. Our Visa Guide explains the most common temporary and residence visas including the legal background, requirements, necessary preparation work and a step-by-step application guide.


Do I need a return ticket when travelling to Peru?

Peruvian law requires that foreign visitors need a return or onward passage out of the country if they aren't residents, proving that they leave the country when the visa or temporary authorization to enter expires. But the law doesn't state that this return or onward passage must be an airline ticket; it could be anything proving that you leave Peru when the time comes.

When entering the country, Peruvian immigration officials hardly ever ask to see this proof. The ones executing above regulations are usually the airlines. As they could be held responsible and have to fly you back, if denied entry to Peru, most airlines require a return or onward flight ticket to even let you check-in to your flight to Peru.

So, if you plan to come to Peru on a one-way ticket, it’s best to check the requirements of your carrier. Some insist on a flight ticket showing that you leave the country, others accept a reservation for a return flight, a few are happy with a bus ticket and there are as well airlines that let you fly with just a one-way ticket.

If your airline requests a return or onward ticket, you could always make a reservation for one, print the confirmation, and then depending on the agency, you either don't pay it and let it expire or cancel it within a certain time. Other options include buying a fully refundable ticket or, more affordable, "renting" a ticket.


Can I work in Peru when on a tourist visa?


A Peruvian tourist visa / temporary authorization for tourists allows entry for touristic, recreational, or health purposes only. Even though there are quite a few foreigners working in Peru for a Peruvian company on a tourist visa, Peruvian law explicitly prohibits to work in Peru for a Peruvian company or to receive a remuneration for any kind of professional activity in Peru while visiting the country as a tourist.


Can I study or do an internship in Peru on a tourist visa?

Generally no, sometimes yes.

For more information, please have a look at our detailed article "Peruvian Student Visa".

Peruvian Student Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Foreigners planning to study at a Peruvian educational institution or to do an internship / apprenticeship (without payment!) at a Peruvian company...


Can I sign legally binding documents in Peru when on a tourist visa?


Before signing a legally binding document (work contract, sworn statements, car or apartment purchase, marriage license, ...) tourists have to apply for a so called "Permiso para firmar contratos". Our article "Permit to sign contracts" explains in detail how it works and what you have to do.

Foreign nationals, who are in Peru as a tourist or hold another temporary visa, can only sign a legally binding document (such as a work contract, ...


Can I volunteer in Peru when on a tourist visa?

Officially, no! But in reality, it's done all the time. Find more information in our article "Peruvian Volunteer Visa".

While Peru has a volunteer visa, the so-called “visa cooperante” (cooperation visa), getting one is such a bureaucratic mess and in most cases not ...


Please note: We from LimaEasy are not the Peruvian immigration authority Migraciones or a Peruvian consulate. All information is published to our best knowledge and should be seen as general guidance introducing you to Peruvian regulations and procedures. All information is subject to change, as regulations, requirements, and processes can change quickly without prior notice! Therefore, we recommend checking the current regulations with the nearest Peruvian consulate or, if you are already in Peru, with Migraciones!


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    Simon · 18/01/2025
    Hey Eva,
    Firstly, thanks for all your incredible information here and your detailed responses to queries, it's so useful and really helps to clear things up. 
    I came to Peru last year on Jan 16th, I was given 90 days but overstayed until 9th September. I paid the fine and the immigration officer told me that if I waited 6 months I could come back and begin again with another 90 days. I just want to confirm that the 183 days in a year rule supports this? When does the period begin in this case? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/01/2025
      Hello Simon,

      thank you for your kind words. It's good to hear that the info we provide is useful.

      Unfortunately, Migraciones hasn’t made public for how long foreigners, who overstayed their time as a tourist in Peru, must be out of the country before they can come back. And as it's always at the discretion of the immigration officer if he/she allows a visitor to enter the country and for how long, see below explanation as general guidance only.

      In general, foreigners can stay in Peru as a tourist for a max of 183 days in a 365-day period. However, a publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs limits or divides this max allowed time; for most nationality it's 90 days in a 180-day period.

      If you just overstay the 90 days in a 183-day period, it's usually simple and in most cases you won't have any problems returning to Peru after a few months.
      But you not only simply overstayed the 90 days you got when you entered, but as well exceeded the maximum number of days you can be in Peru as a tourist in a 365-day period. And unfortunately, there is no official statement about how immigration officers take the time you stayed longer than the 183 days allowed per running year into consideration.

      Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that you stay outside Peru for at least (!!!) half a year before trying to return. If you want to be on the safe side only come back after half a year plus the number of days you stayed longer than the max of 183 days in a rolling year.

      So, while you most probably would be allowed to re-enter after around March 10, it could (or not) be better only to return at the end of April/beginning of May (you exceeded the max allowed time as a tourist per rolling year by 54 days).

      Anyway, as mentioned above, it is always up to the immigration officer how he/she evaluates your specific case. If you were lucky and got a relaxed immigration officer, you could return today and would get 90 days without any problem. Or you could end up with a strict immigration officer, who only lets you re-enter after at least 183 days outside Peru, who questions you more intensively and/or isn't willing to give you the full 90 days.

      I wish you all the best.


      Edit: what I forgot: a new 180/365-day period starts when you enter after March 10.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Simon · 19/01/2025
      @Sunflower Thanks so much your all your help! It’s really so useful and I will follow your advice and wait until May to come back. (It fits my plans nicely actually) 

      Have a great day! 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ralf · 05/01/2025
    I will be in Peru for 4 weeks in February and I am from the EU, thus need no tourist visa. I am thinking of visiting Bolivia for 2 days within these 4 weeks and thus need to exit end re-enter Peru. I am not sure how this is handled. I have seen that these temporary authorizations are single entry. But going through the comments it seems that re-entry is permitted if it is done within the 90 days timeframe (or within my 4 weeks if they just grant me 4 weeks). So I am unsure, I suspect that I can see Bolivia for 2 days and return to Peru (from where my flight back goes a week later) ... right?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/01/2025
      Hello Ralf,

      as a passport holder of any EU member state you don't need a visa to enter Peru. Upon entry you get a authorization to stay as a tourist for x days. This authorization is nothing more than an entry in the immigration database. Depending on the immigration officer tourists usually get anything between 30 and 90 days. in our article How many days did I get it's explained how you can check online how many days you were given.

      Let's assume you get 90 days. You travel a bit in Peru and after 20 days you decide to exit the country to visit Bolivia. The remaining 70 days on your stay "expire". Then let's assume after 5 days in Bolivia you want to return to Peru. As you haven't stayed the full 90 days allowed in a 180-day period, you won't have any problems returning to Peru and getting a new authorization to stay as a tourist. You may only get 30 days or 60 or even another full 90 days. It's completely up to the immigration officer.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    MFA · 27/12/2024
    Hello! Thanks for all the useful information on this site. I'd like to share my experience: I'm from Central America, and I've been visiting my long distance boyfriend in Peru quite a few times this past year. I have multiple entries on my Migraciones Record, even some times
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 27/12/2024
      Hello MFA;

      thank you so much for wanting to share your experience.

      But somehow you comment is cut off, so your important information is lost.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Finlay Ryburn · 23/11/2024
    Hi Eva,

    Thank you very much for all the super helpful articles; they have been very useful for navigating the not particularly transparent system in Peru. 

    I'm hoping you can check whether my understanding regarding the tourist visa for UK nationals is correct. Firstly, I note the visa by country list is blank for the UK. However, the UK government FDCO travel advice was updated this month regarding visas and says 90/180, so I suppose this is correct. Peruvian nationals are now allowed 6 months in the UK as tourists.

    I first entered Peru on 24 August 2018. I am currently here to visit my Peruvian girlfriend and would like to have a more extended stay mixed with some other travel outside Peru. Am I correct in thinking these plans will conform to the tourist visa regulations:

    Since 24 August 2024:
    Arrived in Peru on 25 October staying until 27 December (64 days) (was issued 90 days on entry)
    Return 15 January to 17 January (3 days) 
    Return 11 February to 28 February (18 days) (new 180-day period since 24 August?)
    Return 21 March to 15 May (56 days)

    I guess they may not like the multiple reentries, but I think it is legal. On the final reentry, I will be with my girlfriend, which will presumably help in any negotiations. Also, as I will be returning from Chile, do you know if there is any trend towards more leniency/ friendly officers at the land border vs Lima airport? Finally, is there anything you would advise doing besides preparing documentation of visits/ plans and being ready to present my case to the officer?

    As a backup option, I have looked into the temporary student visa and also have one question regarding this. My understanding is that once you submit a visa application, days are not counted on your tourist visa. In the unlucky event that your visa is declined, does it "reset" on the date you receive that notification? For example, say you had 4 days remaining on your tourist visa when you applied, will you still have 4 days from the day the application is declined or would you have overstayed by approx. 4-6 weeks. I am just worried that if I pick a short course, it might not be accepted, such as those offered by Toulouse Lautrec https://www.toulouselautrec.edu.pe/cursos. 

    Apologies for the long post, and thank you so much for all the advice and help! It is very much appreciated.

    Best wishes,
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 23/11/2024
      @Finlay Ryburn
      Hello Finlay,

      as a UK passport holder you can officially stay in Peru as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period and a max of 183 days in a 365-day period. But please be aware that you are not entitled to get the full 90 days or the full 183 days and it's always at the discretion of the immigration officer you have to face when you (re-)enter how many days he/she is willing to give you. So, no-one can guarantee that you will get x amount of days when you come to Peru or that you are 100% allowed to return and get another 90 days or whatever.

      Additionally, while some immigration officer do their job exactly by the book letting foreigners only stay 90 days in a 180-day period and don't let them re-enter before the 180-day period is over if they already stayed the full 90 days, others are more relaxed and give another 90 days before the 180-day period is over if they haven't already stayed the full 183 days per 365-day period.

      With this being said, how often and how long have you stayed in Peru since 2023. You assume that your 180-day period started on August 2024 (because you entered for the first time in August 2018?). However, if you haven't stayed in Peru for the 6 months prior to your last entry in October 2024, I think your new 180-day period will only start on October 25. So, your calculation might not really fit, but as said before, if you haven't stayed the full 183 days in a 365-day period you have good chances to get another 90 days even when you enter before your first 180-day period is over.

      And usually immigration officers at the airport are stricter. However, as most land borders now are connected to the Migraciones database the result, when they are scanning your passport, is the same. But depending on the officer crossing at land borders is usually more relaxed but can be the opposite, especially if you are trying to re-enter when you already stayed the allowed days, as then it might be suggested that you make a "donation".

      Anyway, the only thing I can recommend is be friendly and come prepared just in case, so, know exactly when you entered and when you left. Keep in mind that you are not entitled to anything and you are at the mercy of the immigration officer. While I think you shouldn't have a problem, whatever happens remain calm and don't try to challenge the authority of the immigration officer.

      And you are right, once you submitted your application for a temporary or resident visa on the Agencia Digital your time as a tourist stops. However, if the visa is denied, you get a notification informing you that you have 15 days to leave the country (sorry, no reset of your stay as a tourist, but you don't have to pay any overstay fine if you leave within the 15 days).

      Additionally, I just checked the link you provided. Seems to me that the institute is recognized by the Peruvian Ministry of Education and some of the courses are more than 3 months; so, you should have a good chance getting at least a temporary student visa if they are willing to issue an enrollment certification.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Finlay Ryburn · 24/11/2024
      @Sunflower Hi Eva,

      Thank you very much for the quick and detailed response.

      Indeed, I was not entirely clear on when the period would begin. When I arrived, the officer looked and saw I had visited for two weeks, departing 12 March 2024 (and I suppose the two weeks from June 2023), so he was only going to give 70 days (at that point, I wasn’t sure when I would first leave Peru so had asked for the maximum), but after a bit of conversation he seemed to decide as I first entered in August 2018 he would count from August, and he then issued the 90 days. It was a surprisingly friendly discussion, and I suspect speaking passable Spanish and saying I was coming to visit my girlfriend and her family helped. That being said, if they counted from when I left on 12 March, you would think 25 October would be in the new 180-day period, so it was a bit confusing - very much completely up to the officer, as you say, so it certainly pays to be friendly, but also not a walkover.

      I’ll try going with the tourist visa and see what happens, will update if I learn anything interesting and give the land border a go on my last entry.

      That’s really helpful to know thank you, fairly generous with 15 days at least. And thank you very much for looking at the courses. I was going to take advantage of having some free time and try to get my Ficha de Canje Internacional in Lima this week (without actually enrolling yet but picking a course in case they ask, which will hopefully satisfy them) as I think from your article this will last 6 months, unlike most other documents?

      Thanks again for all the advice!

      Best wishes,

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 24/11/2024
      @Finlay Ryburn
      Yes, especially when you enter and leave Peru regularly no-one seems to know how the immigration officers interpret the 180-day periods or when they start and end. It is so confusing.

      I wish you all the best.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jim · 05/11/2024

    I visited Peru for two weeks back in April this year.

    I will not have any problems reentering as a USA citizen next Sunday right?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 05/11/2024
      Hello Jim,

      I already replied to your FB message, but anyway, no, you won't have any problems returning on Sunday.

      Have a great trip to Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Marcia · 18/07/2024
    Any information on when there will be the necessary regulations for the Decreto Legislativo 1582 allowing tourists to stay 183 days or why there is a delay?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/07/2024
      Hello Marcia,

      already the old Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1350, allowed tourists to stay 183 days in a 365-day period.

      The new Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1582, published on November 14, 2023, confirms that foreign tourists can stay in Peru for 183 accumulated days in a 365-day period. 

      However, the huge difference is that the new Foreigner Law further states that in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days upon entry, an extension can be granted until the 183 days are reached, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions.

      With this being said, if not otherwise stated in a new law, usually the Peruvian government has 6 months to publish the necessary regulations, in this case called TUPA. But unfortunately until now, no new TUPA. Over the past years a new TUPA always has been published in July (sometimes simple updates during the year), so I really hope that we will see the new TUPA soon. Why the delay? No idea.

      Anyway, as long as we don't have the new TUPA, the new Foreigner Law can't be implemented. For now, immigrations still gives a max of 90 days when foreigners enter the country as a tourist according to a publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;  and until we have the new TUPA in our hands we don't know, if immigrations will start giving 180 days again and/or which foreign nationals can extend or for which nationalities there might be restrictions or when foreigners might be able to extend or how it works. The only foreign nationals, who already now can extend their stay as a tourist, are Bolivians, Ecuadorians and Colombians, which is stated in an updated TUPA from October 2023.

      As many people are waiting, especially because of the possible extension option or the hope of getting directly 180 days upon entry or because they want to apply for the new Digital Nomad Visa I will update the corresponding pages as soon as I hear anything.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Marcia · 18/07/2024
      @Sunflower Thank you, that really clarifies the situation, I hope the new TUPA will allow immigration to give 180 days again and that it will apply to me as a Canadian. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 18/07/2024
      @Marcia Yes, we all hope for that, would make things so much easier. But we have to wait and see what the Peruvian ministry of the interior is coming up with.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Carissa · 14/05/2024

    Thank you so much for everything you do on this blog. It is SO confusing to sort out visa information so the assistance you are providing is invaluable. 

    My long-distance boyfriend is in Peru and I try to visit as much as I can. When I first came to Peru it was on May 10th 2023 and I stayed until May 27th 2023. 

    I then returned September 4th 2023 and left October 28th 2023. 

    I returned again to Lima on January 30th 2024 and left to Guatemala on April 3rd 2024. I then re-entered Lima on April 11th, 2024. 

    I am in Lima now and will be leaving again on June 9th 2024. I don't have a ticket to return again yet but I hope to come back in August. 

    Do you think I will have any issues? I have so far had none as I don't often stay for 90 days but instead do 60 day periods of time before leaving and re-entering. I also have only ever gotten my passport stamped once when I was leaving the country in May 2023 but have not been stamped since.  I am not sure what to expect because technically I have gone over the 180 time period by about 12 days however this period of time also overlaps my original entry date thus just don't know what to anticipate!

    Additionally, for a family visa do you have to be legally married to receive this visa or is there some sort of legal partnership visa if you are living together and can prove a long-term partnership? 

    Thank you AGAIN for all of your support!  
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 14/05/2024
      Hello Carissa,

      during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country. In May 2022, the entry stamp was re-introduced just to be eliminated again at the end of May 2023. While you don't get a stamp in your passport anymore, your entries and exits or registered in the Migraciones database and the immigration officer can check them on their computer when you return to Peru or leave the country.

      As a tourist you can stay a max of 183 days in a 365-day period. As you entered the country and left frequently over the past year and these overlap with your entries and exits, the 180-day and 365-day periods are impossible for me to determine, especially as some immigration officers seem very creative with their calculations. 

      Additionally, no-one can guarantee you that you will have a problem or not and that you will get x amount of days when you re-enter the country. It's always at the discretion of the immigration officer how he/she evaluates you, your situation, your travel history, ... Personally I think in general you shouldn't have  when you return to Peru in August, but it's irrelevant what I think. It's always up to the immigration officer. So, when you return in August you may have no problem at all and get 90 days. However, it's also possible that you won't get the full 90 days, just 60 or 30. And some immigration officers don't like foreigners frequently entering and leaving the country and tell them they must apply for a residence visa.

      You can apply for a family visa if you are married to a Peruvian or foreigner with resident status. You can as well apply if you live with your Peruvian partner and have registered kind of a civil union, called "union de hecho" in Peru, with SUNARP. Before going that route inform yourself about your rights and obligations.


  • This commment is unpublished.
    Paul · 03/05/2024
    Hello I am Colombian. I was in Lima and when covid hit I had to leave because of emergency. Unfortunately I wasn't stamped on my way out. When I returned I was denied entry for illegally leaving the country. Is there a time limit before I can legally go back?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 03/05/2024
      Hello Paul,

      no, there isn't a time limit when you can return.

      Before you can come back to Peru, you must apply for a so-called "Regularización de movimiento migratorio" and have your exit registered in the Migraciones database.

      I'm not sure if the Peruvian consulate in Colombia can help here or if you have to / can do it on your own on the Agencia Digital (should be on the Mesa de Partes). The process including the requirements are explained on the Peruvian government website.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Richard · 05/04/2024
    Hi there,

    I'm Dutch and my long distance novia lives in Peru.

    I have been staying in Peru for 3 months, then leaving for 3 months back to Europe for the past 2 years.

    My last couple of visits were:

    25 march 2023 - 18 jun 2023
    8 oct 2023- 4 jan 2024

    Now after waiting for 3 months, i have yesterday returned to Peru, meaning to stay for 89 days (4 April 2024 - 2 July 2024).

    However at the immigration they said because of me having left in January of this year, I can't stay for that period. I am only allowed to stay for 10 days, and I will be forced to leave the country. The person there spoke very poor english so I'm super confused what I did wrong / miscalculated/ misunderstood the ruling. As i previously understood it, you can stay for 90 days within a 180 day period. I thought calendar years had nothing to do with this.

    Here are my questions:
    1. Have I misunderstood the 90 in 180 day system wrong all this time, and if so, how does this work? does everything reset on January 1st or something?

    2. considering all this info i have been given is correct, if I am forced to leave the 14th of April, When will be the first date I would be allowed to come back and stay for a consecutive 90 days again?

    3. Tomorrow on saturday, I want to try to go to either Dutch Embassy or some immigrations office here in Lima to get an appeal to my case so I can try to stay longer? Where would I have the best chance to successfully do this in Lima? (Dutch Consulate, some immigrations office, etc) Any tips are welcome. My girlfriend and I are absolutely heartbroken and desperate about this. We haven't seen each other in 3 months and now potentially wont see each other again for a very long time. Having to book a new flight home for 4000+ soles doesn't help either.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 05/04/2024
      Hello Richard,

      according to the foreigner law, foreign nationals can stay in Peru as a tourist a maximum of 183 days in a 365-day period. A publication of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs divides / limits this max for most foreign nationals, who can stay in Peru visa-free, to 90 days in a 180-day period (or 2 times 90-days in two 180-day periods).

      And Peru doesn't count in calendar years, but in 180-day or 365-day periods, which start with your first entry.

      In my (!!!) opinion you didn't do anything wrong, didn't miscalculate anything and didn't misunderstood the law.

      As I see it your last 365-days period started on March 25, 2023, you haven't overstayed, haven't stayed more than 183 days. All good. It should have ended on March 25, 2024; So when you entered yesterday you should have started a new 365-day period and should have gotten the full 90 days.

      With this being said. First of all, you do not have a right to get the full 90 days in half a year when you enter or be allowed to stay the max allowed 183 days per rolling year. It's always at the discretion of the immigration officer if he/she lets you enter, how he/she evaluates your case and how long he/she is willing to let you stay.

      If there is no other reason, the only thing I can think off why you haven't gotten the 90 days is that the immigration officer doesn't know the rules, couldn't count or that he/she calculated from your last entry (not the rolling year), which was October 8. So, your 180 day period would end only today, April 5, 2024.

      Anyway, as you couldn't clear this up with the immigration officer or his/her supervisor, you are now stuck with the 10 days. 

      Without an appointment you won't be seen by anyone at Migraciones and even if, there are no extensions anymore (at least for now, we are still waiting for the new foreigner law to be fully implemented, which could allow extension again under certain circumstance). So, Migraciones will be a waste of time. They cant and won't do anything.

      The same applies to your Embassy. What do you expect them to do? They can't help you, it's a Peruvian matter.

      So, now you only have two options:

      Leave Peru before April 14 (probably to Chile or Bolivia) and return a few days later hoping that you will get the full 90 days. Here again, it's completely up to the immigration officer how many days he/she will give you. If you are lucky, you won't have any problem and will get the 90 days. If not, come prepared. Write down the days when you entered and left and calculate the exact days. Plead your case and explain that on March 25, 2024 a new 365 day period (or April 5) should have started and you should be able to get another 90 days. Be friendly, tell them about your Peruvian novia (or best have her with you) and pray that everything works out.

      Another options is to overstay and pay the fine of S/ 5.15 when you leave. Even though you should have enough days left, it never looks good on your immigration record that you overstayed. So, this could result in not getting the full 90 days when you plan to continue your 90 days in / 90 days out.

      If you decide to overstay, I recommend to check out our Peruvian overstay fine article, which explains how to pay but as well possible consequences of overstaying

      Wishing you all the best


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      robin · 09/04/2024
      @Richard Hi Richard,

      can you tell me if you maybe know more because i am following this story also?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 09/04/2024
      Hello Robin,

      What other information are you looking for?

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Caddoan · 23/03/2024
    An update from personal experience: People entering Peru on a Tourist Visa are now allowed 90 per year. The last two times (Nov.2023 and February 2024) I entered the country at LIM, migration showed me a chart that lists US Citizens as those who are limited to 90 days per year, starting with the first date of entry. Personnel on-site could not point to a particular law or statute that changed the allotted time, but this is the policy that is currently being enforced.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 23/03/2024
      Hello Caddoan,

      thanks for sharing your experience.

      Since August 2021, this topic comes up often. According to the foreigner law (Decreto Legislativo 1582) tourists can stay in Peru for 183 days in a 365-day period.

      However, this doesn’t mean you get the complete 183 days when you enter the country.

      A publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE), which is based on agreements Peru has with different countries, limits and in some cases divides the general 183 days per year allowing most foreign nationals to stay in Peru as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period. But even those who could stay longer according to the list still only get 90 days when entering.

      You can find the list on the government website under Convenios de visas para ciudadanos extranjeros.

      If you check out the list, you will see that for most foreign nationals, who can travel to Peru visa-free, you find 90/180, which means they can stay up to 90 days in a 180-day period, for a few 180/365, so up to 180 days in a 365-day period and 90/365 (up to 90 days in a 365-day period).

      Under Estados Unidos de America (and a few other countries) you will only find 90, so 90 days. The list doesn't state if it's in a 180- or 365-day period. This leaves lots of room for interpretation and uncertainties.

      And over the past over two years, I regularly get e-mails or comments like yours - however mostly from US passport holders, who visit Peru regularly - stating that someone or an immigration officer said/showed some document that US Americans can only stay 90 days in a 365-day period.

      I've never seen such a document explicitly stating 90/365 for US Americans nor could I find it on any official site. I even contacted Migraciones and the Peruvian General Consulate in Washington a good year ago and again a few months back but they confirmed that US Americans can stay visa-free as a tourist for 183 days per year and the 90 means 90 days in a 180-day period.

      Additionally I know of quite a number of US Americans, who had no problem staying in Peru 2 times 90 days, so the full 180 days within a year.

      However, as in many countries around the globe it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer how he/she evaluates you /your situation/your travel history and how many days he/she is willing to let you stay as a tourist in Peru. You are not entitled to get the full 90 days or the full 183 days per year. It's completely up to the immigration officer if he/she let's you enter and how long he/she allows you to stay.

      With this being said, I would really love to see the document which immigrations at the airport shows a few US Americans explicitly stating 90/365. So, if anyone has a chance to make a photo of it, please feel free to share it.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Bee · 20/11/2023
    The tourist visa is really confusing. In the beginning of this article, you say that now foreigners can stay for only 90 days put of 180 days.
    But later in the article, you mention the new decree published on Nov 14, 2023, which now allows you to stay for 183 days. 
    So what is true?
    Can i stay 183 days in 365 days or its still only 90 days in 180 days?
    Which one of the following is true ?
    1. 90 days in 180 days.
    So lets assume i enter peru on Dec 1. I can stay for 90 days so until feb end 2024. Then i have to leave peru. But i can return after the initial 180 days are over for another 90 days - so with this example i can return for another 90 days after june 2024.
    2. 183 accumulated days in 365 days.
    So i enter peru on dec 1 and i can stay until may end 2024. If i dont get the full 183 days on arrival then i can get an extension and stay until may end 2024. Then i have to leave for 180 days and return for the next 183 days in dec 2024.

    Which is true? I am confused.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 20/11/2023
      @Bee Hello Bee,

      Yes, it is a bit confusing.

      According to the old foreigner law (Decreto Legislativo 1350), which is mentioned above in the article quite clearly, tourists who can stay in Peru visa-free 183 days in a 365-day period. This was confirmed in the new foreigner law (Decreto Legislativo 1582) a few days ago. So, regarding the general length of stay for tourists per year nothing changed.

      However, this doesn’t mean you get the complete 183 days when you enter the country.

      A publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE), which is based on agreements Peru has with the different countries, limits or better divides the general 183 days per year allowing most foreign nationals to stay in Peru as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

      Since August 2021, no foreign tourist, who can enter Peru visa-free, was given the full 183 days. The rule for everyone seems to be up to 90 days in a 180-day period. So, when you enter, in most cases you get three months after which you must leave the country and have to stay out of Peru at least three months before re-entering.

      However, it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer how many days you are allowed to stay in the country. You are not entitled to get the full 90 days per half year or the full 183 days per year. And depending on the immigration officer and your situation you might (or not) be allowed to re-enter the country before your 180-day period is over, if you haven't stayed the full 183 days per year (not per calendar year but counted from the date you first entered). It's completely up to him or her.

      Additionally, the new Foreigner Law (Decreto Legislativo 1582) seems to allow extensions of tourist visas/stays as a tourist again. But, read the law care fully (see attached screenshot)! It says: in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days when they enter, an extension can be granted until the 183 days are reached, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions. And right now we don't know all the agreements Peru has with all countries and the exact wording.

      So, the only thing we can do at the moment is wait for the Migraciones administrative regulations to be updated according to the new foreigner law and see if this point was made clearer.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Bee · 21/11/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks sunflower. 
      Its still confusing with the extension part. 
      So if i get on entry the full 90 days out of 180 days (lets assume), then can i apply for an extension for another 93 days without leaving the country?
      Its still not clear what this extension means and how it is implemented. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 21/11/2023
      Hello Bee,

      welcome to Peru; things are rarely clear here. Sorry.

      The point is that the modification of the foreigner law was only published a week ago and the authorities have now a certain time (I think it can be anything between one and three months or so) to update the administrative regulations.

      Additionally, I don't know with which countries Peru has agreements regarding stays for tourists and what exactly these agreements state. At least for EU citizens, for example, there is an agreement in place that Peruvians can stay in Schengen States for up to 90 days per half year and Schengen State nationals can stay 90 days per half year in Peru. This could (!) mean, if the agreement wasn't changed recently, that they are excluded from the extension.

      Anyway, I have no idea if similar agreements are in effect for other countries, but assume they are but not sure what they state.

      You might want to check out our Tourist visa extension article where the "history" of tourist visa extension in Peru over the past years is explained in detail. And yes, that is confusing.

      With this being said, right now, no-one can answer if you can extend your stay (exception nationals from member countries of the Andean Community who already now can extend). It will depend on your nationality.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Betty ann · 11/11/2023
    Hello, I’ve been following your site for a very long time! The information you provide is invaluable! God Bless you! I have a question,I’ve been in love with peru for many years, and I usually spend 90 full days in Peru, leave for 90 and come back for 90 and so on, never had any issues. last time I entered peru however was on the 30th of june this year, I stayed for only 40 days, leaving on the 8th of august, I am about to enter again, on the 17th of this month, giving me 50 days left, so, up to the 5th of january of next year… buuuut… my husband pointed out, on the 17th it will be 141 days since my last 180 day period started, so, the question is, if I were to stay, 39 days, instead of 50, leave for one day and come back, could I get the 90 days again? As a new 180 day period will have begun? Thank you so much in advance! God Bless
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 11/11/2023
      @Betty ann
      Hello Betty Ann,

      Thank you so much for your lovely words. You made my day.

      I'm sorry to say, but no-one can answer your question.

      First of all you should be aware that you do not have a right to spend the full 90 days in half a year or the full 183 days in a year. It's always at the discretion of the immigration officer how he/she evaluates your case and how many days he/she is willing to give you.

      In this context, you should as well know that immigration officers usually do not give 39 days or 50 days but in most cases 30, 60 or 90 days.

      Additionally, Migraciones hasn't published how they count the 180-day or 365-day periods in case foreigners visit frequently and there are overlaps.

      With this being said, as you frequently travel to Peru you first might want to check the last 365 days. Assuming at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023 you as well followed your 90 days in, 90 days out routine and you assumingly entered on January 1, 2023, spend 90 days, left and then returned on June 30 (which is exactly the end of your first 180-day period if you entered on January 1), you could spend another 90 days either until December 27 (counted from June 30 plus 180 days) or until the December 31 (counted from the assumed date January 1).

      As you only spend 40 days in this 180-day period, you shouldn't have a problem to re-enter the country on November 17. However, as you are not entitled to spend the full 90 days in half a year you are at the mercy of the immigration officer and things can go in any direction.

      If you are lucky, you will get another 90 days. However, if the immigration officer is doing his/her job by the book you might only get 30 days or perhaps 60. I can't tell you. Over the past year or so there even have been a few cases when the immigration officer told visitors that they are only allowed 90 days in a year (which for most nationalities who can travel to Peru visa-free is wrong) and therefore they already spent all their allowed days in a year and were denied entry.

      So, I know that's not the answer you were hoping for. The only thing you can do is be nice and friendly, hope for the best and come prepared in case the immigration officer gives you trouble. Helpful Decreto Legislativo 1350 article 29.1h (see screenshot attached below) and the list issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which states which nationals can stay for how long as a tourist in Peru (just check your nationality).

      And if you plan to continue coming to Peru frequently, no matter how many days you get when you return next week, do not overstay. This will make re-entering in the future even more uncertain.

      All the best.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 14/11/2023
      @Betty ann
      Hello Betty Ann,

      I might have good news for you that might make it easier for you in the future to come to Peru.

      Today, a new Foreigner Law was published (decreto legislativo 1582, see attached screenshot) allowing extensions again. Migraciones hasn't published the corresponding procedures, but might be worth to check it out.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Betty Ann · 14/11/2023
      @Sunflower Oh my goodness! Thank you for the information! What a wonderful blessing! Thank you Eva
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      • LimaEasy
      · 15/11/2023
      @Betty Ann
      Hello Betty Ann,

      yes, generally these are good news. I forgot to attach the legal text yesterday (now done), so I recommend to read it carefully.

      It states that foreign tourists can stay in Peru for 183 accumulated days in a 365-day period. However, it further describes that in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days, an extension can be granted until the 183 days are reached, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions.

      I don't know for which nationalities there are agreements or conventions that might restrict the extension. That's the reason I recommended to look further into the topic depending on your nationality.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rahul · 08/11/2023
    My name is Rahul. I am currently working in the United States of America and have a H1B Visa and have an Indian Passport (Indian Citizen).
    I am inclined to travel to Peru to do the Machu Picchu hike in July 2024.
    My current H1B Visa stamping is expiring in Aug 2024.
    I have the below questions related to travel to Peru.

    Question 1:
    Should my H1B Visa be valid for 6 months from the date I enter Peru?

    Question 2:
    What are the other alternatives if my H1B Visa expires within a month of my travel to Peru?

    Question 3:
    If I have a valid Canadian Visa (1 need to apply for one) which has a 6 month validity when I travel to Peru from the US, can I make the trip to Peru with a valid Canadian Visa but my H1B expires within 2 months.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/11/2023
      Hello Rahul,

      sorry for getting back to you so late. We had a problem with our comment system, which hopefully is fixed now.

      Honestly, I can't answer your first two questions as the decree allowing Indian passport holders to travel to Peru visa-free only mentions that the Indian passport holder must have permanent (!) residence visa or a visa with a validity of at least (!) 6 months for the USA, Canada, any country belonging to the Schengen area, UK or Australia. It doesn't state if the visa must still be valid for 6 months when the foreigner enters.

      To not experience any unpleasant surprises I highly recommend getting in contact with a Peruvian consulate to clear this before traveling to Peru.

      If you have a valid permanent residence visa or other visa with a validity of at least 6 months form Canada in your passport, you shouldn't have a problem entering Peru visa-free.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Lina · 24/10/2023
    Hey Eva, thanks so much for all the wonderful Info you are providing here.
    I've been reading through your super helpful comments on here and thought maybe you can help me with my issue.

    2 days ago I tried to enter Peru and was rejected entry for exceeding the days I'm allowed in the country, and was sent back to my country of origin.

    I've spent quite a few months in Peru over the last few years and had to pay an overstay fee twice (14 and 60 soles), the last time being on my last visit, wherein I stayed 93 days.

    On that last visit, I entered on the 2nd of May 2023, and left on the 3rd of August 2023. When I tried to enter Peru 2 days ago, the date was the 21st of October 2023.

    This was my first time entering Peru with my new Dutch passport, and before I've used my Israeli passport.

    Here are my old entries for reference:

    I first entered Peru with my Israeli passport on July 17, 2021, and left on January 17th 2022 (184 days, and never paid an overstating fee, nor is there a stamp on my passport which is probably related to Covid).

    My second time entering Peru, was on April 5th, 2022, and I left on June 28th 2022 (84 days). I only have a stamp
    For coming out, but I believe it's just because they didn't stamp during that period.

    My third time was on October 11th 2022, and I left on December 25th 2022 (76 days). I only got 60 days this time, because I booked a ‘fake’ flight for 60 days later, so ended up paying 60 soles fees when I left.

    My fourth (and last) time entering, was on May 2nd 2023 and left on August 3rd, 2023 (93 days, Payd 14 or so soles for overstay).
    This was the first time I had used my new Dutch passport.

    As far as I understand, with my Dutch passport, I'm allowed to be in Peru for 90 days every 180 days, starting from when I first entered (so in this example, starting from May 2nd, assuming they are counting from the first time I entered with this current passport).

    If that is the case, and considering I should stay out of Peru for 90 days after my exit, I should be allowed back in from November 1st (or October 29th if I'm calculating 180 days from May 2nd.)

    Does that sound right to you?
    Do you think that my odds are pretty good to enter then?

    And what do you think about using my Isreali passport which hasn't been used since I left in December?

    I've called the migration agency and the lady didn't really give me a clear answer for when I can come back with my Dutch passport. She mentioned that I might not be able to come back until next year but it seems like she was guessing more than anything, and mentioned that I could call again and maybe the data shown to her would be different. From what I understood from the conversation, it seems that the computer could tell her that I'm not allowed to be back at the moment, but didn't give her the next possible date.

    I need to be back in Peru as soon as possible for personal reasons but I'm also worried about facing the same issue again and being forced back to my country, which will mean more money going to waste.

    I'm currently planning on flying to Bolivia and entering through the land border near La Paz, since I know the migration officer can have an impact on my chance to enter so I figured flying through Lima after being denied there just a few days ago won't be a good idea.

    Another thing that I'm wondering about, is the 2 passports situation; 

    1. Is my first entry date for my Dutch passport definitely the first time I used it to enter or could it be the same as my other passport?
    2. Are they able to see right away that I'm the same person who tried to come in a few days ago if I try again with a different passport?
    3. Could it be a crime to try entering with a second passport after trying with the first one and getting rejected?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read through all of this :) I would appreciate any feedback you might have!
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      • LimaEasy
      · 25/10/2023
      @Lina Hello Lina,

      Thank for your nice works. It’s always great to hear that the information we provide here on LimaEasy is helpful.

      As you seem to have understood the general rules abut being in Peru as a tourist here just a short summary. In general, tourists are allowed to stay in Peru for up to 183 days per year according to the Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1350 article 29, 1 h (see attached picture, might be wise to print it and take it with you when you try to re-enter the next time). A publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs limits or better divides these 183 days for Israelis and the Dutch in 90 days in a 180-day period (see second picture attached).

      Nevertheless, foreigners don’t have the right to get the full 90 days in half a year or the full 183 days per year. It’s always up to the immigration officer you have to face if you are allowed to enter and how many days you get. You are completely at his/her mercy. And, while many are quite relaxed, over the last year or so there seem to be two or three immigration officers at the airport in Lima that are extremely strict, don’t seem to know how to calculate or read their system and regularly deny entry to foreigners (especially to those who have been to Peru a few times before or enter-stay short periods of time-leave-reenter after a bit) telling them they already used all their days, even if they haven’t.

      And it does not surprise me that Migraciones couldn’t help you or give you a clear answer. I can neither, because there isn’t one or correctly, Migraciones hasn’t published any information about how exactly the 180-day periods and 365-day periods are calculated, especially if there are overlaps / foreigners entering before their 180/365-day period is over and how overstaying effects the calculation. And as stated many times before, it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer, so no-one can tell you at what date you can re-enter without having any problems or how many days you will get.

      Another point is your two passports. I don’t know if Migraciones can now link two passports to one a person. For many, many years foreigners with two passports would alternate between their passports when entering Peru and never had a problem, some even did this for years living in Peru. So, if you enter Peru on your Dutch passport, I doubt but honestly don’t know for sure if they can even see your past entries with the Israeli passport.

      So, below my view on things that might help you get another perspective and might give you some arguments, if necessary, when you try to re-enter.

      When you stayed in Peru from July 17, 2021 to January 17, 2022 (184 days), you stayed already the time allowed for a whole year. But there was an amnesty in place due to Covid, so no overstay fine and even the number of days should have been waved.

      April 5th, 2022 to June 28th, 2022 (84 days): you didn’t get an entry stamp, because during Covid stamping of passports was eliminated and just reintroduced in May 2022, so therefore you got an exit stamp. Number of days you stayed are fine.

      October 11th, 2022 to December 25th 2022 (76 days): you only got 60 days and overstayed just a bit over two weeks, which shouldn’t be a problem anymore as in the 365-day period from April 5, 2022 to April 5, 2023 you only stayed 160 days (84+76).

      Overall, assuming that Migraciones doesn’t link you (person with Israeli passport) to your Dutch passport, you should have been able to re-enter the country on your Israeli passport after April 5, 2023. So, if you try to re-enter today with your Israeli passport, I assume you shouldn’t have a problem.

      May 2nd, 2023 to August 3rd, 2023 (93 days): you entered for the first time with your Dutch passport (and even could have entered with your Israeli passport). Overstayed three days, shouldn’t be a big deal.

      I assume (!) on May 2nd a new 365-day period started (either because they can’t link you to your Israeli passport and you entered for the first time or even if, the last 365-day period on your Israeli passport ended April 5, so you should be fine to re-enter again).

      The 180-day period starting May 2, ends on October 29, so add a few days because you overstayed, in my opinion (!) you should be able to enter on your Dutch passport without having any problems at the beginning of November.

      With this being said, I really wonder why the immigration officer refused to let you enter on your Dutch passport on October 21. Yes, your 180-day period wasn’t over, but usually, as you haven’t spent 183 days in the past year on your Dutch passport, they just give you a verbal warning and then anything up to 90 days.

      And even if they can see that you have been to Peru before on another passport and even if they add the stay from your Israeli passport and your Dutch passport, I don’t see that you exceeded your allowed days and shouldn’t have a problem to re-enter at the beginning of November on either passport. And no, it’s not a crime to enter Peru one time with passport 1 and the next time with passport 2. The big question is, if immigration is able to link the two different passports with one person and then, of course, add the days.

      So, I’m really sorry, that I can’t give you the clear answer you were looking for. And you are right crossing at a land border might be a better option (I don’t know if they put your denied entry into the system). Nevertheless, prepare yourself, just in case. Decide on which passport you want to enter Peru and then list your entries, exits and days spent, print out the two pics attached below. And then, if necessary, have a nice chat with the immigration officer. Personally, I wouldn’t mention the other passport. If you are denied entry again (which I don’t believe), remain friendly, ask why, get your list and print outs out, plead your case and let the officer explain why you exceeded your number of days (then you will know for sure, if he/she can see your entries on the other passport). Then hope for the best.

      I wish you good luck.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Lina · 25/10/2023
      @Sunflower Wow. thank you so much for all this info! I honestly wish they had someone in the migration office who is even half as helpful as you. Your answers on here are brilliant. Thanks again!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/10/2023
      You are more than welcome.

      I came to Peru nearly 20 years ago and back then Migraciones was a mess and absolutely horrible to deal with; yes, even worse than today. No information about anything anywhere, no-one there could or wanted to answer questions / explain how things work. One day you were told bring document x and when you returned with it, they would say, but document y is missing. Even an immigration lawyer we hired and a tramitador weren't helpful, took our money and then did nothing/disappeared. It was a nightmare and for nearly 2 years my Peruvian husband and I went through hell and back until I finally had my residence visa.

      Anyway, back then I decided to share my knowledge about how Peruvian bureaucracy and Migraciones work/think, so others don't have to go through the same. I'm not an immigration lawyer or tramitador, but I try to keep as up-to-date as possible and try to explain the sometimes complicated and complex contexts as simply as possible hopefully helping others.

      And one thing you should keep in mind: some Migraciones staff (including at the airport) seem to lack training and don't know their own laws and regulations. And it seems sometimes there are no clear answers. So, it might be wise that you as a foreigner exactly know your rights and obligations and friendly, but firmly use this knowledge if and where necessary.

      I really wish everything works out for you

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rob · 17/08/2023

    I'm trying to figure out what exactly is allowed under a tourist visa and can't see additional information on any website. 

    Can you attend business meetings / conferences? Any sign posting would be helpful. 

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 17/08/2023
      Hello Rob,

      not really sure what you are expecting and what additional information you are looking for. 

      As described above, foreigners can enter Peru as a tourist for touristic, recreational or health purposes. Attending business meetings or conference usually requires a business visa.


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