Peruvian entry requirements and travel restrictions in Covid times 2021

Covid entry requirements and regulations for Peru

Most important regulations for traveling to Peru and living and traveling in Peru

After over two years of strict Covid regulations to enter and move around Peru, finally at the beginning of October 2022 the Corona rules were significantly eased, making traveling to and in Peru not only simpler but also more relaxed again. And yesterday, October 26, 2022, we were all surprised to hear that finally the state of emergency is lifted.

Important Update October 27, 2022 - No more restrictions to travel to and in Peru

Today, October 27, 2022, it was made official with the publication of the Supreme Decree 130-2022-PCM in Peru's official gazette El Peruano that starting November 1, 2022, the State of Emergency in Peru is finally lifted and all (!!!) Covid entry requirements as well as all other regulations, and restrictions that were in place to avoid the spreading of Covid are repealed.

So, no more proof of a vaccination certificate or negative PCR test (even though the public is encouraged to get vaccinated), no more masks anywhere (even though the public is encouraged to wear one) and no more national provisions of any kind.

However, on ministerial level prevention and control measures to stop the spread of Covid remain in place and, if and where necessary, the Peruvian Ministry of Health will publish Ministerial Resolutions stipulating necessary measures.

So, finally, after well over two years, traveling to and in Peru is back to "normal" again.

The Covid situation in Peru until October 31, 2022

When the first Covid cases were confirmed in Peru in mid-March 2020, the government reacted with extreme measures closing all borders within a couple of days, suspending all international and national travel by air, land, sea and river, shutting down the country completely and sending everyone into lockdown, and this for months. In October 2020, these extremely extreme measures were (partly) lifted and traveling to Peru by air and in Peru by air and land was possible again. However, the Peruvian government put one of the strictest Covid regimes in Latin America in place and entering and traveling in Peru was only possible under strict and constantly changing rules which included next to many others, for example, compulsory vaccinations, mandatory masks everywhere and anytime, outlawing unvaccinated Peruvians, residents and foreigners. Only in February 2022, land borders were opened again.

While since mid-2022 the Covid regulations were increasingly handled more relaxed and most businesses didn’t strictly enforce the rules anymore, with an announcement from the Peruvian Minister of Health in September 2022 and an update of the Covid regulations some of the unpleasant and outdated Covid rules (for example, mandatory health declaration to enter Peru, mask mandates, checking of vaccine certificates to enter indoor spaces) were officially eliminated or at least eased.

However, be aware that Peru is still in a state of emergency (for now, at least until the end of October 2022) and the national health emergency was already extended until the end of November 2022. Additionally, it was announced that prevention and control measures to stop the spread of Covid remain in place until February 24, 2023. And usually every four to eight weeks, the Peruvian government updates the Covid regulations either only extending the state of emergency and the national health emergency for another month or changing entry requirements and rules for getting around the country.

Furthermore, depending on case numbers and hospital utilization, different alert levels - ranging from moderate to high to very high and extreme - with corresponding public health measures and movement restrictions - are still in place on the regional level and are re-evaluated every few weeks.

And Peru still requires that foreign visitors present a physical or digital vaccination certificate (depending on the regulations in your home country proving two or three shots against Covid) or present a negative PCR test result to enter Peru.

But be aware that regardless of the official Peruvian requirements to enter the country, to travel in Peru and to use services in Peru, the one or other airline flying you into Peru, some national airlines, a few long-distance bus companies, the one or other tour operator, ...  might still ask to see proof of three doses of a vaccine against Covid to let you use their services. If you are only vaccinated twice, a negative PCR test may be required.

So, to enjoy your stay in Peru and avoid any problems, especially with airlines flying you into Peru, with entering the country and traveling, it is recommended to be vaccinated with three doses. If you are only vaccinated twice and this is ok in your home country, we recommend getting in contact with the service providers you are planning to use (especially international and national airlines or national bus companies) to check if they are fine with your vaccination status, require a third dose or a negative PCR test.


Covid entry requirements for Peru until October 31, 2022

For international passengers on commercial flights and travelers crossing into Peru at a land border, Peru requires the following (October 12, 2022):

  • Peruvians and foreign residents 12 years and older must present a vaccination certificate proving they had 3 doses of a vaccine against Covid (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3).
  • Non-resident foreigners (visitors) must present proof of being vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of their home country (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3). 
  • Those not vaccinated according to the above rules can present a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3). 
  • Children under the age of 12 years just have to be healthy (asymptomatic) - we highly recommend checking if the airline requests any document / test result to prove that the child is healthy (see Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3). 
  • If you show Covid symptoms upon arrival, you can be forced to take a Covid test and will be put into quarantine, no matter your vaccination status.
  • Pre-registration on the immigration app prior to arrival (optional (!!!) and only for travelers flying into Peru)
  • Since October 12, 2022 travelers do not need to fill in the Affidavit of health anymore (Ministerial Resolution 811-2022-MINSA)
  • Even though not specifically mentioned in the current Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM) from September 30, 2022, but announced by the Peruvian Minister of Health on September 22, 2022, the mask mandate on domestic and international flights and indoor spaces with ventilation (which the airport should be) finally is history.

Above requirements may change at any time, so we highly recommend contacting your airline a few days before your flight to Peru.


Covid regulations when traveling in Peru until October 31, 2022

Peru surely is one of the most amazing countries to visit: breathtaking landscapes, diverse and partly untouched nature, ancient cultures with all the impressive monuments they left us, lovely and inviting people and an incomparable gastronomy.

However, Covid hit Peru hard and despite partly extreme strict measures to get the pandemic under control, many people got infected and lots died over the past two and a half years. And despite high vaccination rates, the Peruvian government stuck way too long to certain restrictions and regulations which finally were eased a bit at the beginning of October 2022.

While mostly vaccination certificates aren't checked anymore (not in supermarkets, malls, restaurants, hotels, etc.) making it possible again and enjoyable to travel to Peru even if you are unvaccinated, if you don't want to make a PCR test to enter Peru, to fly domestically and to travel completely unhindered best have at least your first and second dose of a Covid vaccine. And, even though not legally required for tourists just for Peruvian residents and even though the situation relaxed quite a bit over the past months, if you are older than 12 years, the one or other airline, restaurant, tour operator, mall, other private company, etc. might still want to see proof of three shots. 

So, if you are planning to visit Peru, here some general information about the most important regulations and some recommendations:

  • It's obligatory to wear a single KN95 / FFP2 mask or double masks (a community mask (cloth) above a three-layer surgical mask) in indoor spaces without ventilation, in hospitals and health centers, and on busses (Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.1). 
  • Wearing a mask outdoors and in indoor spaces with ventilation is optional (Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.1).
  • In case you suffer from any respiratory symptoms, wearing a single KN95 / FFP2 mask or double masks (a community mask (cloth) above a three-layer surgical mask) is obligatory (Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.1).
  • According to the official regulations, face shields aren't obligatory anymore.
  • On national flights, resident passengers over the age of 12 years must have received 3 shots of a vaccine against Covid (foreigners just visiting aren't mentioned, but some national airlines apply the 3 shot rule to them as well). If you haven't received the 3 doses, a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane has to be presented (see Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.4). Children under the age of 12 years just have to be healthy (asymptomatic). Masks are obligatory.
  • On intercity / interprovincial busses, resident passengers over the age of 12 years must have received 3 shots of a vaccine against Covid (foreigners just visiting aren't mentioned, but some national bus companies apply the 3 shot rule to them as well). If you haven't received the 3 doses, a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the bus has to be presented (see Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.5). Children under the age of 12 years just have to be healthy (asymptomatic). Masks are obligatory.
  • Residents of Peru over the age of 18 years wanting to enter indoor spaces must permanently wear a mask and must prove that they had their first, second and third shot. (see Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.6) Please note: Even though not specifically mentioned in the current regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-IN) if the indoor space is ventilated no masks are required anymore and most of these indoor spaces do not check the vaccination certificate anymore.
  • In most other places, including, for example, archaeological sites, parks, beaches, rivers, lagoons, swimming pools, sport stadiums, etc. everyone over 5 years must present their vaccination certificate proving 2 shots, everyone older than 18 years 3 shots (see Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 5). Please note: Even though not specifically mentioned in the current regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-IN)  most of these places do not check the vaccination certificate anymore.
  • In October 2020, immigration officers at the airport stopped the stamping of passports upon arrival and departure to minimize the risk of spreading Covid-19. While travelers didn't have a physical stamp in their passport, their arrival and departure was and still is digitally recorded (see our glossary under TAM and our article "How many days did I get"). In May 2022, the stamping of passports was resumed and you get a passport stamp again.
  • Follow official regulations and respect restrictions. Fines are costly.
  • Respect safety and security protocols and hygiene measures in places you visit and follow the instructions of tourism professionals, guides, drivers, hotel staff, etc.
  • If you need a PCR or antigen test, many hotels and other accommodation providers in Peru either offer this service at their own implemented facilities or can advise and / or coordinate an appointment with a laboratory or clinic nearby. You can as well make the test at the Jorge Chavez International Airport (be aware that PCR test results usually take between 6 and 12 hours).
  • Make sure you have a good travel insurance that provides medical coverage not only for injury and illness during your travel in Peru but also for the treatment of Covid and a possible repatriation.

Stay safe and healthy!

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Henry · 03/11/2022
    I have read the Degree 130-2022-PCM. It doesn't say anything about the free entry and lifting of all requirements. I plan to travel to Peru at the end of the month. Sure, I'll check with the airline first. What other official sources can I look at to to confirm the free entry?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 03/11/2022
      @Henry Hello Henry,

      Yes, you are right; the Supreme Decree 130-2022-PCM doesn’t explicitly mention each single Covid restriction (for example, the entry requirements, or mask mandates, …) that isn't in effect anymore.

      But read article 1! There it is stipulated that the state of emergency is repealed and as well all there mentioned Supreme Decrees with all extensions and modifications including 108-2022-PCM and 118-2022-PCM which both were the latest regulations mandating, for example, that you have to be vaccinated or need a PCR test, etc.

      So, read additionally the Supreme Decrees 108-2022-PCM and 118-2022-PCM and then you know which regulations aren’t in effect anymore because Supreme Decree 130-2022-PCM repealed the complete Supreme Decree and with this every single restriction stipulated there.

      If you want to have further proof, check out the website of the Peruvian consulate in your home country or google for news around October 26 and 27 about the topic. When I remember correctly El Comercio, Gestion and Andina had articles about it.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Antony · 01/11/2022
    Hi, I'm due to travel from the UK to peru next week and am unvaccinated.  Does this now mean I won't need a pcr for entry?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/11/2022
      @Antony Hello Antony,

      according to Supreme Decree 130-2022-PCM all Covid measures stipulated in all previous Covid regulations are repealed. So, yes, you can enter(!) Peru without vaccination and without a PCR test.

      However, be aware that the airline flying you into Peru might not have gotten the info yet or might have other policies in place. To not experience an unpleasant surprise when checking in, best check your airline's requirements.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Maria · 18/10/2022
    Hi Eva! Just to clarify, I have two vaccines (Pfizer), and that is acceptable and considered fully vaccinated in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) But, I have also contracted COVID earlier this month, and I am currently asymptomatic. I am still testing positive because  it is in my system and it was recommended to me from the Peru Consulate in Toronto to have a letter from the Dr.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/10/2022
      @Maria Hello Maria,

      I really don’t know why the Peruvian consulate recommended a letter from your doctor. In Peru, a letter from a doctor was never and still isn’t accepted (exception: way back, when kids weren’t required to be tested or to be vaccinated, they needed a letter from a doctor stating that they are healthy).

      Anyway, if two doses of a vaccine against Covid are fine in Canada, you can enter Peru just showing your vaccination certificate. No-one will ask for a test. And, if you feel ok with traveling while knowing that your test is positive, you shouldn’t mention your positive test to anyone!

      In case the staff of the Peruvian Ministry of Health, who checks the vaccination certificates / negative PCR tests from travelers entering the country, is aware of your positive test, they could mandate that you take another PCR test at the airport and, if this is positive again, could send you into quarantine until you test negative; no matter if you are vaccinated, if you have symptoms, or if a doctor said you aren’t contagious. Not sure, if you want to take this risk.

      Additionally, you have to fill in a health declaration form. It’s a declaration on oath in which you have to answer, for example, if you had contact with anyone with Covid and if you were in quarantine in the last 14 days. If you are honest, you must answer yes which, depending on the staff who is checking your form when entering Peru, might (or not) raise questions and above-mentioned actions.

      Furthermore, even though you can enter Peru with two doses of a vaccine against Covid, the airline flying you into Peru might have other policies in place. Many request three doses or a negative PCR test. I don’t know, if they let you board when you show them proof of two doses, a positive test result and the letter of your doctor. And, in case you plan to fill in the health declaration honestly, which usually is checked by the airline during check-in, they might as well question you about the yes answers and might not let you check-in to your flight. So, it might be wise to check with the airline if they even let you board.

      And even if you make it to Peru, your problems might not end. While in most places vaccine certificates aren't checked anymore, as far as I know, most national airlines and long-distance bus companies still require proof of 3 doses of a vaccine against Covid or a negative PCR test result.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/10/2022
      @Maria Hello Maria,

      good news. It's now official that you won't need the health declaration anymore to enter Peru. So, one problem has solved itself.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Maria · 17/10/2022
    Hi! I have two doses of Pfizer. I recently tested positive for Covid (October 04, 2022) however I have not had any symptoms, and continue to be asymptomatic. I continue to test positive, and this may be the case for months according to my family doctor.  My doctor has written a letter confirming that I am not contagious, and have no symptoms. Can I travel to Peru with my vaccine certificate, a positive Covid Test and a letter from my Doctor? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 17/10/2022
      @Maria Hello Maria,

      no, you can't travel to Peru with a positive Covid test. And letter from your doctor isn't accepted.

      The requirements to enter Peru are quite clear. You either must be vaccinated according to the vaccination scheme of your home country (I don't know if in your home country you need two or three doses of a covid vaccine to fulfill the vaccination scheme) or present a negative PCR test result.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Grace · 15/10/2022
    Hello, my first two doses of COVID vaccine were Sinovac, and I had one booster which was Moderna. Can I enter Peru with Sinovac? Thank you.  
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 15/10/2022
      @Grace Hello Grace,

      short answer: YES!

      Peru accepts Sinovac vaccinations as any other vaccination against Covid. Being vaccinated three times, you can enter the country with no problems; just have your vaccination certificates and the health declaration on hand.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Niels · 12/10/2022

    To enter indoor spaces you need to show your vaccination certificate, is showing a negative (antigen) test also valid? And how easy is it to get a test done in Peru?

    Because to enter Peru you either have to be vaccinated or show a negative test. But entering public places only vaccination card is mentioned?

    Many thanks!

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/10/2022
      @Niels Hello Niels,

      To enter Peru, you had and still have to either present your vaccination certificate or a negative PCR test result (and the health declaration). To enter indoor spaces, however, you always had to present a vaccination certificate; a negative PCR or antigen test was never accepted.

      But, over the past months, an increasing number of businesses didn’t check for the vaccination certificate anymore and somewhere around mid-September the Peruvian Minister of Health announced that presenting a vaccination certificate when entering indoor spaces isn’t necessary anymore. So, while here and there the vaccination certificate is still checked in most places no-one bothers anymore.

      Unfortunately, the Peruvian government didn’t change the corresponding article from the former Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.6) when publishing the update Supreme Decree 118.2022-PCM. So, even though officially announced, it’s not written down anywhere that you don’t need a vaccination certificate anymore to enter indoor spaces.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Aziz · 12/10/2022

    Is the health affidavit still needed while coming by air to Lima? The latest directive doesn’t mention that anymore as seen on the official link below 

    Any recent experiences?

    Thanks for your regular updates.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/10/2022
      @Aziz Hello Aziz,

      As far as I know you still need the Health Declaration form to enter Peru.

      The publication you linked from PromPeru is based on the current Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-IN) and doesn’t explicitly stipulate the Health Declaration requirement for all travelers coming to Peru by air. By the way, none of the former Supreme Decrees from this and last year did.

      The Supreme Decree 118-2022-IN is just an update of the Supreme Decree 108-2022-IN mainly only changing parts of article 4 and extending the state of emergency but leaving other requirements from former Covid regulations in effect. And the Supreme Decree 108-2022-IN is yet an update of another Surpeme Decree which is an update of another Supreme Decree …. And somewhere in a Supreme Decree from 2020 or in another official publication from whenever you most probably find an article stipulating the Health Declaration requirement which until now - at least to my knowledge - wasn’t lifted.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Noah · 07/10/2022

    I had a medical contravention (myocarditis) after taking the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and as a result have a medical exemption for further doses from my national health service as well as doctors letters and MRIs as proof of contravention. 

    Are there any special exemptions for people in my scenario or will I still have to follow the guidelines as an unvaccinated individual?

    Many thanks,
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/10/2022
      @Noah Hello Noah,

      unfortunately no, there are no exemptions in Peru for cases like yours. Sorry.

      So, for example, to enter Peru you will need a negative PCR test result.

      All the best

  • This commment is unpublished.
    dawn · 03/10/2022
    If I arrive by cruise ship do I need to fill out the health declaration form.  I am having trouble online.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Lynne Boardman · 03/10/2022
    Hi, thank you so much. for all the useful informative information on here, I have found the Covid requirements in Peru to be so confusing for travellers. And I’m still a little confused. 
    My question is this, my partner and I have had 2 AZ jabs and therefore are considered full vaxxed here in UK, we are aware we will also need a negative test to initially enter Peru. 
    But: will we have to get a test done each time we travel domestically inside Peru, whether that’s via airplane and the Macchu Picchu train. (The 

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 03/10/2022
      @Lynne Boardman Hello Lynne,

      Yes, it is confusing. I still don’t understand why the Peruvian government didn’t make the requirements for visiting foreigners as clear as for Peruvians and foreign residents.

      Anyway, if being vaccinated with two doses of a vaccine against Covid is enough in the UK (which I don’t know), then you are vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of your home country, fulfill the corresponding article of Peru’s Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-PCM, article 4.3) and do not additionally need a negative PCR test to enter Peru.

      However, I highly recommend getting in contact with the airline flying you into Peru. They may have other policies in place and, despite the Peruvian regulations, might request either proof of a third dose or a negative PCR test to let you board.

      And as far as I know (this information, however, is two or three weeks old) domestic airlines and, for example, PeruRail (the company operating the train to Machu Picchu) requires a vaccination certificate proving you had three shots. But 10 days ago the Peruvian Minister of Health announced that it’s not necessary anymore that companies check vaccination certificates and just last week the masks mandates were eased starting October 1. So, I’m not sure if domestic airlines and PeruRail still ask for 3 shots after that. Sorry.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dieter · 01/10/2022
    Hi Eva, thank you indeed for the updated information. Do you know, if the 3rd vaccination will be needed for foreign visitors when flying with Latam domestic? Thanks.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/10/2022
      @Dieter Hello Dieter,

      as far as I know (this information, however, is two weeks old) Latam requires a vaccination certificate proving you had three shots even on domestic flights. Not sure if they still ask for it after the easing of restrictions. Sorry.

      Probably best check with them.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Colin Moffat · 30/09/2022
    Hi, I am reading reports that compulsory masking is going to be stopped tomorrow. Oct 1st. Is this true?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 30/09/2022
      @Colin Moffat Hello Colin,

      We just updated our article regarding the easing of mask mandates today in the afternoon when we got the new Supreme Decree. So, you find the new rules above.

      Wearing a mask now is only obligatory in hospitals and health centers, in indoor spaces without proper ventilation, on busses and if you suffer from any respiratory symptoms. Wearing a mask outdoors and in indoor spaces with ventilation is optional.

      And even though not specifically mentioned in the updated Covid regulations, the Peruvian Minister of Health announced a week ago that the mask mandate on domestic and international flights is lifted as well.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Vera Rose · 12/09/2022
    Hi, confused Australian here!!!  I am going to Peru for two weeks entering on the 29th September.  I am double vaccinated with Novavax and that is all that is required in Australia - do I need to get the PCR as I don't have a booster, it is really confusing!!!  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/09/2022
      @Vera Rose Hello Vera,

      Yes, it is confusing. I still don’t understand why the Peruvian government didn’t make the requirements for visiting foreigners as clear as for Peruvians and foreign residents.

      Anyway, if being vaccinated with two doses of a vaccine against Covid is enough in Australia, then you are vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of your home country, fulfill the corresponding article of Peru’s Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 108-2022-PCM, article 4.3) and do not additionally need a negative PCR test to enter Peru.

      However, I highly recommend getting in contact with the airline flying you into Peru. They may have other policies in place and despite the Peruvian regulations might request either proof of a third dose or a negative PCR test to let you board.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Nate · 07/09/2022
    Can any Americans traveling to Peru recently (or anyone else) confirm a single shot of Johnson&Johnson, or "full vaccine scheme" of the J&J single shot, is accepted at land crossings by immigration.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/09/2022
      @Nate Hello Nate,

      Sorry, I can’t.

      Having the one-shot J&J vaccine in Peru always was and still is a hit-and-miss.

      I know that a US American airline requested the J&J vaccine and a booster or a negative PCR test, otherwise they wouldn’t let a US American board the plane. The airline justified their request by saying that in the US, the vaccination scheme consists of either a 2-shot vaccine and a booster or the one-shot J&J and a booster.

      And I honestly don’t know if the staff of the Ministry of Health at the land borders accepts the one shot to enter without a negative PCR test.


  • This commment is unpublished.
    Angie · 04/09/2022
    Hi! I am traveling to Peru (Lima/Cusco) in end of Nov-Dec from the US and aware that PCR test is required 48 prior the entry to Peru for unvaccinated. I have few questions that traveling more of domestically. I want to travel to Machu Picchu and planning to the Inka Rail which require PCR 48 hours prior, so question 1 is would I need the PCR test again on return train ride back to Cusco if I were to stay overnight that may few hours behind of 48 hours?
    Another question is that Is PCR require for domestic travel from Cusco-Lima on the way out to Peru? 

    Would I be able to go to any restaurants if I am not vaccinated? Thank you in advance for the advise! 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 04/09/2022
      @Angie Hello Angie,

      As mentioned above the Peruvian government re-evaluates the Covid situation in the country every four to six weeks and restrictions might be lifted, remain unchanged or might be tightened within a few days of the publication of the update of the regulations. So, it’s impossible to tell you at the beginning of September how the Covid rules will be in November or December. Sorry.

      Anyway, according to the current (!!!) regulations (DS 108-2022-PCM) unvaccinated travelers can still enter Peru with a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane. The same applies to domestic air travel and interprovincial bus travel; presenting a negative PCR test is a must if you are not vaccinated.

      At the moment, most tour operators allow unvaccinated travelers to trek the Inka Trail and you either don’t have to present anything or just a negative PCR test. If you, however, want to take the train to or from Machu Picchu and aren’t vaccinated you again must present a negative PCR test that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before getting on the train; the same applies to enter the ticket office, waiting room, etc.

      And according to the current Covid regulations, Peruvians must be vaccinated to enter anything indoors, for example, restaurants, supermarkets, malls, museums, hotels, etc. While foreigners aren’t mentioned in the regulations for quite some time businesses applied the rule to them as well. However, over the past few months, we could see that enforcing the rules is increasingly handled more relaxed and in a lot of places the vaccination status isn't checked anymore.

      Anyway, as things stand today, traveling to and in Peru being unvaccinated isn’t impossible, but even though the overall situation relaxed probably not as uncomplicated, carefree and fun as before Covid or when being vaccinated. And as the state of emergency was just extended another month and the national health emergency even until the end of February 2023 and as things can change in Peru without prior notice from one day to the other, personally, I wouldn’t travel to Peru and plan to visit all the amazing sights without being vaccinated. But hopefully until November the situation improves further.


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