Permit to sign contracts (PEFC- Permiso especial para firmar contratos) in Peru

Permit to sign contracts (Permiso especial para firmar contratos) in Peru

Tourists need a special authorization to sign legally binding documents

If foreign visitors, who are in Peru as a tourist, or temporary visa holders who haven't applied for a CTM, need to sign a legally binding document (such as a work contract, sworn statement, rental contract, car purchase, marriage license, apartment purchase, etc.) they must apply for a special permit, the so-called “Permiso especial para firmar contratos” or also known as "Permiso especial para suscribir documentos", before signing the document.

So, if you sign a contract or document when being in the country as a tourist and don't have the special permit, officially the contract is null and void, can be contested and, if you have to present it at a Peruvian authority, usually is not accepted 

While for years the Permit to sign contracts had to be applied for in person at any Migraciones office in Peru, in January 2018 the application process was simplified and now the application can be easily done online.

Be aware that you can only apply for the Permit to sign contracts when you are in the country legally, so your tourist (or other temporary) visa / authorization to enter and stay as a tourist in Peru must be valid.


Requirements for the Permit to sign contracts

  • Passport
  • Be in the country on a valid tourist (other temporary) visa/stay as a tourist

Please note: Since October 22, 2023, the procedure is free of charge.


How to apply for the Permit to sign contracts

Open the Migraciones Agencia Virtual and click on Entrar. On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu the document with which you entered Peru (most probably passport), enter your passport number, your birthdate, nationality, the date you entered Peru and the captcha. Click on Verificar.

Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digital. Here you can either use the search field or find in the menu on the left under "Permisos" the subpoint "Para firmar contratos". Click on it.

After reading the first page, click on Siguiente.

Now just fill in required fields:

  • Documento: In the drop down menu choose Pasaporte
  • Numero de documento: Enter your passport number
  • Nacionalidad: In the drop down menu choose your nationality
  • Primero Apellido: Enter your (first) last name
  • Segundo Apellido: If you have a second last name, enter it in this field. If you don't have a second last name leave the field blank.
  • Nombres: Enter your first name(s)
  • Correo electronico: Enter your e-mail address
  • Fecha de nacimiento: Enter your date of birth
  • Ingrese codigo de imagen: Enter the captcha

After entering the requested info click on Siguiente.

On the next page you see under "Condición migratoria" your immigration status and when you entered the country. Under "Información del permiso" you find the date when your permit starts and when it ends. The permit is valid for a maximum of 30 days. Click on "Acepto" and then on "Finalizar".

You now get to the page "Permiso expecial para firmar contratos" indicating that your permit was granted. Usually, the permit is sent to your e-mail address immediately; however, in some cases it can take up to 5 business days.

Under "Imprimir" you as well can download a PDF of your permit to sign contracts or print it.

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    Keanu · 10/02/2025
    Hey, I have a question!

    I entered Peru as a tourist, but when I arrived at immigration in Lima, I told them I planned to apply for a work visa. Instead of keeping me as a tourist, they gave me a business migratory status (NEGOCIOS).

    Now, I’m trying to apply for the “permiso para firmar contratos”, but the system says I don’t have a valid temporary migratory status. It seems to require a tourist visa, even though I’ve been here as a tourist.

    Does anyone know if my business status (NEGOCIOS) allows me to sign contracts automatically? Or do I need to change my migratory status first? Is there another way to sign contracts with this status?

    Any advice would be really helpful. Thanks!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/02/2025
      Hello Keanu,

      the business status allows you to perform short-term business activities of commercial or professional nature, to establish business contacts, to explore business opportunities, to take part in meetings, to make business related financial transactions, etc. but also to sign contracts or agreements.

      So, if you are in the country not as a tourist but as a business traveler, simply spoken the permit to sign contracts is included in the negocios visa. You can sign your work contract or any other contract without any problems.

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    Divine Vasquez · 04/07/2024
    Hi Im filipina and my by is peruvian were planning to get married in peru (civil wedding) but i dont know if my docs needs to be translated by accredited in spanish embassy or is it okay if only certified translator?

    Ps, i need to translate my birthcertificate into spanish and my cenomar of no marriage into spanish language, for my civil wedding in peru 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/07/2024
      @Divine Vasquez
      Hello Divine,

      sorry for getting back to you so late.

      Not sure how you ended up on this article. I highly recommend that you check out our article "Marrying in Peru" https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/legal-stuff/marrying-in-peru, which explains the requirements and process in detail.

      To answer your question: If you want to marry your Peruvian boyfriend in Peru the Spanish embassy surely isn't involved.

      First of all your birth certificate and your certificate of being single need an Apostille, which is issued in the country where the documents originate - so, in your case I assume in the Philippines. 

      Then once you are in Peru the birth certificate and the certificate of being single both with Apostille must be be translated into Spanish by a certified translator in Peru, a so-called traductor publico juramentado. You find lists of these government-approved translators on the Peruvian government website http://www.consulado.pe/paginas/traductores.aspx. 
      Just click under point 3 on the language of your original document and the list of translators for your language appears. Usually, with this being done the municipality or notary where you marry should accept this. In some cases they additionally require a legalization of the translation by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

      Additionally, be aware that documents in Peru have an “expiration date”. So, in general (there are a few exceptions), documents issued abroad are usually only accepted if they were issued not more than 6 months before they are presented.

      Hope this helps.

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    Eli Quiroz · 10/05/2024
    Hello: My husband will go to Lima to apply perimiso para firmar documentos, so we can buy an apartment, since he is going to stay only for 5 days in Lima there is any way to do it sooner than 5 days maybe if he goes to any office of inmigrations another questions is only a tourist visa is needed it, right? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/05/2024
      @Eli Quiroz
      Hello Eli,

      your husband can only apply for the permit if he is in Peru and can only do so on the Agencia Digital as explained above. He cannot apply in person somewhere else, all done online.

      Usually, when he applies for the permit on the Agencia Digital, the permit is granted immediately. He gets the permit displayed on the screen, can download and / or print it within seconds, and it's send to the e-mail address he entered when applying. However, in some very rare cases it can take longer.

      The only things he needs to apply for the permit is his passport number, an e-mail address he has access to and he must be in the country on a valid stay as a tourist. That's it.

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    Jacob · 03/05/2024
    I've been trying to do this and even went to migrations the other day and they were not able to help me. Each time I input my data I get a message saying "no existe información con los datos ingresados". I am on a tourist visa currently. I've tried this on my phone and a computer. Do you have any thoughts on how to resolve this or why I'm getting this message? Thank you. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 03/05/2024
      @Jacob Hello Jacob,

      Migraciones couldn't help you??? I can't believe it.

      Where / when did you get the error message? When you try to enter the Agencia Digital? Or later when you fill in the fields under "permiso para firmar contratos"

      One of the most common reasons, why the error message "no existe información con los datos ingresados" pops up when you try to enter the Agencia Digital, is a problem with the date you last entered Peru.

      Let's assume your flight touched down on May 1 at 11.30 pm. It might be possible that you only went through immigrations at 00.10 am, which then is May 2. So, you are registered to have entered the country on May 2 (not May 1) and the system will only accept May 2.

      If this isn't the case, then any other personal information registered when you entered the country may be wrong, for example a spelling mistake or transposed numbers, or only one first name was entered instead of the two you may have, or the nationality is wrong (for, example, if you are a UK passport holder, you could be registered as being from England, Scotland and something else, can't remember, sorry). All these examples are extremely rare as now the passports are scanned, but still can happen. And sorry, the only one who can help in such cases is Migraciones.

      If you can enter the Agencia Digital, but get the error message when you try to apply for the permiso, then it's clearly a technical problem.

      Then (or even if you can't enter the Agencia with your personal information) you can write an e-mail to asistenciaenlinea @ migraciones.gob.pe indicating your full name, passport number, type of procedure you wanted to do on the Agencia (for example, enter the Agencia or permiso para firmar contratos), screenshot of the error that occurred and a detailed description of what happened. Usually, a day or two later you get a reply.

      Hope, this helps.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jacob · 24/06/2024
      @Sunflower Hi Eva

      Thank you immensely for your help. I ended emailing asistenciaenlinea@migraciones.gob.pe and asking them. 

      They told me that I was inputting my names incorrectly and to input my first and middle name instead as my first name. Once I did this, the process went through immediately. 

      Unfortunately, I ran into the issue that upon trying to buy a car the extra time it took for a bank transfer ended up meaning I was not able to purchase the car before the end of my tourist visa, and I am unable to apply for a new Permiso. Do you know if it’s still possible to go to a border or airport, say in Bolivia, and come back to Peru for a new visa and reapply for the Permiso?

      Thank you all for your excellent help
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 24/06/2024
      Hello Jacob,

      yes, of course, you must enter your full name as in your passport.

      Anyway, if your stay as a tourist is expired, you must leave the country and cannot apply for a new permit.

      Depending on how long you already have been in Peru as a tourist you could leave and return. But be aware, no-one can tell you if you are allowed to re-enter (depends on how long you already stayed over the past year) and how many days you will get when you return. It's completely up to the immigration officer. If you are lucky you might get another 90 days or 60 or 30 or even less.

      And yes, once you are back in Peru on a valid stay as a tourist you can apply for a new permit.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jacob · 25/06/2024
      @Sunflower Thanks Eva. 

      I’ve stayed 90 days this year. I plan to return to Peru for an event in September. Would leaving and coming back right now for a short period of time jeopardize my chances of being able to return to Peru in September? If granted permission to return now I would only stay about a week to complete the purchase of the vehicle. 

      Thank you for the help. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/06/2024
      Hello Jacob,

      Peru doesn't calculate in calendar years but in 365-day periods.

      So, if you, for example, entered the country for the first time on February 10th, 2024, then your first 365-day period starts on that day. It ends on February 9, 2025.

      According to the Foreigner Law (Decreto Legislativo 1582) tourists can stay in Peru for 183 days in a 365-day period. However, this doesn’t mean you get the complete 183 days when you enter the country.

      A publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE), which is based on agreements Peru has with different countries, limits and in some cases divides the general 183 days per year allowing most foreign nationals, who can come to Peru visa-free, to stay in the country as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

      You can find the list on the government website under Convenios de visas para ciudadanos extranjeros.

      That's the official statement.

      As said before, being allowed to enter the country and the number of days your are given, are completely at the discretion of the immigration officer you have to face when you enter Peru. You have no right to stay 90 or 183 days.

      If you stayed your 90 days in Peru, then leave and enter before your 180-day period is over (in our example that would be before August 8, 2024), then the immigration officer might just give you 90 days as you haven't been in Peru the max of 183 per year.
      Or you have to deal with an immigration officer, who does his job by the book, and tells you that as you already stayed the allowed 90 days in a 180-day period he/she only allows you a few days, a week or a month. No-one can tell you.

      And let's assume you return to Peru for a week, then leave and come back in September, then your stays during the running 365-day period are added, the sum deducted from your 183 days allowed per year and depending on the immigration officer you might only get 60 days. Here again, it's completely up to the immigration officer.


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    robin broeder · 09/04/2024
    Hi i get this error ERROR: NO SE PUEDE CONCLUIR CON EL TRÁMITE DEBIDO A QUE NO TIENE UN INGRESO REGULAR AL PAIS. is it because i am not in the country?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 09/04/2024
      @robin broeder
      Hello Robin,

      yes, you must be in Peru to apply for the permit to sign contracts. 

      You cannot apply if you are outside the country or if your stay as a tourist / tourist visa / other temporary visa is expired.

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      robin · 04/05/2024
      @Sunflower Hello Sunflower sorry to interupt you again,

      i got an error ERROR: EL CIUDADANO TIENE UN PERMISO VIGENTE A LA FECHA is it because i have one that is still running?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 04/05/2024
      Hello Robin,

      yes, if you have a still valid permit you can't apply again.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      robin broeder · 04/05/2024
      @Sunflower Hi Eva 
      After the one ends can do it again for like 20 days? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 04/05/2024
      @robin broeder Shouldn't be a problem.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Hernan · 16/03/2024
    Hi Eva, 

    Thanks for the article. It's incredibly informative. 

    I will be traveling to Peru in approximately 30 days to purchase an apartment in Lima and will be submitting a request for the "Permiso Especial para Firmar Contratos" when I arrive. I have a question with regard to the length of time required to receive the permiso. On the migraciones website, and in other resources I've found online, it states a maximum of 5 business day. I spoke with the real estate agent who is assisting me with the purchase and he stated that I should be able to get the permiso on the same day I apply for it. He mentioned that he's helped many foreigners purchase property in Lima and that he's seen these foreigners obtain the permiso either on the same day or next day. Have you seen this ever be the case? 

    Thank you

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/03/2024
      Hello Hernan,

      honestly, I'm always a bit worried when a real estate agent, lawyer or someone helping with administrative procedures, so-called tramitadores, in Peru state or promise that something can be/is done on the same day, latest the next. Yes, it can happen, yes I've seen it, but it's not the norm.

      Especially when Migraciones is involved, no-one can guarantee that something is done on day x or by day y.

      If you apply for the permit to sign contracts the Migraciones regulations state that this procedure should be done within a maximum of 5 business days. But that doesn't mean you get it after a week. If Migraciones is busy it might take 6 or 7 business days; on the other hand if you are lucky you get it in a day or two. Usually, the processing time is around 3 to 4 days.

      Good luck with your apartment purchase.

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    B · 21/01/2024
    Hi Eva,

    I am in the process of applying for a temporary student visa. Do I need the approval to sign in order to complete the two required declaración jurada forms?

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      • LimaEasy
      · 21/01/2024
      Hello B,

      yes, even though rarely done by foreigners, who apply for a visa in Peru, officially you need the permit to sign contracts to sign your sworn statements.

      To avoid any problems during the evaluation and approval process of your temporary student visa application I would get the permit. It's done in no time and free of charge.

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    Pati Silva · 05/11/2023
    I tried paying for the Permiso para firmar contratos on Pagalo.pe (Banco de la Nacion) under code 07562 but the drop down under "concept" only gives me the options:
    Autorizacion de estadia fuera del pais por trescientos sesenta dias
    Autorizacion de estadia fuera del pais por ciento ochenta dias
    Permiso de Tierra
    Permiso de Trabajo extraordinario
    Regularizacion de movimiento migratorio
    (see screenshot attached)

    I can't find "Permiso especial para suscribir documentos"

    Any thoughts?

    PS: I am using a chromebook
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 05/11/2023
      @Pati Silva
      Hello Pati,

      since the end of October, 2023 the application for the Permit to sign contracts is free of charge. While the payment receipt is still on the official requirement list, pagalo.pe already deleted it.

      Anyway, when you apply for the permit an the Agencia Digital, you shouldn't need the payment anymore. I just updated the article this morning. But as it usually takes a few hours until the updated article is displayed everywhere, you might still see the "old" version of it. So, if you refresh the page, you should see the updated article.

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      Pati · 05/11/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks so much for your prompt response. Super helpful and great news 
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    jenny · 11/04/2023
    I've recently received my Carnet de Extranjería as married to a Peruvian, and now I am looking to sign a work contract. Am I legally able to sign this, or do I need permission to sign contracts? 
    I thought that I needed to apply for a Permiso para firmar contratos in the Agencia Digital, but when I fill in the first page, I get the error message "El tramite no se puede concluir debido a que no cuenta con la calidad migratoria temporal válida." I definitely do have valid migration status! I received a renewed CE 4 months ago. Perhaps I just don't need this permission? I'm not clear what is required of me. Thanks for your help!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/04/2023
      Hello Jenny,

      You have a valid residence visa and a carné de extranjería which allows you to sign contracts. You do not need a permission to sign contracts.

      This is only necessary for foreigners who are in Peru as a tourist or on a temporary visa without having a carné temporal migratorio.

      So, you are absolutely fine to sign the contract. Nothing you have to do.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      jenny · 14/04/2023
      @Sunflower Thank you so much for clarifying! I couldn't find that information anywhere, this website always is so helpful. thanks for doing what you do!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 14/04/2023
      Always happy to help.

      Good luck with your new job.

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    Max · 23/03/2023
    Hello, thank you for the article!  I am filling up the form: https://agenciavirtual.migraciones.gob.pe/agencia-virtual/identidad and it has the  field "último movimiento migratorio de entrada". What is it? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 23/03/2023
      Hallo Max,

      it's the date you (last) entered Peru.

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    Frank Eriksen · 10/02/2023
    Hello! I tried now to get that "Permit to sign contracts".. But on the https://agenciavirtual.migraciones.gob.pe/ sites, its stops with "Error: El ciudano tiene un permiso vigente a la fecha" I have tried many times filling the blanks, but its ends with the same result. I don't understand much. Unfortunately my spanish is poor and i need help. Do you know what is the problem here? 

    Best regard
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/02/2023
      @Frank Eriksen
      Hello Frank,

      that's strange. The message says "Error: the citizens has a current permit."

      So, not sure, what's going on and where the problem is. Therefore, a few questions. You are a foreigner? And you applied for a residence visa that is still in process? So, you submitted all your documents, but still don't have the approval and your carné? And you entered the Agencia with your personal details?

      If so, did you apply for a travel permit before? Is this still valid?

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Frank Eriksen · 15/03/2023
      @Sunflower First will i apologize for the long time it took me to answer back (forget) I am still looking for a residence. I have no carne, i entered with my personal details si. I have never applied before. Thanks for your answer! :)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/03/2023
      @Frank Eriksen
      Hello Frank,

      I'm confused. What are you trying to do? Do you need the permit to sign contracts or do you want to apply for a residence visa?

      For the residence visa application you don't need the permit to sign contracts. So what do you need it for? And are you still getting the same error message? If so, did you enter the country as a tourist or perhaps as a business traveler?  To find out you can check your entry stamp. If there is a "NEG" before the number of days you got, then you entered as a business traveler. Or check under this Migraciones link which data about you is registered. If you entered as a business traveler then you already have the permit to sign contacts.

      Other option why it doesn't work: if you are using a translation program, VPN or ad blocker these can cause errors, so switch them off. Clear your cache or use another browser and try again.

      To help you, I really need more clear information what you are trying to accomplish.


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      Frank Eriksen · 23/03/2023
      @Sunflower No need the permit to sign contracts, to search for residence. That's great! I must have misunderstood. Thanks again for the help!

      Best regards
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jose · 07/07/2022

    Im in Peru on a tourist visa with the hopes of working temporarily (2-3 months) in Lima. 

    I read that I need to apply for the permit to sign work contracts. Is that all I would need to do in order work temporarily in Peru or is there a longer process? Would I need to apply for a temporary work visa?

    Appreciate the help, the process can be overwhelming
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/07/2022
      @Jose Hello Jose,

      As I already answered your other comments (see my reply to your comment on our work visa and paying administrative charges article) in detail, here only in short:

      - You are not allowed to work for a Peruvian company and receive any kind a renumeration when you are in Peru as a tourist! To legally work in Peru as a foreigner you need a temporary or resident works visa, a permit to work (only available for students), or another resident visa allowing work.

      - If you want to sign a work contract, first you have to apply for the Permit to sign contracts (see this article for more details).

      - The work contract must be approved by the Peruvian Labor Ministry (see my reply to your comment on the work visa article)

      - Other documents are needed for the temporal work visa application (see my reply to your comment on the work visa article)

      - Preparation of all documents might take a few weeks, the processing time of your visa at least a few weeks up to many months (see my reply to your comment on the work visa article)

      Considering the time necessary to prepare all needed documents, apply for the temporary work visa and then get it approved, and the time you want to work (only two or three months) in Peru, it’s not worth the effort.

      In my personal opinion, you even might have a hard time getting everything together before your tourist visa expires, and this has to be still valid to be able to apply for the temporary work visa.



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