Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital

Subsanacion - Submitting documents

How to upload documents on the Agencia Digital

During the internal evaluation and approval process of any application on the Agencia Digital, Migraciones may discover that you haven’t uploaded all required documents, that an uploaded document isn’t to their liking or they want an additional document. You are then sent a notification informing you about it and asking you to submit the document in question.

The procedure to upload a missing document or a not-accepted document in the correct form (for example, with Apostille or translation) is called Subsanación. There are two different ways to upload documents that Migraciones asked for in a notification: using the Subsanacion option on the Agencia Digital or using the Mesa de Partes. Which one to use depends on the administrative procedure you applied for.

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Submitting documents on the Agencia Digital

Using the Agencia Digital to upload documents Migraciones asked for in a notification is for the most common applications and in most cases the right way.

So, if you applied for a temporary or residence visa in Peru (precisely for a Cambio de calidad migratoria) or a Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (CPP) or if you applied for the extension of your visa, for the renewal of your carné, etc. and Migraciones send you a notification in your Buzon electronico informing you they aren’t happy with a document you uploaded during your application and asking you to submit a required document or to submit a not-accepted document in the correct form (for example, readable PDF, document with Apostille or translation), then you must upload the document in question on the Agencia Digital under the menu point Subsanación. It's an easy and straightforward process, which is explained in detailed below.

Please note: Read the Migraciones notification carefully. You usually must upload the document within 5 (sometimes 10) days. Be aware that notifications sent via the Buzon electronico are considered "officially delivered". If you don't react within the deadline, your application can be dismissed. So, best don't waste any time, if you get a notification, make a PDF (max size 3MB) of the document in question and then follow the steps below.

If you applied for a visa, precisely for a Cambio de calidad migratoria, or the extension of your visa (and only then!) but don’t have the document yet and won’t be able to submit it within the deadline, you still have to react and can apply for an extension of time to hand in the document later. The process is called “Solicitud de ampliación de plazos”, which is explained in our article “Extension of a Migraciones deadline”.

During the internal evaluation and approval process of your visa application (Cambio de calidad migratoria) or of the application for the extension...

How to upload documents on the Agencia Digital

Just open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.

On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu Pasaporte and enter your passport number. Complete the other fields (birth date, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha) and click on Verificar.

Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digital. Here you can either use the search field or find in the menu on the left "Subsanacion". Click on it.

How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
1st page of the Subsanacion process

Here just enter your Numero de tramite (which is the numero de expediente of your application) and the Fecha de tramite (the date of your application). Click on Buscar.

How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
2nd page of the Subsanacion process

On the second page at the top you first see which type of procedure you applied for, the Codigo de tramite (which is the same as the numero de tramite or the numero de expediente) and the Fecha de tramite, your current status and the status you applied for. Nothing to fill in here.

How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital

On the same page below you find a list of documents Migraciones might have asked to upload and an "Otros" option. Just click on the one that applies or, if the document Migraciones asked you to upload isn’t on the list, select “Otros” and upload the document.

Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital
Subsanacion de documentos - How to submit documents on the Migraciones Agencia Digital

Then accept the terms and conditions and click on Subsanar.

3rd page of the Subsanacion process

You now get a confirmation displayed on your screen that you successfully uploaded a document. Download and/or print the page and keep it safe. That’s it.

Just continue to regularly check your Buzon electronico to make sure you don’t miss any Migraciones notification, including the approval of your application.


Submitting documents on the Mesa de Partes

For a few months now uploading documents using the Mesa de Partes is reserved mainly to certain types of applications and to specific cases.

So, if you, for example, applied for a visa from outside Peru, made a so-called Solicitud de visa, or if you applied for a naturalization or nationalization and Migraciones informs you that you must present an additional document or an already uploaded document in another form, then you must upload this document using the Mesa de Partes.

How to upload documents on the Mesa de Partes

Just open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.

On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu Pasaporte and enter your passport number. Complete the other fields (birth date, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha) and click on Verificar.

Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digital. At the top, click on Mesa de Partes.

Subsanacion Mesa de Partes
Subsanacion de documentos - How to upload documents on the Mesa de Partes
1st page of the Subsanacion process

Click on the little circle in front of Persona natural, enter your e-mail address, confirm your e-mail address and enter your cell phone number. Accept the terms and conditions and click on Siguiente.

Subsanacion Mesa de Partes
Subsanacion de documentos - How to upload documents on the Mesa de Partes
2nd page of the Subsanacion process
  • Under Tipo de solicitud select "Subsanacion de Tramites"
  • Under Sub-tipo select the option that applies.
  • Then enter the Numero de expediente of your original application and click on Validar.
  • Under Dependencia select the Migraciones office where you applied
  • The Asunto de solicitud field is a subject line, so write there something fitting
  • N° de folio is 1, if you only must upload one document which Migraciones asked for. If you must upload a second document, enter 2 in the No. de folio field.
  • Then upload the document(s) and click on Registrar.
Subsanacion Mesa de Partes
Subsanacion de documentos - How to upload documents on the Mesa de Partes

You now get a confirmation displayed on your screen that you successfully uploaded a document. Download and/or print the page and keep it safe. That’s it. You made it.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Juan · 09/08/2024
    Hello, I was asked to correct 5 things, 2 of them will take some time, so i will ask for a "ampliación de plazos" but can I send the 3 things I have now in advance? on the Subsanacion  page, or do i need to send it all at once?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 11/08/2024
      Hello Juan,

      yes, upload the three documents that you already have now. Then, if necessary, apply for the "ampliación de plazos" for the other two.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Richard Nebenfuhr · 19/11/2023
    I am trying to apply for permanent residency again and the agency that I am dealing with states that they can not download my information online at this time and are waiting for an appointment online to download the info.  Has anyone else had this problem? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/11/2023
      @Richard Nebenfuhr
      Hello Richard,

      I'm confused and need some clarification.

      You are trying to a apply for a "Cambio de calidad migratoria residente permanente"? So, you already lived in the country for at least three years on a residence visa, for example a work or family visa, and now want to change that to the permanent residence visa?

      If so, not sure where the problem is, you don't need to download any information online. You have to apply for it on the Agencia DIgital and upload your documents.

      And who is "the agency". Are you using a lawyer or tramitador to apply for you? What you are told doesn't make any sense.

      Or are you trying to apply for a resident visa, make a so-called "Cambio de calidad migratoria", for example, familiar residente, trabajador residente, ... But still it's not necessary to download any information online.

      So, what visa are you trying to apply for, which agency is involved and for what reason does this agency needs to download your information?

      Please let me know.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Richard Nebenfuhr · 20/11/2023
      @Sunflower I was married in April, and am a US citizen.  I am applying for Permanent Residency.  I had applied in June but my time expired and now I need to reapply.  I am using an agency called Dream Travel and she stated that at this time she could not upload the files to Agencia Digital.  She states that they are not accepting uploads at this time.  I hope that is more clearer and thanks for the response.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 20/11/2023
      @Richard Nebenfuhr
      Hello Richard,

      I never heard of Dream Travel and when I googled them I only found a tour operator. Anyway, honestly I'm not sure what they are doing.

      First of all, you can't apply for a permanent residency (visa residente permanente) at this point, because you must have lived in Peru on another resident visa for at least three years before you can switch to the permanent resident visa.

      As you are married to a Peruvian I assume you want to apply for a family visa, a "visa familiar de residente" and in your case "casado con peruana". The procedure is called "cambio de calidad migratoria". The whole process is explained in our Family visa article.

      I don't know why the agency tells you that they can't upload your documents. The Agencia Digital has its ups and downs and a few hiccups here and there but uploading the documents is a simple and straightforward process.

      So, I'm thinking that something else isn't correct and just want to clarify: did you or the agency apply in June for you? Or couldn't you apply because your stay as a tourist ran out?

      If you applied in June

      If you or the agency already applied in June, you should have been aware that as soon as your application was submitted and you got the confirmation of your application including the file number your time as a tourist stopped. Even if during the evaluation and approval process your stay as a tourist expires, you are still legal in the country as your application is in process and you don't have to leave the country.

      Additionally, if your application was submitted back in June, it might still be active. Did the agency give you a file number(numero de tramite or numero de expediente)? If so, check on the Migraciones website "Consulta de estado de tramite", if your application is probably still pending or was approved or dismissed.

      So, in case your June application is still pending (or was approved), then you or the agency, of course, can't apply again. You or the agency should check your Buzon electronico immediately to see if Migraciones send any notifications and then go from there (it might be possible to continue with the application or the application first must be canceled before you can re-apply).

      If you didn't apply in June

      However, if you or the agency didn't apply in June, then I recommend entering the Agencia Digital yourself to check what's going on, because the statement of the agency doesn't make any sense. 

      For this just visit our Family visa article and follow the Step-by-step guide to apply for a family visa. Each page is explained in detail, so you won't have any problems trying it out on your own. If you get an error message or are stuck somewhere, let me know, so I can hopefully understand what's going on. On the 2nd page of the family visa application you can upload your documents. Just check if you can do so. If yes, then the agency probably doesn't know what they are doing and you should either continue with the application on your own and finish the application or stop at this point, talk to the agency and find a solution with them.

      All the best.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Richard Nebenfuhr · 22/11/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks for all the info.  My paperwork has been uploaded and it is being processed.  I had submitted my paperwork in June but had not received my FBI Background check back in time and my case was dismissed.  Everything looks OK for now, crossing my fingers....lol.  Again thinks for the info!!!!!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 22/11/2023
      @Richard Nebenfuhr
      Hello Richard,

      that's great news.

      I hope everything works smoothly from now on. I heard that appointments for getting the biometric data taken are hard to get at the moment. So, if the agency didn't get one for you already, try to secure one as soon as possible.  

      All the best.


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