Attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finances, ProInversión is a public entity in charge of executing the national policy for promoting private investment. Its mission is to promote investment via agents in the private sector, in order to boost Peru's competitiveness and sustainable development and thus improve the well-being of the population.
If any of your information, which is printed on your carné or which is registered in the Migraciones database, changes, you must apply for a so-called Actualización de datos, formerly known as "Modificación de datos".
The Abraham Lincoln School is a Peruvian North American school aiming at educating bilingual students, giving them a solid foundation using state of the art technology and current methodologies and preparing them for a constantly changing globalized world.
Throughout the month of February carnival is celebrated in Peru; a time full of fun, festivities, parades, balloon wars, merged native and catholic traditions, food, music and dancing.
The world almost ended long time ago. The seas rose, and the people of the earth were lost forever in the swirling waters - not all the people, fortunately, one man was saved. This is how it happened…
Nearly 95% of Peru's exports are covered by Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) currently in force. This enables Peruvian products to enter, subject to the rules of origin of each trade agreement, under preferential conditions to 53 countries, including Canada, Chile, China, the member countries of the European Union, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Tha...
PeruCamaras, the National Chamber of Commerce, Production, Tourism and Services, is a non-profit association with national and international presence bringing together national chambers of all sectors as well as a wide range of local businesses, other associations, and legal entities.
Foreigners whose carné de extranjería (CE) or CTM or CPP has been stolen, lost or damaged must apply for the issuance of a replacement card. The process is called Duplicado de carné de extranjería (carné temporal migratorio o carné de permiso temporal) and can be done quickly and easily on the Agencia Digital.
You are planning to marry in Peru? First, “Congratulations”! Tying the knot in Peru is a simple and easy process, at least if you have a general understanding about the process and, in case a foreigner is involved, have all the necessary documents on hand.