PeruCamaras, the National Chamber of Commerce, Production, Tourism and Services, is a non-profit association with national and international presence bringing together national chambers of all sectors as well as a wide range of local businesses, other associations, and legal entities.
My objectives include
- contribute to the strengthening of the country's Chambers of Commerce by becoming a platform for the exchange of information, goods, and know-how in a globalized environment, thus promoting the process of productive decentralization
- promote the development of small and micro enterprises in the interior of the country, to stimulate the dynamics of the regional economy and consolidate the decentralization process.
- inform the National Government about the problems and proposals of the different economic sectors, regions and institutions
- conduct and present technical studies addressing the problems of companies at national level boosting competitiveness and facilitating export opportunities
- promote and implement business development and training projects, benefitting the different production sectors in each regional chamber
- represent the interests of its associates, facilitate business contact, and provide services and assistance