
Term Definition

Migraciones, the Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones (National Migration Superintendence), is the authority in Peru in charge of the immigration control of Peruvian nationals and foreigners.

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What does Migraciones do

Attached to the Ministry of the Interior, Migraciones issues travel documents (passports) to Peruvian nationals and oversees the migration movements of nationals and foreigners in order to ensure the country's internal security.

Being the immigration authority of Peru, Migraciones is especially important for foreigners who live and travel in Peru. Among many other immigration related topics, Migraciones is responsible for issuing temporary and resident visas as well as special permits and approve the extension of visas and naturalizations.


Migraciones offices in Peru

The main office of Migraciones is in Lima’s district Breña. Since January 2023, in Lima many applications related to foreigners are as well handled by the so-called MAC centers (Centros de Mejor Atención al Ciudadano).

Outside the Peruvian capital in the Peruvian provinces there are an additional 15 Migraciones offices, so-called jefaturas zonales, which handle all (im)migration related processes for both, Peruvians and foreigners.

Migraciones offices in Lima

  • Lima Migraciones head office
    Av. España 734, Breña, Lima
    Dedicated to the issuance of passports and other Migraciones services for Peruvians and starting March 22, 2024 handling all Migraciones processes (taking of biometrical data, issuance of carnés and other immigration services) for foreigners.
  • Lima Migraciones office "Carabaya"
    Jirón Carabaya 494, City center, Lima
    From the beginning of 2023 to March 2024 dedicated to handling all Migraciones processes for foreigners. Closed permanentely starting March 22, 2024.
  • Other Migraciones offices in Lima
    All other Migraciones offices in Lima, including the one at the Jorge Chavez International Airport, the decentralized office in La Molina (Av. Ricardo Elías Aparicio 740, Urb. Las Lagunas de La Molina), the decentralized office at Jockey Plaza in Surco, the MAC Lima Norte, MAC Callao, MAC Lima Este and MAC Ventanilla, mainly offer services for Peruvians but since 2024 as well certain procedures for foreigners.

Migraciones offices in the provinces

  • Arequipa Migraciones office
    Urb. Quinta Tristan 2do. Parque, Distrito José Bustamante y Rivero, Arequipa
  • Chiclayo Migraciones office
    Calle Los Tumbos No. 160, Urbanización Santa Victoria, Chiclayo, Lambayeque
  • Chimbote Migraciones office
    Prolongación Leoncio Prado, Mz C, Lt. 2, Chimbote, Ancash
  • Cusco Migraciones office
    Av. El Sol 610, Local de Prefectura, Cusco
  • Huancayo Migraciones office
    Av. Giráldez 634, Camara de Comercio, Huancayo, Junín
  • Ilo Migraciones office
    Urb. Enapu-Peru Mz. B, Ilo, Moquegua
  • Iquitos Migraciones office
    Av. Andrés Avelino Cáceres block18, Morona Cocha, Iquitos
  • Piura Migraciones office
    At the corner of Av. Sullana with Av. Integración, Piura
  • Pucallpa Migraciones office
    Jr. Libertad 542, Pucallpa, Ucayali
  • Puerto Maldonado Migraciones office
    Av. 15 de August 658, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios
  • Puno Migraciones office
    Jr. Ayacucho 270-280, Puno
  • Tacna Migraciones office
    Av. Circunvalación, Urbanización El Triángulo, Circunvalacion Oeste, Tacna
  • Tarapoto Migraciones office
    Jr. Ramirez Hurtado 433, Tarapoto, San Martín
  • Trujillo Migraciones office
    Av. Victor Larco Herrera 1216, Urbanización Los Pinos (Pasaje Las Torcazas 1209), Trujillo, La Libertad
  • Tumbes Migraciones office
    Av. Tumbes (Carretera Panamericana Norte km 1275.5), across from the stadium, Tumbes

How to contact Migraciones

Getting in contact with Migraciones, reaching someone there or receiving an answer is sometimes difficult and time consuming. If you want or need to get in contact with Migraciones you have different options.

Call Migraciones

Unfortunately, the Migraciones call center under 01 200 1000, where you got answers to all your questions and doubts regarding general Migraciones stuff and current applications, was discontinued.

Instead, since March 2023, you can dail the AloMac central number 1800 for information about visa applications, visa extensions and other Migraciones related processes.

For many months AloMac wasn't connected to the Migraciones system and the staff seemed overwhelmed with foreigner-related issues. So getting correct and useful information was difficult. However, as since April 2024, the MAC centers are increasingly handling foreigner-related processes now and the staff seems to be better trained, today in most cases calling AloMac is successful.

 Start a video call with Migraciones

Please note: since April 2024, the video call option was removed from the Agencia Digital. Today,  your only option to call Migraciones is the AloMac number 1800.

As we still hope that the video call will be re-introduced, for now we leave the explanation how it works below.

If you have a question or doubts regarding a current application or are in need of some general information the best and often most successful way to speak to someone knowledgeable and super helpful at Migraciones is the video call. However, be aware that waiting times to be connected can be long, the system sometimes "hangs" and you might be disconnected without any reasons and have to start again.

But, if you are lucky you might be connected within 10 or 20 minutes and then have anything clarified in a few minutes. Best start a video call early, shortly after they open around 08.15 am to 08.30 am or later in the evening (they are available until 10.00 pm), then your chances to be connected quickly are high.

So, just enter the Agencia Digital and click on entrar. On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu passport and enter your passport number. Complete the other fields (birth date, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha) and click on Verificar. Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digtal. Depending on your device, you usually find the video call icon on the bottom right corner.

migraciones video call
Migraciones video call icon

Just click on it and you get a ticket with a number and the approximate waiting time. Once you have your ticket, you usually hear a ringing tone, which indicates that you are still in the queue to be connected. As the displayed waiting time is rarely accurate, expect a longer or even much longer time until it's your turn.

In case your computer goes into the sleeping mode while waiting, don't panic. Just wake it up, refresh the Agencia Digital page, click on the video call icon and request a new ticket. It should be the same number you had before and you should hear the ringing tone. However, if you leave the Agencia Digital page or turn off your computer your spot is gone and you have to start from scratch.

Anyway, as soon as it's your turn, accept the video call within less than 30 seconds or so otherwise you are disconneted. Once you accepted the video call a new window opens and you are connected. It might take a few minutes until you hear and see someone. Do not close the window, otherwise all the waiting was for nothing. Just wait until the Migraciones staff starts talking. And don't worry, if your screen remains black and you can't see anyone; most probably - as increasingly the case - the camera on their side isn't turned on.

Even though waiting times are long, sometimes even extremly long, using the video call is surely the best option to get in contact with Migraciones. The staff is usually friendly, patient and tries their best to help knowledgeably and quickly.

Write an e-mail to Migraciones

Unfortunately, Migraciones discontinued their general e-mail support (informes @ migraciones.gob.pe) at the beginning of 2023.

Since the beginning of 2024, the MAC centers have a support e-mail address, infomac @ pcm.gob.pe. So, you could try to get answers there.

If you have some sort of technical problem with the Agencia Digital you can write an e-mail to asistenciaenlinea @ migraciones.gob.pe indicating your full name, passport number, if applicable, carné number, type of procedure you wanted to do on the Agencia, screenshot of the error that occurred and a detailed description of what happened. Usually, a day or two later you get a reply.

And if you have a problem to access your TAM virtual (for example, to find out how many days you are allowed to stay in the country as a tourist or to prove when you entered Peru) write an e-mail to consultastamvirtual @ migraciones.gob.pe. Usually, you get a reply within a couple of days.

Make an appointment with Migraciones

If you wish or need to speak to someone at Migraciones in person at most Migraciones office and some MAC centers you need an appointment. At least in Lima it's usually impossible to pass the security guard and are allowed to enter the building without one. At some MAC centers and at Migraciones offices in the provinces you might have more luck in urgent cases.

To make an appointment just enter the Agencia Digital and click on entrar. On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu passport and enter your passport number. Complete the other fields (birth date, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha) and click on Verificar. Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digtal. In the left menu click on Citas en linea and select Informes. On the next page, the reason for the appointment "Informes" should be pre-selected, so you just have to enter the Migraciones office where you wish to have your appointment, your e-mail address and phone number. Click on Siguiente and select an available date and time slot. Click on Siguiente and print the confirmation of your appointment which you have to present at the entrance of the Migraciones office together with your passport on the day of your appointment.

Be aware that especially in Lima it's nothing unusual that all displayed appointments are booked. So, your only option is to try again and again and again later until you hopefully find an available appointment. In urgent cases it might be better to try to get in contact with Migraciones by phone.

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