Peruvian Family Visa

Peruvian Family Visa

A Guide to Peruvian Visas

Part 6

Some family members of Peruvian nationals and foreigners with a resident status in Peru have the right to a family union and can apply for a family visa, the so-called "visa familiar residente". Depending on your relation, there are several sub-visa types.

Content overview


Family visa types in Peru

Depending on your relation to the Peruvian or foreigner with resident status, there are several family visa sub-types. Relatives who can apply for a family visa are:

  • Spouses of Peruvian nationals (para el caso de casado/a peruana/o)
  • Spouses of foreigners with resident status (para el caso de casado/a con extranjera/o residente en el país)
  • Underaged children of Peruvians or foreigners with resident status (para el caso de hijos menores de edad de peruano/a o extranjero/a residente)
  • Unmarried children (18 years to 28 years and dependent on their parents) of Peruvians or foreigners with resident status (para el caso de hijo/a mayor de edad)
  • Adult children with disabilities (para el caso de hijos mayores de 18 años con discapacidad)
  • Parents of Peruvians or foreigners with a resident status that don’t have a Peruvian nationality (para el caso de padres de peruano/a o extranjero/a residente) (*)

(*) Children born on Peruvian territory to not only Peruvian but as well foreign parents are considered Peruvians. They have the right to a Peruvian birth certificate, Peruvian DNI and a Peruvian passport. While for years foreign parents couldn't get a resident family visa through their underaged Peruvian-born child, this has changed with the introduction of the 2017 foreigner law and a different interpretation of the corresponding passage. Before the parents can apply for a resident family visa, the birth of the child has to be registered at Reniec and a Peruvian birth certificate and Peruvian DNI has to be issued. Be aware that unfortunately Migraciones seems to be a bit uncooperative since August 2021, and often gives foreign parents trouble when trying to apply for the family visa based on being a parents of an underaged Peruvian.


Legal background for a family visa application in Peru

Where to apply for a family visa

Officially, you can apply for a family visa if you are still outside Peru or if you are already in the country, for example, as a tourist.

However, while for decades Peruvian consulates abroad handled residence visa applications from giving information and handing out the right forms to fill in, to accepting the application and, if approved, issuing the residence visa, since August 2021, the Peruvian diplomatic missions abroad only handle tourist and business visa applications and refer foreigners, who want to apply for another temporary or residence visa, to Migraciones in Peru.

So, family members of a Peruvian national or foreigner with resident status in Peru, who can enter the country visa-free (so, who don’t have to apply for a “real” tourist visa at a Peruvian consulate), should come to Peru as a tourist and then change their immigration status - make a so called Cambio de calidad migratoria (as opposed to a Solicitud de calidad migratoria if you apply from outside Peru) - at Migraciones (on the Agencia Digital, the Migraciones online platform).

Those family members who cannot enter Peru visa-free (so, who must apply for a “real” tourist visa at a Peruvian consulate), officially must apply for residency from outside Peru; a complicated, lengthy, and sometimes frustrating process. We explain in detail how it’s done in our article “Peruvian residence visa application from abroad”.

Foreign nationals, who want to apply for a residence visa in Peru (for example because they are married to a Peruvian, found work in Peru, want to ...

Important laws and regulations

For foreigners planning to stay longer in Peru and to apply for a temporary or resident visa, the most important laws and regulations are the Decreto Legislativo 1350, the "old" Foreigner Law and the Decreto Legislativo 1582, the modification of the Foreigner Law, which both only stipulate general rules, as well as the Decreto Supremo 002-2021-IN from 2021 and the TUPA, which is updated yearly (last time August 2024). Helpful as well is to check out the Peruvian government website. All these documents are, of course, in Spanish.

While below under Requirements for a family visa application in Peru you find the necessary documents described in English, the official list of requirements (in Spanish) can be found, for example, in the Decreto Supremo 002-2021-IN on page 44, in article 89-B “Procedimiento administrativo de cambio de calidad migratoria por la de familiar residente” on page 44.

As the TUPA is always the more current official document, which contains slight changes compared to the Decreto Supremo, we recommend to use it when looking for the most current official information about the requirements in Spanish. You find the information for adult applicants on page 149, and for minor applicants on page 77.


Requirements for a family visa application in Peru

As the family visa has quite a number of sub-visa types, find below the general requirements to apply for a family visa, accurately to make the so-called "Cambio de calidad migratoria" (change of immigration status) in Peru.

Be aware that Migraciones has the right to request other and/or additional documents at any time.

Required documents to apply for a family visa include:

  • Passport
  • Clean criminal record check (Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales) from your home country or from the country where you legally lived (so with a resident visa) during the 5 years prior to coming to Peru (exception minors) (1) + (2) + (5)
  • Official document that proves the family tie (please note: same-sex marriages/civil unions are not possible and not recognized in Peru)
    • if the applicant is married to a Peruvian or foreigner with resident status: marriage certificate (3) 
    • if the applicant is the child or parent of a Peruvian (but not Peruvian himself) or of a foreigner with resident status: birth certificate (4)
    • if the applicant is in a legal Peruvian relationship, a so-called "Union de hecho" with a Peruvian or foreigner with resident status: Sworn statement indicating the SUNARP registration
  • Up-to-date DNI of the Peruvian family member with correct family address, correct marital status and no pending election fees or up-to-date carné de extranjería of the foreigner with resident status
  • Interpol clearance - Ficha de canje internacional not older than 6 months (see below)
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07568; concept Cambio de calidad migratoria por la de familiar residente, S/ 161.40)
  • "Recibo", so a water or electricity bill showing your address (doesn't have to be in your name)
  • For unmarried adult children (up to 28 years) additionally: official certificate of being single (5) or sworn statement in which the applicant declares being unmarried in front of a Peruvian notary and enrollment certificate of a Peruvian educational institution
  • For children with disabilities additionally: official certificate of being single (5) or sworn statement in which the applicant declares being unmarried in front of a Peruvian notary document proving a condition of permanent disability and the need for parent’s care (5)

Explanatory notes for the requirements:

First of all, be aware that documents have an "expiration" date in Peru. If not stated otherwise:

  • Documents issued in Peru are usually only accepted when they were issued a maximum of 3 months prior to being submitted.
  • Documents issued outside Peru are usually only accepted when they were issued not more than 6 months prior to being submitted.

(1) As we get many question about the “Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales” we dedicated a separate article to the topic where we explain in detail what kind of document you need, where you get it and what to watch out for when applying for it.

One of the requirements to apply for a resident visa in Peru or to change your visa type, for example from a work visa to a permanent resident visa...

(2) That's the official requirement. However, Migraciones always requests the criminal record check from your home country. And, if they are made aware of the fact that you lived in another country during the 5 years prior to coming to Peru, sometimes additionally a check from this country.

(3) marriage certificate

  • If you were married in Peru at a municipality incorporated into the Reniec system: recent certified copy of your marriage certificate issued by Reniec (not older than 90 days)
  • If you were married in Peru at a municpality not incorporated into the Reniec system: Some municipalities in Peru are still not incorporated into the Reniec system and, for example, marriages are registered only on municipal level. So, if you married in such a municipality you must request a certified (!) copy of the marriage certificate from the (provincial) municipality. Inform them that you need the copy for a residence visa application, so the right stamp is put on the certificate. Once you have the document, pay the Reniec fee of S/ 31 under code 02143 “Certificaciones” with concepto “Certificacion de firma” either on pagalo.pe or at any Banco de la Nacion branch. Make copies of the marriage certificate, the payment receipt and DNI, carné or passport. If you apply for your residence visa in Lima, you then must proceed to the Reniec office in Miraflores (Av. Diez Conseco 230) or to the Reniec office in Jesus Maria (Jr. Talara 130) to make the so-called 'Solicitud de Authenticacion de Firmas'. At Reniec you are handed a form which you must fill in and then just wait your turn in the “Certificaciones” line, hand in your documents (Certified copy of your marriage certificate, payment receipt, ID and copies and filled in form) and usually within a week or two you can pick up your marriage certificate with another stamp on it. Only now Migraciones will accept your marriage certificate and when you apply the marriage certificate can't be older than 90 days.
  • If you were married abroad to a Peruvian: certified copy of your marriage certificate issued by the Peruvian consulate (not older than 180 days). Once in Peru the marriage certificate must be legalized by the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (RREE) in Lima or their offices in the provinces . Already in Peru without a recent copy? At the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (RREE) in Lima, you can get certified copies of birth, marriage, and death certificates registered at a Peruvian consulate abroad.
  • If you were married to a foreigner abroad: marriage certificate with Apostille or, if the country in which the document was issued didn't sign the Apostille Convention, legalized by a Peruvian consulate (not older than 6 months). Once in Peru, the document has to be translated into Spanish and in some cases legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(4) birth certificate

  • If the applicant is the child of a foreigner with resident status: birth certificate of the child showing he/she is the son/daughter of the foreigner with resident status with Apostille or, if the country in which the document was issued didn't sign the Apostille Convention, legalized by a Peruvian consulate (not older than 6 months). Once in Peru, the document has to be translated into Spanish and in some cases legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • If you are the parent of a Peruvian and the birth was registered at a municipality incorporated into the Reniec system: recent certified copy of the birth certificate showing you as the parent issued by Reniec (not older than 90 days):
  • If you are the parent of a Peruvian and the birth was registered at a municipality not incorporated into the Reniec system: some municipalities in Peru are still not incorporated into the Reniec system and, for example, birth are registered only on municipal level. So, if  the Peruvian part of the family was born in such a municipality you must request a certified (!) copy of the birth certificate showing you as the parent from the (provincial) municipality. Inform them that you need the copy for a residence visa application, so the right stamp is put on the certificate. Once you have the document, pay the Reniec fee of S/ 31 under code 02143 “Certificaciones” with concepto “Certificacion de firma” either on pagalo.pe or at any Banco de la Nacion branch. Make copies of the birth certificate, the payment receipt and DNI, carné or passport. If you apply for your residence visa in Lima, you then must proceed to the Reniec office in Miraflores (Av. Diez Conseco 230) or to the Reniec office in Jesus Maria (Jr. Talara 130) to make the so-called 'Solicitud de Authenticacion de Firmas'. At Reniec you are handed a form which you must fill in and then just wait your turn in the “Certificaciones” line, hand in your documents (Certified copy of the birth certificate, payment receipt, ID and copies and filled in form) and usually within a week or two you can pick up the birth certificate with another stamp on it. Only now Migraciones will accept your marriage certificate and when you apply the birth certificate can't be older than 90 days.
  • If you are the parent of a foreigner with resident status in Peru: birth certificate of the foreigner with resident status in Peru showing you as the parent with Apostille or, if the country in which the document was issued didn't sign the Apostille Convention legalized by a Peruvian consulate (not older than 6 months). Once in Peru, the document has to be translated into Spanish and in some cases legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(5) Any document required which was issued abroad

  • All foreign documents (even so-called “international” certificates) need an Apostille or, if the country in which they were issued, didn't sign the Apostille Convention, have to be legalized by a Peruvian consulate abroad and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Peru. Once in Peru, the document has to be translated into Spanish and in some cases legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Applying for a family visa is a simple and straightforward process, but might be a little confusing here and there if you are not familiar with the process and the steps involved. Please see our walk-through below, which should enable you to start and finish this little endeavor on your own, as general guidance only as requirements and processes change quickly. At least basic Spanish skills are required to fill in forms and understand instructions.


Last steps before your family visa application in Peru

Hopefully, you brought all required documents from abroad, such as the criminal record check and - if applicable - your marriage or birth certificate, and so forth, already apostilled or legalized - see requirements and (3) / (4) / (5) above.

Translation of foreign documents

Once in Peru, all documents issued abroad that are in a foreign language must be translated into Spanish. Even though officially no longer required and a simple translation should be enough (see Decreto Legislativo 1272 about simplified administration procedures) we highly recommend to use a certified translator in Peru, a so-called traductor publico juramentado. You find lists of these government-approved translators on the Peruvian government website.  Just click under point 3 on the language of your original document and the list of translators for your language appears. You can as well use any other translator in Peru who can officially translate your document.

If your documents have an Apostille and were translated by one of the certified translators on the list according to the above mentioned Decreto Legislativo Migraciones should accept them without problems. However, most translators are still recommending an additional legalization of the translation by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE), as sometimes Migraciones doesn't apply the simplified administration procedures, rejects documents without the additional RREE legalization and explicitly asks the applicant to upload the apostilled and translated foreign documents this time with another legalization from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) in Lima or a RREE branch in the provinces.

So, if you want to skip the additional legalization by RREE, we highly recommend to keep an eye on your Migraciones electronic mailbox for notifications from Migraciones (see below).

If your documents aren't apostilled but legalized they must be legalized again after the translation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) in Lima or a RREE branch in the provinces.


And before you can even start the family visa application process, you first have to get the so-called “Ficha de Canje Internacional” from Interpol in Peru. Find a detailed description of how it’s done in our article “Interpol - Ficha de Canje Internacional”.

All foreigners must present the "Ficha de Canje Internacional" to Migraciones when changing their immigration status, for example, from a temporary...

Paying the application fee

Once you have the Ficha and all documents together, pay the fee of S/ 161.40 for the Migraciones administrative procedure “Cambio de Calidad Migratoria” under code 07568 with concepto "Familar de residente". As you already paid the Interpol fee, you know how the systems works, otherwise check again in our article "Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru".

All administration charges, processing fees and fines government agencies, public authorities and entities levy in Peru have to be paid at the Banc...

Last preparations

And last but not least, make PDFs from your passport (page with your personal data), and from all other required documents (max size per document 3MB).

Finally, the time has come to apply for your family visa. Be aware that in case you need to leave the country during the processing time of your family visa application you have to apply for a special travel permit (Permiso especial de viaje, officially as well called Autorización de estadía fuera del país) before you leave the country, otherwise your application is null and void.

Foreigners in Peru, who applied for a visa (to be precise who applied for a change of their immigration status (cambio de calidad migratoria) or a ...


Step-by-step guide to apply for a family visa in Peru

One remark before we start: The Agencia Digital, the online platform, where you have to submit your application, is in Spanish only. We highly recommend not to use a translation program which automatically translates the page from Spanish to your preferred language to avoid system errors. And to avoid further system errors, we highly recommend not to use a VPN and to switch off any ad blockers or an incognito mode you might use.

And even though we try to keep this guide as up-to-date as possible, due to constant changes to the Agencia Digital not everything might be exactly as described below. So, please see this guide as general guidance only. If you find mistakes or some changes to the process described below, you are more than welcome to share your experience below as a comment (visible to everyone after approval) or to use the e-mail button on the bottom of the page to send a private e-mail.

Migraciones Agencia Digital

Once you have done all the preparation work, open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.

On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then fill in the following fields:

  • Tipo de documento: choose in the drop-down menu the document with which you entered Peru (most probably passport)
  • Numero de documento: enter your passport number
  • Fecha de nacimiento: enter your birthdate (click on the little calendar; to choose the year: click on the down arrow next to the date, then, if necessary, click on the less-than-sign and choose the year; afterwards select the month and the day).
  • Nacionalidad: select your nationality in the drop-down menu (be aware that the nationalities are in Spanish; so, you won't find United Stated or US and must select EE.UU; or you won't find UK and must choose Gran Bretaña (or Inglaterra or Escocia); or no Netherlands but Paises Bajos, no Germany but Alemania, etc.)
  • Ultimo movimiento migratorio de entrada: click on the calendar and choose the date you entered Peru
  • Codigo Captcha: just enter the captcha.

Click on Verificar. You are now on the main page of the Agencia Digital.

No matter which forms you fill out in Peru, always enter your personal data exactly (!!!) as in your passport!

Register your personal data in the Migraciones database

Before you start your visa application, you first should register your personal data in the Migraciones database.

In the menu on the left find the point “Actualizacion de Datos”. It’s usually quite at the bottom. Click on it and you should be re-directed to the Sistema de Actualizacion de Datos page.

Please note: Some of our readers commented that if they click on the “Actualizacion de Datos” menu point an error message pops up and they can’t get to the correct page to fill in their data. It seems that Migraciones once again is in the process of changing some procedures and forms. So, if you get the error message, just continue with your visa application as explained below.

If you are re-directed you should automatically be on the "Actualicación de Datos Extranjero" page.  Here fill in your nationality, select the document with which you entered Peru (most probably passport), enter your passport number, and your birth date, select your sex and enter the captcha. Then you get to a quite extensive questionnaire.

Be aware that you only have 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire and once you started you must finish it within this time otherwise all your progress is gone and you have to start from scratch. The questions are quite unorganized and partly a bit strange, so to give you an idea what questions you have to answer and might need to prepare for here an overview:

In the first two categories, you have to fill in your personal data including full name (as in your passport!), document with which you entered Peru, document number, sex, marital status, country of birth, if you have a criminal, police or judicial record, if you are pregnant.

The third category asks for your address in Peru, your e-mail address, cell phone number and landline phone number. Here you as well should have to upload the "recibo", so a water or electricity bill showing your address (doesn't have to be in your name).

Then you are asked for the information of an emergency contact, including ID, name and e-mail of your emergency contact. This is followed by questions about your employment situation and where you were born (continent, country, town).

In the next category, you have to enter your hair and eye color, height in meters, weight in kilograms, religion, marital status, date of marriage, vaccinations and if you have a disability or disease. You are then asked if you arrived in Peru alone or if someone was accompanying you. If so, enter the personal data (passport number, name, last name, birthdate) of that person. Now you are asked if you have lived in other countries previously and in which country before coming to Peru, when you last entered Peru, how you came to Peru (plane, bus, car).

The last questions check your living conditions (are you living in a house, number of rooms, accommodation connected to water, sewage, electricity, and internet), ask for some financial info (if you have a bank account in Peru; if you have taken out a loan in Peru; if you have a bank account in another country; if you hold shares in a company in Peru) and want to know if you have a car and a driver’s license in Peru or another country.

As soon as you have completed the last page of the questionnaire, the system accepts all your answers, and you are registered. Now, return to the main page of the Agencia Digital.

1st page of the family visa application

On the main page of the Agencia Digital you can either use the search field or find in the menu on the left under “Cambio de Calidad Migratoria” the points:

  • Familiar Residente: Casado con peruano(a) o extranjero(a) residente (resident family married to a Peruvian or foreign resident)
  • Familiar Residente: Padres de peruano(a) o extranjero(a) residente (resident family parents of Peruvian or foreign resident)
  • Familiar Residente: hijos(as) adultos con dispacidad (resident family adult children with disabilities)
  • hopefully as well Familiar Residente: hijo/a menor de edad (resident family underage children). For whatever reason sometimes the point for the underage children isn't displayed. If so, use the search function. If still nothing pops up, and for all other family visa types, please contact Migraciones for information about the application process.

Choose the one that applies and you get to the first page of the actual visa application.

Here, select the Migraciones branch or MAC center closest to you which should handle your application (for example, Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, …).

Click on Siguente.

2nd page of the family visa application

Here you must fill in some data and/or upload all for the family visa application necessary documents as PDF (max size per document 3MB).

Those who just want to verify the requirements or double check if the requirements have changed can do so on this page. Then just click through the tabs but do not upload any documents and do not click on Siguente; once you finished just leave the page.

To continue with your family visa application, click on the little arrows next to each requirement, and certain fields appear depending on the requirement. Just fill in the fields as requested and upload the corresponding document.

Under “Pago por derecho de tramite” you are asked to enter certain information of the bank receipt

  • numero de recibo (number of the receipt) which is the "secuencia de pago" on the pagalo receipt
  • codigo de verficación (verification code) which is the "codigo control" on the pagalo receipt
  • fecha de recibo (date) which is the "fecha de operación" on the pagalo receipt.

After entering the requested info click on Validar.

Under the "Ficha de Canje Interpol" tab, you must upload the Ficha de Canje from Interpol and the criminal record check you brought from home. Be aware that both fields are mandatory, and you can’t continue without having uploaded both documents.

Under the "Documento de vinculo" tab, you must upload the document proving your family tie (for example, your marriage certificate or birth certificate).

Under the "Documento de identificacion del conyuge" tab, you must enter the DNI number of the Peruvian part of the family or the Carné number of the foreign resident you are related to. Then click on Validar.

Under the "Documento de Identificación del administrado" tab, select the document with which you entered Peru (in most cases passport). You are then asked to fill in your passport number, the date of issue and the country of issue and upload a copy of the passport page with your photo and personal data.

If you, for example, apply for an underage child other documents, such as your passport / carné must be uploaded.

There is one last tab “Exceso de permanencia” (excess stay). If you apply when your stay in Peru is still valid, this tab has already a green check in front of it and you just leave it as it is.

If you, however, apply when your stay as a tourist is expired, open the tab and you should be able to upload the payment receipt for your overstayed days and a sworn statement explaining the reasons for your overstay. Once these two documents are uploaded the check in front of the tab should turn green. Before counting on this option please read our chapter Can I apply for a family visa when my stay as a tourist is expired?.

Once you filled in all required fields and uploaded all your documents, there should be a green check in front of each tab. Accept the terms and conditions and click on Siguente.

3rd page of the family visa application

You then get to a page showing the fields of a document called Form PA - Cambio de Calidad Migratoria. If you are already registered the form is already filled in with your personal data. The only fields you can change are your cell phone number and your e-mail address. If you, however, haven't entered your personal data before, just fill in the required fields. Make sure you enter an e-mail address you have unrestricetd access to. If everything is correct, click on “Guardar datos y generar tramite” (Save data and generate procedure).

Please note: For whatever reasons, sometimes this page isn't displayed.

4th page of the family visa application

You now get the "Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria" and a number displayed on your screen.

First of all save this number! It's your Numero de expediente (file number), which sometimes is also called Numero de tramite. It consists of 2 letters (usually some abbreviation of the Migraciones office where you applied; LM for Lima, for example; or CY for Chiclayo, etc.) and 9 numbers

Then click on the "Descargar" and/or "Imprimir" button to download and/or print the complete document. This "Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria" document is the confirmation of your successful application. Keep it safe!!!

At the top right of the downloaded document under the bar code you again find your Numero de expediente (file number). At the bottom of the first page, under the signature / fingerprint field, the Fecha de publicacion (application date) and a Codigo de verificacion (verification code) are shown.

If you later want to check the status of your application online, which can be done here or if you, for example, want to apply for a travel permit to leave the country while the approval of your application is still in process, you will need these numbers / codes.

Additionally, at the bottom of the first page you as well find your login data for the Migraciones electronic mailbox, called Buzon electronico (see below).

Please note:

A few of our readers commented that they couldn’t find the verification code and/or the login data for the electronic mailbox on the Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria page. So, before continuing check the Registro page carefully and look for the verification code and the login data. If they aren't there, once you make the appointment for the biometric data, you find a tab on your screen labeled "Cargo tramite". If you click on it, your verification code and your login data should be displayed. If you missed that as well, then once you made the appointment you can download the Formulario PA - Cambio de calidad migratoria under the Historial tramite menu point, which hopefully has the verification code and the login data printed on it.

If you still weren't successful or just misplaced/forgot your login details for the Buzon electronico, there is another easy option to recover at least the access to the Buzon electronico: Just enter the Agencia Digital and on the main page at the top click on the Buzon Electronico button or use this direct link. Then click on "¿Olvidaste la contraseña?" and you get to the "Verificacion de Datos" page. Here enter your nationality, passport, passport number, last name(s), first name(s) and your birthdate. After submitting your information by clicking on Siguiente, you get an e-mail with the "usario" and a link to reset or create a password.


Biometric data appointment

Following the confirmation of your visa application you are asked to make an appointment for having your biometric data (photo, fingerprints, signature) taken with a provided code. This code is your numero de expediente (numero de tramite).

As waiting times sometimes can be long, especially in Lima, we suggest following provided link and make the appointment immediately. If you want to make it at a later time, you can enter the Agencia Digital and make an appointment under "Citas en Linea", subpoint "para registro de datos biometricos".

So, just enter your numero de expediente (numero de tramite) and select a free date. If everything works smoothly, you have an appointment. Download and print your appointment confirmation (Constancia de cita electronica).

On the day of your biometric data appointment, be at the Migraciones office you selected when making the appointment 15 - 30 minutes before your appointment. You will only need your printed (!) appointment confirmation and your passport.

The process varies a bit depending on the office. At the Lima Migraciones office, for example, you get a ticket with a number on it. Then just join the line and wait until your number is shown on the screen. When it's your turn proceed to the counter, where you have to sign on a signature pad, you are digitally fingerprinted and a biometric photo is taken.

Do not wear a white shirt or a top in light or pastel color! Migraciones might refuse to take your photo. Best wear a simple black shirt or something in a dark or strong color.

There were times when the process at the Migraciones office in Lima was quick and astonishingly well organized and you were done in less than half an hour. However, over the past few months some foreigners reported that their appointment time wasn't respected and they had to wait an hour or two until they made it to the counter where the process was quick and smooth. So, plan accordingly.

At the Migraciones offices in the provinces, the whole process is usually quick and painless.

After your biometric data appointment, all you can do is check your Buzon electronico regularly and wait until you get a notification from Migraciones either telling you that they aren't happy with a document you uploaded or that a document is missing or that your visa is approved.


Buzon Electronico

The Buzon Electronico is your personal Migraciones electronic mailbox, which you should check regularly for notifications from Migraciones (for example, request to upload missing or additional documents, approval or denial of your visa application, etc.).

You can access your Buzon by clicking on the "Buzon electronico" button on the top of the main page of the Agencia Digital or by using this direct link. The username (usario) and password (contraseña) is on the "Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria" page, the confirmation of your successful application (see above under 4th page, especially if you can't find your login data).

Be aware that notifications sent via the buzon are considered "officially delivered". If you don't react to a deadline Migraciones usually gives in these notifications (in most cases only 5 days), your application can be dismissed. So, if you get a notication from Migraciones informing you that you haven’t uploaded a required document, that an uploaded document isn’t to their liking or they want an additional document, don’t waste any time.

If you have the document, make a PDF of it (max size 3MB) and upload it on the Agencia Digital. How this so-called Subsanación is done, is explained in our article “Subsanacion - Submitting documents”.

During the internal evaluation and approval process of any application on the Agencia Digital, Migraciones may discover that you haven’t uploaded a...

If you don’t have the document yet and won’t be able to submit it within the deadline, you still have to react and can apply for an extension of time to hand in the document later. The process is called “Solicitud de ampliación de plazos” and explained in our article "Extension of a Migraciones deadline".

During the internal evaluation and approval process of your visa application (Cambio de calidad migratoria) or of the application for the extension...


Approval of your family visa

Officially the processing time of residence visa applications is 30 business days. However, according to feedback we got from our readers, it usually takes around two to three months until you get a notification from Migraciones in your Buzon with the official resolution that your visa was approved.

Nevertheless, check your Buzon regularly as you might belong to the lucky ones that get their approval within three or four weeks after application. On the other hand, in case you haven't heard anything from Migraciones 4 months after your application, you should check with them what's going on.

Anyway, usually, after 2 or 3 months you find a notification in your Buzon electronico (the subjection line should be something like "Notificación tramite cambio de calidad") informing you about the approval of your visa.

Congrats, but we are not finished yet. You still need your carné, your official Peruvian ID.

This first notification states to wait for further instructions on how to pick up your carné. So, once again check your Buzon regularly and wait for a second notification from Migraciones (Notificación expedición del carné) informing you that your carné was issued.

Officially Migraciones has another 30 business days counted from the approval of the visa to send the expedición del carné notification. However, some of our readers shared that they had to wait only a couple of days, others three or four weeks, and a few even 2 months.


Getting your carné (foreigner ID)

As soon as you got the official notification that your carné is ready, get going. 

Be aware that in some Migraciones offices you need an appointment to pick up your carné while at others, especially in the provinces, no appointment is needed and you can just show up any time, any day or at a specific day and/or time. Please check with the Migraciones office where you applied. 

If you need an appointment, then just enter the Agencia Digital. On the main page in the left menu under "Citas en linea", subpoint "para recojo de documentos" make an appointment to pick up your carné. Once again, download and print the confirmation and keep it safe.

Please note: Especially in Lima it can be a mission to get an appointment to pick up your carné. Your only option is to try again and again and again, tomorrow, the day after, a week later, ... You could also try to change the Migraciones office, where you want to pick up your carné, and see if there appointments are available.

If, for whatever reasons, you urgently need your carné number or something to prove that you have a carné but can't get an appointment to pick it up, you can download a document on the Agencia Digital confirming that you have a valid carné despite not having the actual card in your hands yet. On the main page of the Agencia Digital in the left menu, click under "Constancias" on the point "Carné de Extranjería". You get a page with the data that is printed on your carné. Below just confirm "Estos son los datos con los cuales se emitirá su constancia ...." by clicking on the little square and click Siguiente. Now, the "Constancia de Emisión de carné de Extranjería" is displayed on your screen. Just download it and, if necessary, print it and you have proof that you have a carné and are legally in the country.

Anyway, to pick up your carné you just need your passport. If you have an appointment you as well must bring your printed appointment confirmation. Best be at the Migraciones office 15-30 minutes before. Migraciones personal will point you in the right direction where you are handed your carné.

Congratulations! You made it!

To familiarize yourself with your carné we highly recommend to read our glossary article Carné de Extranjería - Peru’s ID Card for foreigners.


Things you should know living in Peru on a family visa

The family visa (so the residence visa) is valid for one year, in case you are married to a Peruvian two years, and then has to be renewed. Our article "Residence visa extension" explains how it's done.

In Peru, a residence visa, so the permit allowing you to live in the country (not the carné, the card), is usually valid for only one (1) year and ...

The carné (so the Peruvian foreigner ID card) is usually valid for four years and then must be renewed. For more details, check out our article "Renewal of the carné".

When your Peruvian residence visa is approved, you get the Carné de Extranjería, your Peruvian foreigner ID. The carné, so the card (not the reside...

Foreigners living in Peru on a family visa have to be in the country at least 183 days per year, otherwise they lose their resident status. In case you have to be outside Peru for longer, before leaving the country, apply for the Autorización de estadía fuera del país por 183 días, so you won't lose your residency.

If you are living in Peru on a family visa, you are allowed to work as an employee or independently.

If any information provided when applying for your family visa changes, Migraciones must be informed about it within 30 days. So, if you get a new passport, change your name, move to a new address, etc. you have to apply for a so-called "Actualización de datos". Be aware that, in some cases, a new carné has to be issued after the application is approved. The process is explained in our article “Update your information in the Migraciones database”.

If any of your information, which is printed on your carné or which is registered in the Migraciones database, changes, you must apply for a so-cal...

Even though rarely enforced, if you as a foreigner living in Peru on a family visa want to leave the country for short or extended periods of time, for example, to go on holidays, you must present a tax form before being allowed to leave Peru. If you didn't have any earnings or other income in Peru, you must present the so-called “Declaración jurada de haber realizado actividades que no impliquen la generación de rentas de fuente peruana” at immigrations before you are allowed to leave. So, just download Formulario 1495, fill it in, sign it and, if you are asked for it, show it to the immigration officer when leaving Peru. If you, however, had any kind of income as a dependent worker in Peru, you must present the so-called "Certificado de Rentas y Retenciones" at immigrations before you are allowed to leave. This form is issued by your employer, who confirms that the income tax corresponding to your earnings was retained according to the Peruvian tax legislation. The physical form, Formulario 1492, is rarely used anymore. Instead, your employer or client has to enter his/her Sunat Virtual and fill in the Formulario Virtual 1692°, then print and sign it and give it to you. The form expires 30 days after it was filed with Sunat; so, you must leave Peru within these 30 days. If you work independently, receive an income from Peruvian sources and pay your income tax directly to Sunat, you have to fill in Formulario 1494 “Declaración jurada de haber pagado directamente el impuesto”, sign it, attach a receipt proving you paid your income tax and present it at immigrations before leaving.

Those having received the family visa through marriage with a Peruvian can get the Peruvian nationality, apply for a so-called Nacionalización por matrimonio, after having legally lived in Peru for at least two years.

If you don't want to get the Peruvian nationality or can't because your home country doesn't allow dual nationality, after three years of legal residency in Peru on a family visa, you can apply for a permanent resident visa - make a so-called Cambio de calidad migratoria a permanente residente (Familiar Residente); no more extensions and an indefinite residency (and the good thing for relatives of Peruvians or foreigners with a resident status, no proof of own income is necessary).

And finally, if you as a foreigner living in Peru on a family visa, are leaving Peru permanently, you have to cancel your residence visa. Once the application is approved, you have 15 days to exit the country.


Other FAQs

Can I apply for a family visa if my stay as a tourist is expired?

Officially, no. You have to be in Peru on a valid visa / stay, for example, as a tourist to apply for any temporary or residence visa, precisely to make the Cambio de calidad migratoria.

But during the visa application on the Migraciones online platform there is a tab labeled "Exceso de permanencia" (excess stay), which suggests that foreigners who overstayed their time as a tourist in Peru can still apply for a Cambio de calidad migratoria and just have to upload a payment receipt for their overstayed days and a sworn statement explaining the reason for their overstay.

While in November 2022 Migraciones informed us in writing that this tab does not apply when you change your immigration status from tourist (!) to rentista, at the beginning of 2023 one of our readers reported that someone at Migraciones suggested this option. So, he could apply for his residence visa while being in Peru on an expired stay as a tourist. He uploaded the payment receipt for his overstay fine and a brief explanation why he couldn't apply on time (criminal record check took many months), could finish his application and a couple of months later, Migraciones approved his visa.

Hearing this, we tried to find out more. A few other foreigners in the same situation confirmed that someone at Migraciones they spoke to suggested this option, but our search for any official confirmation in writing that you can apply for a residence visa while being in Peru on an expired stay as a tourist was in vain.

As Migraciones doesn't have an e-mail address anymore, where they answer such questions in writing, we called and first were told "No, you have to be in the country on a valid stay". Then when we asked the lady we were talking to more detailed questions, she seemingly quickly spoke to someone else, and then suddenly said "Yes, it is possible.", but she couldn't give us any further details. The whole call didn't really inspire confidence.

So, at the moment (March 2025) officially you still have to be in the country on a valid stay to apply and therefore we can't guarantee that it's possible to change your immigration status from tourist to family, if you are in Peru on an expired stay as a tourist.

We always recommend to not overstay and, in case you plan to apply for a residence visa but don't have all required documents yet, instead of overstaying suggest applying for your visa using a little trick. We explain how it's done below.

If for whatever reason you can't apply while your stay as a tourist is valid, it might be worth personally checking with Migraciones if you can apply despite being in the country on an expired stay before you leave the country and try to return to "renew" your stay as a tourist.

If you have any current information about this topic or would like to share your experience, please let us know either using the comment function at the end of this very long article or our contact form. Thank you!

Can I apply for a family visa if I don't have all the required documents?

Officially, no, you can't as on the Agencia Digital, the Migraciones online platform where you have to apply, the fields to upload the required documents are mandatory and you can't continue with and finish your application without having uploaded all documents.

But, even though we can't and won't recommend it, if your stay as a tourist is about to expire and you must apply until a certain date, depending on the document that you don't have yet, there might be a possibility to "cheat" the system. However, you should have a solid plan to get the document as required, because the time to present it is limited. And here, how it's done.

Follow the instructions of our Step-by-step guide to apply for a family visa in Peru until you are on the 2nd page of the family visa application. Here you must fill in some data and/or upload all for the family visa application necessary documents as PDF.

If you don't have, for example, your criminal record check: Under the Interpol tab, you must upload the Ficha de Canje from Interpol and the "Antecedentes" (criminal record check). Both fields are mandatory, and you cannot continue with and finish the application without having uploaded both documents. As you can't leave the field for the Antecedentes blank anymore, you must upload something in the Antecedentes field. One of our readers just uploaded the Ficha de Canje a second time, another reader wrote a letter explaining that he is waiting for his criminal record check from his home country and uploaded this letter instead of his background check. So, upload a "document" there that makes sense.

The same applies if, for example, you don't have your Ficha de Canje from Interpol, because you couldn't get an appointment in time. Instead of the Ficha upload, for example, a letter explaining your situation.

Or, if you don't have your Peruvian marriage certificate, because Reniec takes its time to register your foreign marriage. Just upload, for example your foreign marriage certificate, perhaps a copy of your Reniec tramite and a short explanation.

Or if you have the document, but not yet the Apostille or translation, you could upload the document as it is.

Then continue to upload all other required documents and finish the application process as described in our Step-by-step guide above.

On the 4th page of your family visa application you get the "Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria" with the "numero de expediente" (your file number), the "fecha de publicacion" (application date) and a "codigo de verificacion" (verification code) displayed on your screen. That's the confirmation of your successful application. You made it. As soon you have this confirmation, your time as a tourist stops and even if your stay as a tourist expires during the processing time of your visa application you won't have any problem.

Now, depending how quickly Migraciones reviews your application and documents, the following happens:

As you haven't uploaded all required documents or not in the form Migraciones requires, Migraciones will send you a notification (can be as quick as a few days after your application or a month, two or three later) requesting that you upload the document. Be aware that these notifications, which are send through the Buzon electronico, are considered officially delivered. Usually, Migraciones only gives you a short deadline of 5 days to upload the requested document. You must react to the notification, even if it's on the last day of the deadline they gave you (which might be wise to do if you still need more time), otherwise your application could be dismissed.

If you have the document in the correct form when you receive the notification, just upload it. How it's done is explained in our article “Subsanacion - Submitting documents”.

During the internal evaluation and approval process of any application on the Agencia Digital, Migraciones may discover that you haven’t uploaded a...

If you still don't have the document at the end of the deadline Migraciones gave you, then you can apply for an extension of the deadline (max. 30 days). The process is called Ampliacion de plazos and explained in our article “Extensions of a Migraciones deadline”.

During the internal evaluation and approval process of your visa application (Cambio de calidad migratoria) or of the application for the extension...

In case you have the document ready before you hear from Migraciones you can upload it immediately on the Agencia Digital under Subsanacion. But we were told by others, who went through the process that they still got a notification later to upload the document again.

If you decide to go that route, check your Buzon regularly and, if necessary, react to any notification! And, while this "cheating" worked for many others, things might change and Migraciones could dismiss your application (which you could appeal). Anyway, be aware that it will definitely delay the approval of your visa by weeks or even months.


We from LimaEasy are not the Peruvian immigration authority Migraciones or a Peruvian consulate. All information is published to our best knowledge and should be seen as general guidance introducing you to Peruvian procedures. All information is subject to change, as regulations, requirements, and processes can change quickly without prior notice! Therefore, we recommend checking the current regulations with the nearest Peruvian consulate or, if you are already in Peru, with Migraciones!

And if you find something wrong on this page, please help us to keep this guide as up to date as possible and contact us either below with a comment or use our contact form. Thank you!

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    Jack · 06/02/2024
    Hello im currently in lima living with my wife and my 90days are up on March 3. When I went to interpol i was told the officer that all i needed to do was send my fingerprints and they never informed me of the need for an apostille or anything. Had i known one it would take months to get the background check back and two it requires an apostille i would have elected to send the fingerprints myself and receive my response online. But unfortunately the interpol officers didn’t explain any of that and I had never found your website prior to now.

    I have a couple questions if i may, I have seen online multiple websites recommending an apostille from the dc secretary of state rather than an apostille from the department of state and apparently for a lot of hague countries that works fine and even though i know the standard and the proper way to go about it is department of state there is a difference of a few months for the two. Do you have any information or experience about whether or not this would be accepted? Also once i get the apostille, regardless of the where i get it done it does have to be translated here in peru. Do i need the original copy translated or is a copy of the apostilled document also acceptable to be translated since its only being uploaded to the migraciones portal anyways. This would significantly cut down on the time. 

    I have the option to return home for about a month sort this out and then return to renew my visa. Would immigrations give me a problem with assigning me another 90 days if I returned back so soon? Assuming i explained that im married to a peruana and returned home for a document to complete my carnet process?

    My final two options im considering are utilizing the trick you have mentioned on this page of uploading my untranslated and unapostilled document hoping that migraciones one takes a while to review it and then two i request the 30 day extension and have the document by then.

    Or alternatively overstaying and paying the fee and offering the receipt as well as the explanation to migraciones that I was waiting on my background check and was simply doing everything in my power to not have to leave my wife so i decided to overstay and pay per day until i had the documentation from my government. 

    Are any of these good options or is it best to just return once i have the documentation? Im honestly not looking forward to a 700 dollar plane ticket if this is the case.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/02/2024
      Hello Jack,

      sorry, that you only now found LimaEasy. 

      In our Interpol article under subpoint "Additional record check for US, Canadian and Australian citizens" we explicitly point out to not wait for the additional check Interpol requires you, as US citizen, to apply for. While taking weeks or even months, the criminal record check you get back does not  meet the requirements from Migraciones and does not have an Apostille on it, so will be rejected.

      The different ways to get an Apostille in the US doesn't bother Migraciones. The document needs an official Apostille, a translation by an official translator in Peru and then it will be accepted. However, the question is who is in charge in the US to put an Apostille on your FBI check. Honestly, even though I tried, I don't understand the rules regarding which US document can be apostilled on state level and which must be apostilled on federal level. As far as I know documents issued by a US state, such as vital records, can be apostilled by the state's secretary of state; federal documents, however, such as the FBI background check must get the Apostille from the US Department of State.

      And, unfortunately, yes, you will need the FBI check with Apostille in paper form in Peru as the translator must put his signature, stamp and seal on it (and might recommend an additional legalization by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

      If you leave Peru to sort out your criminal record check and return, no-one can guarantee that you will get another 90 days even though you are married to a Peruvian. Depending on how long you already stayed as a tourist in Peru over the past 365 days, you might need good negotiation skills to persuade the immigration officer to let you enter or you just have to tell him/her that you didn't manage to apply for your family visa as a document was missing or you are allowed to enter without any trouble and might even get another 90 days.

      If you decide to arrange your FBI check from Peru - our Antecedentes article might be helpful here https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/legal-stuff/international-document-corresponding-to-the-antecedentes-policiales-penales-and-judiciales-needed-for-a-resident-visa-application-in-peru - start now (!!!) to get the FBI check and the Apostille. Then I highly recommend to apply for your family visa before your stay as a tourist expires, but not too early. So, if your stay as a tourist expires March 3, apply for your family visa using the little trick mentioned above between February 29 and March 2. This already gives you a headstart of 3 weeks. And this process is the easiest and safest way to bend the rules without too much problems arising later. And if Migraciones is quick with evaluating your visa application, you still can extend the deadline they will give you at least for 30 days; if necessary even for an additional 30 days. 

      So, if you apply for the FBI check today plus 3 weeks until you must apply for the family visa plus at least one or two weeks (or even months, you never know with Migraciones) until you get the notification to upload the background check with Apostille plus 5 days until the end of the deadline plus 30 days first extension of the deadline plus, if necessary, another 30 days for a second extension, will give you at least 2 to 3 months (if not more, in case Migraciones is slow). In this time frame you should be able to get the FBI check. As you prefer not to leave Peru, I think it's the best option.

      As Migraciones might not allow you to apply for your family visa once your stay as a tourist is expired, I recommend not overstaying. As described above applying for a family visa while being on an expired stay as a tourist in most cases is not accepted and only sometimes works. So, it's up to you but it's a gamble. I would rather apply without having the FBI check. 

      Hope this helped and wish you all the best.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jack · 06/02/2024
      @Sunflower Okay only one question more if you know, say i am granted the additional 30 days or even two 30 day extensions for my carnet application and for some reason still havent obtained the document due to processing times which seems unlikely but possible knowing the US Government. Do the remaining days that i stayed count as overstay if my application is dismissed? Or are those waived because i had an application in progress?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jack · 06/02/2024
      @Sunflower Also lastly how rude of me to not say thank you, i am just so preoccupied with the headache of a process obtaining a carnet is. Thank you so much for all your help and your knowledge you are an angel!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/02/2024
      Usually the 30-day extension isn't actively granted. Once you applied for the extension you most probably won't hear from Migraciones again and should either upload the document latest 30 days later or apply for a second extension. Check out our Extension of a Migraciones deadline article. It's explained in detail there.

      And even if you still don't have the FBI check when your second extension is over, Migraciones will send another notification telling you to upload the document now, giving you another 5 days. Only if you don't react will they at one point dismiss your application, which you could appeal, which would give you another few days or a week or two.

      So, the key is to use every day you have wisely. Therefore I recommended to start the FBI check process now (!!!), apply for the family visa as late as possible, but before your stay as a tourist expires, react to a Migraciones deadline on the last day, .... This way you can gather a day or two or a week here and there, which you might need.

      And no, once you applied for your family visa your time as a tourist stops. Even if your stay as a tourist expires during the evaluation and approval process, no problem, no overstay fine, even if they would dismiss your application. You usually then get 2 weeks to leave the country (or appeal the decision, of course on the last day, ....).

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/02/2024
      All good. I hope everything works out. And if you have more questions, I'm more than happy to answer them.

      All the best
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ethan · 02/02/2024
    Hey LimaEasy,

    I am an American applying for the Peru Family Visa. I have all my documents ready and just need to apply. On the first page of the application with the "Datos del Beneficiario", There is a prompt I need to fill in that says "Oficina Consular". I am slightly confused on what to put here. Do i simple put the "US. Embassy in Lima" as my response?

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 02/02/2024
      Hello Ethan,

      honestly I'm confused as well. You want to apply for a Cambio de Calidad Migratoria familiar residente in Peru on the Agencia Digital? Where did you find "Datos del Beneficiario" where you must fill in a consulate?  The datos del beneficiario are the personal data of the beneficiary, so you.

      On the first page of the Agencia Digital you have to select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu the document with which you entered Peru (most probably passport), enter your passport number, your birth date, nationality, the date you entered Peru and the captcha.

      After clicking on verificar choose in the menu on the left "Cambio de Calidad Migratoria" and the family visa type that applies, for example, Familiar Residente casado con peruana.

      Then on the first page of the actual application for the family visa you have to select the Migraciones branch and enter the verification code.

      Or are you talking about the Data update questionnaire? But as far as I know no Datos del Beneficiario, where you must fill in a consulate. On the first page of the data update questionnaire you are asked for the datos del beneficiario (your data); first you have to fill in your personal information including your gender, marital status, country of residence, country of birth, confirm that you don't have a  record, then your passport number, where it was issued, your full name and your address.

      Or are you talking about the form PA - Cambio de Calidad Migratoria? You don't have to fill in the form anymore. it's automatically filled in when you apply.

      Or are you outside Peru and want to apply for the family visa from abroad (make a so-called solicitud de calidad migratoria de familiar residente ?

      Could you send me a screenshot, so I can see where you are and what your are trying to do?

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ethan · 02/02/2024
      @Sunflower Eva,

      I am so sorry. About 10 minutes after I sent my message I realized I clicked on a slightly different link in Migraciones. Once I clicked the correct one, everything went smoothly and I was able to complete it.

      Thank you so much for the response and your website has been a huge help for me in this process.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 02/02/2024
      That's great news.

      I hope everything else now goes smoothly.

      Have a great weekend.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Mike · 29/01/2024
    I (USA) married my wife (Peruvian) in the US. We registered our marriage at a Peruvian consulate in the US, and they gave us an acta de matrimonio with RENIEC's logo, the consular seal, and some fancy stickers from the consulate/RREE. Is this document sufficient proof of our marriage, or do I also need to get it legalized by RREE here in Peru?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 29/01/2024
      Hello Mike,

      The marriage certificate that was given to you by the Peruvian consulate is most probably an "acta de matrimonio legalizada". 

      When you are in Peru it must get "over-authenticated" by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE). So, RREE confirms with their seal and signature that the document was correctly issued by a Peruvian consulate and that the person at the consulate, who signed it, is authorized to do so.

      As the document is already in Spanish it doesn't have to be translated.

      Be aware that documents issued abroad are only accepted by Migraciones within 6 months of the issuance.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Mike · 19/02/2024
      @Sunflower FYI for future readers: following the letter of the law, Sunflower is correct-- you need to take the acta de matrimonio issued by the consulate to be legalized again in Peru.

      In practice, an agent from Migraciones told me on a videocall to just submit the acta de matrimonio (exactly as issued by the consulate) and then, if they reject it, submit the exact same document a second time. I can't claim to understand why they'd suggest this, but following those instructions they accepted my acta de matrimonio without needing to have it further legalized by RREE.

      Maybe the idea here was to keep trying until you get a reviewer who doesn't really care?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/02/2024
      Hello Mike,

      thanks for sharing your experience.

      Yes, we usually describe here the "letter of the law" as then you are on the safe side and won't encounter longer than usual delays or problems.

      Honestly, I didn't know that if they rejected a marriage certificate issued by a Peruvian consulate abroad which wasn't legalized by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and you just upload it again that then it is / might be accepted. And no, as so many other things that doesn't make sense.

      Anyway, even though getting the RREE legalization isn't such a big deal, it's always good to know the one or other loophole.

      So, I hope your visa is soon approved and you get your carné.

      All the best
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alfred · 08/01/2024
    Regarding the criminal background check, as an American, would the local police department be sufficient or would I have to do an FBI record check with apostille (potential 12-week wait)?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 08/01/2024
      Hello Alfred,

      US Americans need an “FBI Criminal Record Check” which is done in the US by the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

      Once issued the document must be apostilled in the US by the Department of State, Office of Authentications.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Mike · 19/02/2024
      @Sunflower I was successfully approved using a background check from my home state. I have heard from several others that this worked for them too (even one who used a county background check!). Migraciones accepted it without question.

      Using a state background check is SUBSTANTIALLY faster, easier, and cheaper than an FBI check. Perhaps most importantly for those already in Peru, many states do not require fingerprints to generate a background check! You could get an apostilled background check in a week or two fully by mail.

      1. Order a notarized background check from your state's law enforcement agency. It is likely you can do this online and have it mailed to you, or directly to the state's Secretary of State.
      2. Get the background check apostilled. Since this is a document issued by your state (not the federal government), it can only be apostilled by the state's Secretary of State. I was able to take it into their office and it was apostilled while I waited. Most states also offer the option to service requests via mail.
      3. Once in Peru, have it translated to Spanish. It must be done by a translator who is "juramentado" (most official, but more expensive and slower) or "colegiado" (faster and cheaper). I went with colegiado and still don't really understand why there are 3 different levels of translation available in this country.

      I was able to get everything in order in about an hour. Granted, I had to travel to my state's capitol, but if I hadn't it would have taken just a week or two.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/02/2024
      Hello Mike, 

      that's great info! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

      Over the past few weeks I was told by a couple of other readers as well that they were successful with submitting a background check from their home state, which was apostilled on state level, but I never got such a great explanation.

      I will add this option in our "International document corresponding to the Antecedentes policiales, penales and judiciales in Peru" article. Super helpful, much easier, cheaper and quicker.

      Thanks again.


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      Alfred · 27/06/2024
      @Mike Thanks for the information, Mike. I’m currently waiting for the FBI background check for apostille but it’s taking forever. I may return with just the state background check. The municipality that married us took my birth certificate and I was told to get a new one (?) So I’m waiting on a new one to get apostilled as well.
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      • LimaEasy
      · 27/06/2024
      Hello Alfred,

      while it's always good to have a birth certificate with Apostille on hand when living abroad, to apply for a family visa in Peru based on being married to a Peruvian you will not need it.

      You will need among others (see the requirements above in the article) your Peruvian marriage certificate and your background check from your home country with Apostille.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jenny · 08/01/2024
    After uploading all the documents required, I failed to check emails recently and just found out there was a mail for Biometric data appointment, and the appointment day has alerady passed. What do I do in this case? :(
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      • LimaEasy
      · 08/01/2024
      Hello Jenny,

      Migraciones sent you a notification with a fixed appointment to get your biometric data taken? Interesting, this wasn't done for the past two years. Since August 2021, applicants had to actively make an appointment.

      Anyway, as you missed the appointment the only thing you can do now is make a new appointment. So enter the Agencia Digital. On the main page in the left menu click on "Citas en Linea" and choose the subpoint "para registro de datos biometricos".

      Then just don't miss your appointment again and you should be fine.

      All the best.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jenny · 09/01/2024
      @Sunflower That's right, they scheduled an appointment on their own and notified me of the date to attend. I was completely unaware of this procedure. I'm guessing they probably wanted to expedite the process on their side, considering that my documents were in order. I have now found the section for applying for a new appointment and have scheduled one for two weeks later. I have attached a PDF file of my new appointment through the subsanación to inform them that I am actively working on resolving the issue. I really hope they won't make an issue out of my failure to attend the first appointment.
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      • LimaEasy
      · 09/01/2024
      Hello Jenny,

      thanks for getting back to me. That's really, really interesting. As said before, well over two years ago it was common practice that Migraciones sent fixed appointments to applicants. But I haven't heard of this since August 2021. Not sure if you are an isolated case or if they, as so often, changed their processes once again or if they did this because the appointment system didn't work properly over Christmas and New Year.

      And no, I don't think you have to worry and they won't make an issue out of missing the appointment. But, honestly, I doubt that they sent the appointment to expedite the evaluation and approval process of your visa application. Usually there is no such thing as expediting any visa application and it's usually luck, even if you uploaded all required documents to their satisfaction, if your visa is approved within just a couple of weeks or only within months. So, don't be surprised or worried if you don't hear anything from Migraciones for a few weeks or even a couple of months after you had your appointment.

      Hope everything works smoothly now.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jenny · 24/01/2024
      @Sunflower Hi Eva,

      Thanks to your prompt help, I had no trouble getting another appointment for biometrics and have successfully registered as well.

      I submitted a notarial certificate from the embassy for my self-translated documents at their additional request. Now, they're requiring another translation by certified translators for that 'notarial certificate'    :<

      In the recent email I received, they specified that I should turn in "la certificación de notarial de ingles traducidos al idioma castellano por traductor público juramentado o traductor colegiado en el Perú", and "la legalización por las oficinas consulares del Perú y por Relaciones Exteriores."

      I'm confused about the part that says 'la legalización por las oficinas consulares del Perú y por Relaciones Exteriores.' Do I have to get legalization both by oficinas consulares 'AND' Relaciones Exteriores? Where even are oficinas consulares? I would really appreciate your advice and opinions on this.

      Thanks, as always.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 24/01/2024
      Hello Jenny,

      if a document you submit isn't in Spanish it must be translated by an official translator. You can't self-translate documents. See above in the article under subpoint "Translation of foreign documents". https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/peruvian-visa-types/peruvian-family-visa#translation-of-foreign-documents

      And if a document was issued abroad it either must get an Apostille in the country where it was issued or must be first legalized by the Peruvian consulate in this country and then once it was translated in Peru again by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE).

      A notarial certificate of your foreign document is not the same as an Apostille or a legalization. Usually, documents without Apostille or legalization are rejected.

      The only thing you could try now is get the document translated by an official translator and then get a legalization from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE). If you are lucky, RREE legalizes the document and Migraciones accepts it then. If not, no way around getting an Apostille in the country where it was issued.

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    Phil · 03/01/2024
    I have a question regarding the Biometric data appointment in Lima. I wasn't able to book an appointment mid December 23 because they were already full and no new appointments for January 24 were available. I checked again on the second of January and now the appointments for January are there but all are unavailable.

    Is this to be expected or are they just not yet available?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 03/01/2024
      Hello Phil,

      honestly, I don't know if the appointments you can see now for January are already taken or if there is a problem with the appointment system (some other official websites have similar issues at the moment).

      I would try again a few times over the next days and if still nothing changes, you might want to contact Migraciones and ask what's going on. I haven't heard anything about Migraciones being super busy at the moment, so there should be a free appointment available. Usually, you can get an appointment for the biometric data within a couple of weeks.

      Sorry, I couldn't help.


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      Phil · 06/01/2024
      Thanks, now some appointments opened up.
      And also a big thanks for this page. It was immensely helpful!!!

      Just as a side note. I didn't get the password for the buzon until I now made the appointment for datos biometricos (like one month after).
      But I was able to go to the buzon and request a new password with "Olvidaste la contaseña".

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      • LimaEasy
      · 07/01/2024
      Hello Phil,

      that's great news. So, it seems that the system had a hiccup over the turn of the year.

      Usually, the username and password for the buzon is printed on the bottom of the confirmation of your application. I never heard that you get the password only after making the appointment for the biometrics. That's interesting. Did they send you an e-mail? Or how did you receive it?

      And yes, in case you don't get the username and/or password for the buzon, the Olvidaste option is great and usually works fine. I explained it in our Buzon article.

      Anyway, I'm happy that you now have an appointment for getting your biometric data taken and hope from now on everything works smoothly.

      All the best.


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      Phil · 07/01/2024
      When I finished my application I downloaded the pdf which contains my application number. This pdf only had one page and there is no password at the bottom. Not sure if I had missed saving another pdf.
      The pdf I was able to download now after making the appointment is called:
      It contains information about me, a declaración jurada and at the end of page 1 a field to be signed by me. On the second page it contains my username and password to login to the buzon.
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      Phil · 13/02/2024
      @Phil Some feedback on this.
      I'm leaving Peru for a short travel and needed the permiso de viaje.
      For that I also needed the verification code which I thought I missed because I didn't get that pdf after finishing the applciation.
      So I tried to make a cita de video llamada. Best is to be really fast at exactly 08:30:00 AM it opens. So I was in the queue at place 6, it got down to place 2 but then started to switch from place 2 to 3 for like 10 minutes and then from place 1 to 2 for 10 minutes. Then a window came saying establishing connection and then a small pop up on the bottom said it failed and I should try again in a few minutes. I waited 30 minutes with the establishing connection window open but nothing happened. So I canceled and tried again now in queue number 150. When it got down to 6 again 1.5h later I lost connection and had to try again. Some hours öater I again got to the windows with establishing connection but again it didn't work. I tried one last time but didn't make it until 5pm when they close. So on the next day I tried again with the same issues. (I used chrome browser on a PC, but I think it's a problem on their side).

      Disheartened I checked again my documents and actually found the code!
      I got it after making the cita biometricos in the document called FORMULARIO PA - CAMBIO DE CALIDAD MIGRATORIA.
      It is on the first page at the bottom right.
      So I went to the agency again and applied for the permiso de viaje, which was done in under a minute.

      Thanks again for you page!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Kailey K · 03/01/2024
    Hello - just thought I would leave this comment here about how to change your email for the account. In my case, I no longer had access to the email that was indicated when I did the forgot password option. They tell you to initiate a video call on the Agencia Digital , but I think it's silly to not just share. 

    It's simply sending an email to asistenciaenlinea@migraciones.gob.pe
    with a pdf that has your request detailed, your signature, and the date. I just sent mine so I don't have feedback yet, but once I know I'll reply to this comment as well. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 03/01/2024
      @Kailey K
      Hello Kailey,

      thank you so much for taking the time to write to us and share what you found out.

      The Migraciones e-mail address asistenciaenlinea@migraciones.gob.pe is usually intended for all "technical" problems users might experience while using the Agencia Digital. I never heard that you can use it when you don't have the username and password (I assume to access the Buzon electronico) anymore.

      So, please let me know if it works, so I can share it.

      Thanks again.

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      Kailey · 04/04/2024
      @Sunflower Yes it did work they sent me instructions and I was able to change my email from there. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 04/04/2024
      @Kailey That's great news. Thanks again for sharing, Kailey.
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    Steven M · 31/12/2023
    Hello! How long does it typically take to be ready to apply for a family visa after getting married in Peru? I am planning to apply for my Family visa basically right after getting married. I know that my partner will have have to update her DNI? I am doing a civil wedding at the San Borja municipality so hoping thats smooth to get it reregistered in Reniec. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 01/01/2024
      @Steven M
      Hello Steven,

      it depends how well organized you are, how quickly Reniec issues the Peruvian marriage certificate and/or if you are ok with trying your luck and apply while you don't have all required documents.

      You need the Ficha de Canje from Interpol. While you can make the appointment now you should have the appointment at a date a day or so after your marriage. As you want to apply for a family visa, one of the requirements to apply for the Ficha de Canje is to present the marriage certificate. So, while a day or so after the marriage you still won't have the Peruvian marriage certificate, you will have a document issued by the municipality or notary proving your marriage. That should be accepted by Interpol.

      Then you must get your marriage registered at Reniec. Depending on the branch and work load the process usually takes between 2 and 4 weeks. Once the marriage is registered your wife can change her marital status on her DNI.

      In case your time as a tourist is running out and you can't wait any longer until Reniec registers your marriage and changes your wife's DNI, you could apply for the family visa without having all required documents as explained above Can I apply for a family visa if I don't have all the required documents?

      All in all you could apply for your visa already a few days after your marriage by playing the system a bit or you could wait until your marriage certificate is issued, your wife's DNI is changed and you get the Interpol appointment when all your documents are in order (I assume anything between 4 and 6 weeks).

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    Anthony Wolff · 07/12/2023
    Hello, I am British and married to a Peruvian lady. We currently live in the UK but wish to go to live permanently in Peru. Rather than apply for a retirement visa, the so called family visa seems to be less complicated. So my question is do you think after having thoroughly read your explanation that I could apply myself or would it be easier to get professional help. If the latter can you recommend someone you know is reliable a reasonably priced. We have already spoken to the Peruvian consulate in London and they will do the necessaries regarding our marriage certificate and advise my wife to get her DNI card in order though a special website. Does this visa for example require proof of income from my or my wife's side or both as is required in the retirement visa? Can I apply for the family visa on a website before I travel to Lima? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks., Anthony
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      • LimaEasy
      · 07/12/2023
      @Anthony Wolff
      Hello Anthony,

      honestly, if you are married to a Peruvian and come to Peru prepared with a fresh copy of your Peruvian marriage certificate issued by the consulate in the UK (I assume there your marriage was registered) and your Acro check with Apostille, the application for a family visa is usually easy and straightforward.

      Yes, dealing with Peruvian bureaucracy isn't always pleasant and there might be the one or other hurdle to overcome, but in general nothing you - probably with the help of your wife and our guide - can't conquer yourself.

      And no, as immigration lawyers or so-called tramitadores unfortunately aren't consistent in their knowledge, performance and price structure, I can't and won't recommend anyone. Prices got ridiculous over the past years, while the application process was simplified.

      Anyway, no, as you can see above in the requirement list, you don't need to prove any income when you apply for a family visa based on being married to a Peruvian. Your wife, as Peruvian, has the right to live in Peru whenever and however she pleases. Additionally, she has the right to a family union with her husband, who doesn't have to prove anything other than being married to her.

      And even though you could apply while still being in the UK, your wife then should already be in Peru and must apply for you. The process for applying from outside Peru is long and frustrating, so usually only nationals of countries who can't travel to Peru visa-free do so. I highly recommend that you do not go that route.

      The easiest for you is to get your documents in order (Peruvian marriage certificate issued and legalized by the consulate, Acro check with Apostille), travel to Peru with your wife, enter the country as a tourist, your wife as a Peruvian. Then get the translation of your Acro check, the over-authentication of your marriage certificate and the Interpol clearance. After that just apply for your family visa online on the Agencia Digital.

      Hope this info helps. If you have any more questions, you know where you find me.

      All the best

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      Anthony Wolff · 12/12/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks Eva. Great information.
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      Anthony Wolff · 12/12/2023
      @Sunflower Following your kind reply, do you know whether the AVRO needs to be translated into Spanish and/ or apostiled (done by the Legalisation Office of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO))?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 13/12/2023
      @Anthony Wolff
      Hello Anthony,

      your Acro check must be apostilled in the UK. As I'm not from the UK, I don't know how it's done, but you can check out the UK government website, where it's explained. If you don't want to deal with it, you as well can use one of the many Apostille Services in the UK.

      The translation of your document, however, must (!) be done in Peru. I explained it in the article above under "Translation of foreign documents". https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/peruvian-visa-types/peruvian-family-visa#translation-of-foreign-documents

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      Anthony Wolff · 16/12/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks yet again, Eva
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    Martin · 02/12/2023
    Hello Eva,

    “Declaración jurada de haber realizado actividades que no impliquen la generación de rentas de fuente peruana”

    FYI, I passed through Jorge Chavez migration last night, presented this form and was told it is not required for a family based resident, but it is required for a business/company based resident.

    Thanks, Martin.
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      • LimaEasy
      · 02/12/2023
      Hello Martin,

      thanks for sharing your experience.

      At least according to the still current regulations foreigners living in Peru on a family visa, 
      - who didn't have any income, are supposed to present the “Declaración jurada de haber realizado actividades que no impliquen la generación de rentas de fuente peruana”
      - who had income must present the "Certificado de Rentas y Retenciones".

      But as said above, the forms are rarely checked if you have a family visa. However, I, living in Peru on a family visa, was one time ask for the form when I wanted to leave and hadn't had it. Immigrations didn't allow me to leave. It took me an hour or so to get it sorted out. So, I recommend better have the form with you than maybe miss your flight.

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    Jenny · 17/11/2023
    I failed to see and download 'the second page' when Registro de Solicitud de Cambio de Calidad Migratoria was displayed. Could there be a way to find username and password for buzon electronico in this case?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 17/11/2023
      Hello Jenny,

      yes, there are two options.

      Enter the Agencia Digital. On the main page click on the Buzon Electronico button, which is on the top right of the page or go directly to the Migraciones-SINE website.

      Then click on ¿Olvidaste la contraseña? and you get to the "Verificacion de Datos" page. Here enter your nationality, passport, passport number, last name(s), first name(s) and your birthdate. After submitting your information by clicking on Siguiente, you get an email with the "usario" (username" and a link to reset or create a password.

      If this doesn't work, your only option is to get in contact with Migraciones. For this use the video call on the Agencia Digital. You can find an explanation on how it's done in our Migraciones article under "Start a video conference with Migraciones" https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/glossary-terms-peru/migraciones-immigration-control-peru#migraciones-peru-video-call.

      Hope this helps.

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      Jenny · 18/11/2023
      @Sunflower Hi, thank you very much for your prompt reply. I attempted to reset my password on my own more than 10 times over several days, but without success. I can successfully access the link provided in the email. However, when I try to set a new password, I encounter an error message, and the change is never completed. I've tried this on both my PC and smartphone, experimenting with different combinations of passwords (using uppercase, lowercase, and numbers mixed), but the system consistently displays the 'an error occurred' message without specifying the reason. I also attempted at various times, suspecting a possible server-related issue, but without success. I'm wondering if this error is unique to my account or if there is a problem with their system. Is there a way to check and resolve this issue?

      I attempted to contact the migraciones through a video conference yesterday. I waited for a connection from 11 a.m. onwards, but unfortunately, I couldn't get my turn even past 5 p.m. It appears that they leave work after 5 p.m., despite some people still waiting in line. I intended to obtain both the verification code and email information, but the situation proved to be quite frustrating. Could you please clarify the purpose of the verification code? Is it necessary to retain and provide it at some point during the visa acquisition process?
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      • LimaEasy
      · 19/11/2023
      Hello Jenny,

      for whatever reason sometimes resetting the password doesn't work. Your only option then is to get in contact with Migraciones.

      As explained in our Migraciones article, which I linked in my first reply, best try early in the morning after they open or later in the evening. At least Monday to Friday they should be available from around 08.15-08.30 am to 10.00 pm. There you find as well that in case your ticket shows an approximate waiting time longer than 30 minutes, you best close your ticket and try again, as often after having waited half an hour or so your ticket is canceled and you are disconnected.

      Actually the verification code is not that important. For a few months now you can check the status of your application online on the Migraciones website (not much info there just "pending", "approved" or "dissapproved"). But in case you want to leave the country during the evaluation and approval process of your visa application  you still need it (if they haven't changed the system in the past few weeks) to apply for a travel permit.

      However, there is no way around getting access to your Buzon electronico. Migraciones uses it to send you notifications related to your application. A notification could be the approval of your visa application, which then means you can get an appointment for your carné,  but also could be a request to present/upload missing or additional documents. If you don’t respond or react within the time frame given to you in the notification (usually only 3 to 10 days, most often 5), your application is null and void; in the best-case scenario, you only have to start the procedure from scratch, while in the worst case you could be expelled from the country.

      So, you must get the user and password for your Buzon. If you can't get through to Migraciones on the Agencia Digital chat, you might want to check if you can get an appointment soon to speak with someone at the Migraciones office (on the Agencia Digital in the left menu under Citas, subpoint Para informes).

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Jenny · 20/11/2023
      @Sunflower Hello Eva,

      I was finally able to secure my turn this morning during my initial attempt. They promptly provided me with the verification code and email information.

      However, I encountered an unexpected issue when the provided password didn't work. Upon attempting to log in, it displayed 'incorrect password.' I realized there might have been some changes to the original data, and the only reason for the change I could think of was my attempt to reset the password. So, I decided to try resetting the password once more, and as expected, encountered an error message. Despite this, I proceeded with signing in using the password I had set for the reset, and surprisingly, it worked. Now, I'm wondering why I didn't try that approach initially, ignoring the error message.

      I'm a bit confused about their attendance hours. According to their website, it now states they operate from 8 am to 5 pm. As far as I can tell, I can't obtain a ticket for a video call after 5 pm. When you mentioned they work until 10 p.m., I'm wondering if we might be referring to a different type of help center, or if there has been a recent change in their operating hours. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

      Fortunately, I discovered that no notifications have been sent to my "buzon electronico" yet. I anticipate completing the remaining visa process more smoothly with the extensive and detailed information provided on this website. I truly appreciate your work, it has been immensely helpful. Many thanks to you.
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      • LimaEasy
      · 20/11/2023
      Hello Jenny,

      thanks for sharing your experience. Never heard that you just can ignore the error message and still sign in. Interesting. Anyway, great that you now have access to your Buzon electronico. If you uploaded all documents correctly during your application and Migraciones is happy, you will only get a notification when your visa is approved.

      Then I tried to check the current(!) opening hours for the videollamada option on the Agencia Digital. In vain. I couldn't find anything, which was published this year. I have to look into this. So, thanks a lot for making me aware of a possible change. And yes, Migraciones loves to change things around (this applies as well to procedures and forms/fields) without informing anyone about it, which makes keeping the info here on LimaEasy uptodate a nightmare.

      There is another call center, the AloMac. They can only give foreigners general information about visa applications, visa extensions and other Migraciones related processes but not information about current applications (if nothing changed). Their number is 1800, opening hours are 08.00am to 08.00pm and they now as well have a WhatsApp number 981 317 379 and an e-mail address infomac @ pcm.gob.pe.

      Anyway, hope after this little obstacle all goes well with your application and you soon have your carné in your hands.

      All the best
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    MB · 10/11/2023
    I have read this website extensively over the years, and even moreso recently whilst in the process of applying for a residence visa and want to give my sincere thanks to Eva and other contributors on this site, whos help is absolutely invaluable. I absolutely could not have done this entire process without the help of this website!! I share my own experience below which will hopefully be of use to your website and other commenters.

    I applied for the family visa via marriage on 11/10, one day before my 90 days as a tourist were up. At the time, I didn't the marriage certificate, ficha or police certificate from my home country ready, so instead I just uploaded receipts, appointments and short explanations of why I didn't yet have anything.

    The biometic appointment was very simple. My appointment was at Lima Carabaya and I turned up 1 hour early. Although it was completely full inside and outside I was allowed straight in and my number was called after about 15 or 20 minutes. The actual taking of fingerprints etc was quick and done within 10 minutes and I was out.

    Due to the lack of appointments in Lima for the ficha I went to Arequipa. I turned up at 11am and was just the third person they had seen all day. One thing they asked for which isn't mentioned in the article was proof of entry into the country. At least in this office, they'll direct you to a place across the street where they'll print this off for you. Again the whole process was done within 30 minutes and I was handed my ficha there and then.

    I uploaded my marriage certificate from Reniec and the ficha on 28/10. Then on 31/10 I for some reason had a notification in the Buzon asking me for a birth certificate to prove a family tie within 5 days. I just requested an additional 30 days and then on 8/11 uploaded the police certificate from my home country. Then yesterday, I video called migraciones and explained about the previous notification and that I thought it had been sent in error. The person from migraciones was extemely helpful and said they'd send an email to the area that deals with it to look into, and amazingly 4 hours later my visa was approved.

    The entire process really is quite simple, but only thanks to the clear explanations and advice on this website. Thank you Eva!!
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      • LimaEasy
      · 10/11/2023
      Hello MB,

      first of all, congrats! You made it and are now a legal resident of Peru. 

      Thank you so much for your praise! It's always great to hear that what I'm doing here really helps foreigners through the Peruvian bureaucratic jungle.

      And thank you so much for sharing your recent experience going through the family visa application, which is invaluable for our readers but me as well. I never heard that Interpol requires the proof of entry, but will add it to our Interpol article as a "may be needed".

      Wishing you all the best.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Martin · 02/11/2023
    I have a question if and when you find the time to reply. Much appreciated.

    A holder of a 'carnet de extranjería' with valid residence can travel outside of Peru for 182 days, then return to live in Peru for, 7 days, then travel outside of Peru for another 182 days, then return to live in Peru for, 7 days, and will legally maintain their valid 'carnet de extranjería' resident status. Correct?

    The law states;
    'for more than 183 consecutive days within a period of 365 days'.
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      • LimaEasy
      · 02/11/2023
      Hello Martin,

      I fear it's not that easy.

      First of all the Peruvian Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1350, and the new TUPA, nowhere state how long foreign residents must be in Peru to not lose their residency; both only state how long you can be outside the country without losing your residency.

      In the Foreigner Law, article 33 "Perdida de la calidad migratoria de residencia por ausencia del territorio nacional" under point 1 you can read "Foreigners with any resident immigration status except permanent lose it if their absence from the national territory is more than 183 consecutive days in a 365-day period".

      The new TUPA describes on the page "Autorización de estadía fuera del país por mas de ciento ochenta y tres (183) días calendario consecutivos (para residentes excepto Residente Permanente) that this procedure "allows foreigners with a resident immigration status or temporary residence permit to remain outside the country for more than 183 consecutive calendar days, for reasons of emergency or force majeure, without losing residence visa or temporary residence permit".

      If these two regulations can be interpreted that foreign residents in Peru can stay outside Peru for half a year, return for a few days and leave the country again for half a year, I don't know and doubt it. 

      Residence visas are intended only for foreigners who plan to live in Peru long-term and whose center of life is in Peru; in case of a family visa additionally to be united with the family member(s). If you are in Peru only for a few days or weeks per year, this surely isn't the case.

      And even though not in the official regulations Peruvian immigration lawyers often say or you can read it in other publications that foreign residents can be outside the country for 183 días consecutivos o alternados , or as well for 183 días consecutivos o accumulados (so, 183 consecutive or alternating or accumulated days).

      I don't know which of these statement is correct. However, I know of two cases where foreign residents who tried to do the same as you had trouble re-entering the country as a resident. Even though not what the Foreigner Law and TUPA state, they were told that foreign residents must be in Peru for at least half a year per year, can only leave the country for 183 days in a year and that all the days they were outside the country in a 365-day period (starting with the first departure) are accumulated.

      So, to hopefully get a 100% correct answer if your plan to return to Peru every half year for just a few days and remain a resident works, I highly recommend to check with Migraciones.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Martin · 02/11/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks for the detailed reply Eva. Good to know about the experience of your friends. Okay, I'll consider the law to mean days accumulated, per year, beginning with first departure. So 183 residing inside Peru accumulated and never 183 days consecutive outside. Best wishes.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    yves · 29/08/2023
    After being married to a Peruvian for 2 years, you can apply for citizenship. You mention if you don't want citizenship, you can get permanent residence.  What are the pros and cons for both these options? What are some reasons why one would choose not to get citizenship?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 29/08/2023
      Hello Yves,

      In my opinion the advantage of getting the Peruvian nationality is being a Peruvian in Peru with the same rights as every other Peruvian. You don’t have to worry about your visa anymore, no extensions. Even though you never find the Peruvian passport on the “most powerful passports” list, in Latin American countries, and especially in other member countries of the Andean Community it has huge perks, including traveling only with your DNI and no or simplified residence visa options. Additionally, there are countries around the globe allowing Peruvians to enter visa-free for tourism while passport holders of so-called western countries have to get a visa. Furthermore, you can get politically active, vote and be voted.

      One of the disadvantages of getting the Peruvian nationality is as well being a Peruvian in Peru. You are not the foreigner anymore, but the system, the faults, the people, …. are yours now and when times get tough you are treated like very other Peruvian, even though you might still be seen as the extranjero/a or gringo/a. As you most probably have another nationality as well the visa obligations still in place for Peruvians in a number of countries won’t affect you much. And you not only can vote, you are obligated to vote (or pay a fine).

      The permanent residence visa is a great option for foreign nationals whose home country does not allow double nationality, who can’t meet the financial requirements (only applies if you go through the naturalization process; does not apply if you go through the Nacionalización por matrimonio process!), or who, for whatever (personal) reasons, don’t want to become a Peruvian national. If you have a permanent residence visa, you have an indefinite permit to live in Peru, however, only if you don’t leave the country for more than a year. You remain a foreigner.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      yves · 01/09/2023
      @Sunflower What a thorough reply Eva, thank you! You mentioned simplified access to member countries of la Communidad Andina. Do these benefits also extend to MERCOSUR member countries? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/09/2023
      Hello Yves,

      Peru is not a full member of Mercosur, just an associated member. However, in Peru there is, for example, a special residence visa for nationals from Mercosur countries. I don't know if this applies in return to Peruvians in full member countries as well. However, some of the other associated Mercosur member countries, such as Chile, for example, have bilateral agreements with Peru, which include traveling only with a DNI for tourism.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      yves · 30/09/2023
      @Sunflower Hi Eva, if getting citizenship is not a good option, there is the option of getting Permanent resident of familiar, correct? Do you know if the financial requirements are the same as someone apply for permanent resident. For example there is aneed to demonstrate solvencia economica of 49000 soles. Does this requirement apply as well if you are married to a peruvian, currently on a residente familiar visa?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 30/09/2023
      Hello Yves,

      if you are married to a Peruvian you can apply for a family visa (make a so-called cambio de calidad migratoria por la de la familiar residente) as explained above. 

      After three years of living in Peru on a family visa you then can apply for a permanent family visa (cambio a calidad migratoria permanente residente - casado con peruano).

      While, for example, those foreigners who live in Peru on a work visa or an investment visa, have to prove a yearly income of S/ 49,500 (2023) to change to a permanent residence visa, the proof of "solvencia economica" is not required for those who apply for a permanent residence visa based on being married to a Peruvian. 

      The requirements to apply for a permanent residence visa based on being married to a Peruvian include:

      - passport
      - valid carné (must have lived in Peru 3 years on a family visa)
      - DNI of the Peruvian spouse
      - ficha de canje from Interpol 
      - criminal record check from your home country
      - Peruvian marriage certificate
      - declaration that you are still married signed by the Peruvian spouse
      - payment receipt

      That's it; at least as of today.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ivan Akinfiev · 26/08/2023
    Hello Eva,

    I have an Algerian friend (female) who will be doing an online (Utah) marriage with a Peruvian-American who is currently serving in the US army (in Alaska) but usually resides in NJ.

    He says that he lost his DNI as a kid and that there is now a process that he has to go through (with his father having a PoA and being assigned to do this process) to "re-establish his citizenship". Once this is done,

    If the two get married but neither are in the same country, how can this marriage be transcribed? Would it be enough for him to go to the consulate in NJ (USA) with a scan of her passport to register the marriage?

    And then, would he be given a Peruvian marriage certificate?

    I presume that he will. If he mails it to her in Algeria, how can she travel to Peru? Algerians need visas to Peru... How can she provide an Interpol background check to the consulate of Peru in Algiers if she has not yet been to Peru?

    How do folks who need visas to enter Peru do INTERPOL background checks?

    Are there any issues that you can foresee with what they are trying to do?

    Kind regards,
    Ivan A
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 27/08/2023
      @Ivan Akinfiev Hello Ivan,

      Reading your lines, I’m confused and not sure what your Algerian friend and her Peruvian-American fiancé are trying to do. And I have lots of questions.

      Anyway, the first thing that makes me wonder is what you mean by “he lost his DNI as a kid”. If he (or most probably his parents) just lost the DNI, so the ID card, then there is no re-establishing his citizenship necessary. As he had a DNI before, I assume his birth was correctly registered at Reniec in Peru or a Peruvian consulate, so he just has to apply for a new DNI. And as fingerprints and a biometric photo must be taken, his father (is he in Peru?) can’t do anything, the fiancé must be present.

      If, however, his parents not just lost the DNI but renounced the Peruvian nationality on behalf of their son when he was a kid, that’s a completely different story. While the Peruvian-American fiancé has the right to get his Peruvian nationality back, he must apply for a Recuperación de la nacionalidad peruana either at a Peruvian consulate or at Migraciones in Peru.

      A lengthy, nerve-wracking process which will take many, many months and involves, if you apply from abroad, the Peruvian consulate, and then Migraciones in Peru and the different divisions of the Peruvian Ministry of the Interior. There have been some slight changes in the process at the beginning of this year, which you can find in the Decreto Supremo 004-2023-IN, scroll down to Articulo 28 and following.

      I’m not really familiar with all the state and federal laws in the US. However, when I remember correctly (I might be wrong) an online marriage as allowed in Utah where both spouses aren’t present with the officiant at the ceremony is a so-called proxy-marriage and not valid under federal law until the marriage is consummated, so until the couple had “marital relations” after (!!!) the ceremony, which is only possible when both are at the same place after they were married. So, as your Algerian friend can’t come to the US, does her then husband plans to visit her in Algeria to consummate the marriage?

      Anyway, I have never seen a marriage certificate of a Utah proxy-marriage and don’t know if it somewhere states that it was celebrated without the spouses being present. And I don’t know if Peru accepts and registers such marriages. This might be a good question to ask at a Peruvian consulate or at Reniec in Peru. 

      However, usually to register a marriage at a Peruvian consulate, you need the US marriage certificate in paper form, a digital copy won’t be accepted. And yes, if the Peruvian spouse registers the marriage at a Peruvian consulate or at Reniec, the other spouse doesn’t have to be present and, if the other spouse is a foreigner, a copy of the passport of the foreign spouse is enough. And yes, once the marriage is registered, a Peruvian marriage certificate is issued.

      As explained above in the Family visa article under Legal background for a family visa application, the requirements and process for a family visa application as described in the article only apply to those who are in Peru and apply for their visa at Migraciones in Peru.

      As your Algerian friend cannot enter Peru visa-free, she cannot come to Peru and apply for the family visa in Peru. Officially, she must apply, or correctly her husband or another trusted person must apply for her, for her family visa while she is still being outside Peru; a complicated, lengthy, and sometimes frustrating process. The requirements and application process are explained in our article Peruvian residence visa application from abroad.

      And if you check the requirements for a Family visa application from abroad as described in the article, no Ficha de canje issued by Interpol in Peru (that’s not a background check!) is necessary, just a criminal record check from her home country.

      And yes, there are some issues the couple could encounter. Both, of course, can get married, but a huge question is, if the Peruvian consulate or Reniec in Peru accepts a proxy-marriage as this is not a thing in Peru.

      Then, you said that the Peruvian-American fiancé is serving in the US army and lives in the US. So, wouldn’t it make more sense to apply for a visa in the US? Why are they considering applying for a family visa for her in Peru? One problem could be that to apply for a family visa in Peru, the Peruvian part of the couple, in this case the Peruvian-American husband, must live in Peru and the couple’s “center of life” must be in Peru. So, is the guy planning to leave the army and the US and move to Peru? If not, your Algerian friend cannot apply for a family visa.

      Or is the couple thinking that Peru is just a stepping stone, where your Algerian friend can easily get a family visa, on the way to the US, where it’s super difficult to get one? Then be warned, applying for a visa for the US in Peru is, under normal circumstances, already a nightmare and may take many months to a year or even more. If US authorities see the proxy marriage celebrated in the US and the Peru detour, they surely won’t be happy.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ivan Akinfiev · 27/08/2023
      @Sunflower Good evening Eva,

      Utah marriage certificates do not state that the couple was married online, they are physically indistinguishable from the kind of document that a couple of two people who have never left Utah would get.

      You are correct in that US immigration law requires the two parties to the marriage to consumate a marriage for it to be valid for immigration purposes, but it does not need to be consumated in Algeria (or any specific country/jurisdiction).

      Algeria is an Islamic republic, it does not recognise marriages between Muslim women and non-Muslim men so the marriage is considered null and void over there... Getting a (tourist or any kind of) visa to Algeria is also close to impossible for him, so Peru would be better than neighbouring Tunisia (on the other side of the planet for the husband-to-be) as he has family there.

      I spoke to him, he said that he just needs to renew his DNI. I advised them to do the online marriage, update his civil status and then order the plastic with his civil status listed as casado instead of solteiro. If you get a DNI at a consulate, does it mention your address outside of Peru?

      His father has some real estate in Peru, what are the sort of documents that he'd need to make while in Peru so that she could get an invitation to come and join him?

      Can he pay for her visa/services and send the receipts electronically/by post or can the fees for the family visas be paid by her at the consulate?

      If she makes herself a criminal record extract in Algeria (it'd be in French or Arabic), I presume the consulate would accept the French version for the issuance of the visa. It would get apostilled. She'd arrive in Peru with the document, get it translated into Spanish and apply for residency... After one year, would she be able to use the same criminal record from Algeria (with apostille and translation) + INTERPOL/Peru criminal record from inside of Peru or would she need someone in Algeria to make her another criminal record statement and mail it to Peru?

      Thanks again,
      Ivan A
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 27/08/2023
      @Ivan Akinfiev
      Hello Ivan,

      reading this, it seems to me overall good news.

      I didn't know that Algeria now requires a visa for tourism. My husband and I traveled a lot through North Africa, however, over 25 years ago and we have been to Algeria a couple of times. Can't remember that we applied for a visa back then, but when I checked now, yes, nearly all foreign nationals have to apply for a visa. So, sad, beautiful country.

      Anyway, if the future husband just needs to get a new DNI, the process should be easy and painless, though if he applies at a consulate might take a bit. As he didn't get a new DNI immediately after his was lost, he should check the exact requirements with the Peruvian consulate where he wants to apply.

      And yes, his new DNI will have his US address on it and he will be registered at the consulate as Peruvian living abroad. That's a problem. As stated before to apply for a family visa for a foreign spouse the Peruvian spouse must live in Peru and the couple must have their center of life in Peru. So, at one point the husband must travel to Peru and change the US address on his DNI to a Peruvian address at Reniec.

      If the Utah marriage certificate looks like a "normal" US marriage certificate, I don't see any obstacles for registering the marriage at a Peruvian consulate and honestly, wouldn't even mention that it was an online marriage.

      And I'm not sure, if you read the article I linked above about the application of a residence visa from abroad. All is explained in detail there.

      First of all no invitation letter is necessary to apply for a family visa from abroad and having one won't help or speed up the process. If you, however, think of applying for a tourist visa, which must be done at a Peruvian consulate (the one in charge would be in in Rabat Morocco), so your Algerian friend can come to Peru as a tourist and then apply for a family visa while in Peru, then an invitation letter can be used instead of a hotel booking or tour reservation. The letter must be legalized by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be accepted.

      Then the payment of visa fees and the process of applying for a family visa for a foreigner who can't come to Peru without a visa is done online. It's explained in detailed in above linked article. A consulate is not involved (only once the visa is approved, then it must be picked up at a Peruvian consulate). The person applying for the foreigner doesn't have to be the husband, could be anyone that is able to go through Peruvian bureaucracy or an immigration lawyer, but the person must be in Peru. So, does the husband.

      Another point: Algeria didn't sign the Hague Apostille Convention, so you can't get an Apostille on the criminal record check issued in Algeria. In such cases the document must be authenticated the traditional way by the competent authority(s) in Algeria and then legalized by a Peruvian consulate.

      In general, documents issued in Peru are only accepted when they were issued less than three months before the submission of an application; document issued abroad are only accepted when they aren't older than 6 months.

      And what does she want to do after one year for which she needs  her criminal record check? Extend her family visa? For that neither a criminal record check from her home country nor the Ficha de canje from Interpol (which isn't a criminal record check!!!) is necessary.

      Only if she wants to get the Peruvian nationality, so apply for a so-called Nacionalización por matrimonio, after two years living in Peru legally or if she's planning to apply for a permanent residence visa after three years, she will need a new criminal record check from Algeria and a new Ficha de canje from Interpol in Peru.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ivan Akinfiev · 28/08/2023
      @Sunflower Hello again!

      I hope the back and forth isn't annoying you...

      A few things:

      It turns out that there is both a Peruvian consulate in Algeria (25 minutes away from her house by taxi - Are you 100% sure that it won't be able to issue her a visa and that a trip to Morocco is necessary?), and an Algerian consulate in Peru: https://embargelia-pe.org/

      The idea is to get her Peruvian citizenship ASAP as the Algerian document grants more problems than benefits to it's holder... Paperwork is super cheap and easy to fix in Algeria, it would be better to provide more paperwork whilst in Algeria (legalisation of documents by the Algerian MoFA doesn't cost anything) and wait a few months, and fly to an already-set up situation than trying to get into Peru ASAP and then running around, gathering documents...

      Algeria and Morocco closed their land borders to each other in 1994 because Morocco bombed a hotel in Algeria (or was it vice-versa?). Nonetheless, citizens of the two countries do not need visas to visit the other country (how ironic) but the flight costs about as much as the flight to Spain (there are no direct flights from Algeria to Peru so a stop-over in Spain would be required)

      Can the husband get a "emergency return travel document" (containing the DNI number), leave the US on his US passport, fly down to Peru and enter with that travel document then get a Peruvian ID mentioning that he is married and with a Peruvian address? That would surely save a lot of time... are IDs and passports cheaper if made inside of Peru?

      An Algerian 20-something unemployed girl wouldn't qualify for a tourist visa to, even, perhaps Turkey, are you sure that she can get a tourist visa to Peru?

      If you happen to know: do airlines require people who are citizens of countries who's citizens require visas to Peru to show return flights to be allowed onto flights towards Peru (with a stopover in the middle) or would just a one way flight be enough?

      Thank you so much for all the support you keep giving!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 28/08/2023
      @Ivan Akinfiev
      Hello Ivan,

      yes, you are right. There is a Peruvian consulate in Algiers. Half asleep yesterday evening I missed it on the RREE map, had the map on small and the marker seemed to be in the Mediterranean. Sorry. That will make things so much easier. 

      And yes, I remember 1994 very well. While there had been tensions between Morocco and Algeria for decades, especially because of the the West Sahara, back then Morocco accused Algeria of bombing a hotel in Marrakesh and introduced visa requirements for Algerians. Algeria responded with closing its borders to Morocco. My husband and I were in Algeria at the time trying to cross the border to Morocco to get home. Were stuck there until some lovely Algerians showed us a small border post to the north, where after the typical conversation and some delicious mint tea we were allowed to leave the country as we foreigners had nothing to do with their politics. Fun times.

      Anyway, yes, there is an Algerian embassy in Lima. Not sure what you hope they might do for your Algerian friend once she is in Peru. So, as you mentioned the best is to come prepared.

      As things change quickly in Peru and it's impossible to keep up with all the changes, I just checked the requirements to get the Peruvian nationality based on being married to a Peruvian again. See the Peruvian government website. When your Algerian friend wants to apply for the Peruvian nationality, at least as of today, she doesn't have to submit a new criminal record check anymore. A sworn statement that she doesn't have a criminal record (there are forms on the government website for all the necessary sworn statements and she can just fill them in, sign them and have them authenticated at any notary in Peru) seems to be enough. One thing less to worry about.

      Just to make it clear, she will need a criminal record check issued in Algeria and legalized for her family visa application, but not when she applies for the Peruvian nationality (according to current regulations).

      For the past two years or so getting a Peruvian passport or correctly getting the appointment to get a new passport in Peru is a nightmare, getting one at a consulate can take anything between 3 to 6 months. If you get a passport in Peru it's, when I remember correctly,  less than S/ 100 (so about US$ 27).

      Can't remember the name, but there is a document a consulate can issue so a Peruvian can travel back to Peru.

      Be aware, for decades Peruvians had to enter (and leave) Peru on their Peruvian passport. This changed a while back. Now Peruvians can enter with their Peruvian passport and are then in the country as Peruvian. But they can as well enter on another passport. However, then they are in the country as a tourist for a max of 90 days. Depending on what needs to be done in Peru and on how long he wants to stay in Peru, this might be an option. As he most probably won't get an appointment for a new passport on time, he then could get a new passport immediately 2 or 3 days before he is leaving Peru if he can show a flight ticket out of the country. 

      I don't know if your Algerian friend qualifies for a tourist visa. If she can fulfill the requirements and presents a convincing and conclusive story during her interview (don't tell them she is married to a Peruvian!), why not. The requirements include

      Valid passport
      Round-trip ticket
      Hotel reservation, tourist package reservation or invitation letter
      Proof of sufficient funds
      Passport photos
      Proof of legal residency in the area or country under the consulates jurisdiction
      Receipt for paid application fee

      Might be an option to get her out of Algeria quicker as soon as the future husband has his Peruvian documents in order. I just had contact to someone from the Middle East whose wife applied for his family visa in February of this year. His visa was finally approved at the beginning of August and he picked up his visa last week. That's a long time, so other options might be worth checking out.

      Regarding one-way/return tickets: Peruvian law requires that foreign visitors (!) need a return or onward passage out of the country if they aren't residents, proving that they leave the country when the visa or temporary authorization to enter expires. But the law doesn't state that this return or onward passage must be an airline ticket; it could be anything proving that you leave Peru when the time comes. Peruvian immigration officials hardly ever ask to see this proof. The ones executing above regulations are usually the airlines and they have different policies.

      In general, if your Algerian friend gets a tourist visa then she definitely needs a return ticket. If she however has her family resident visa stamp in her passport, Peru doesn't require the proof of a return or onward passage and, usually, airlines won't ask for it.  I don't know the rules for countries your friend might transit through. So, best check with the airline and let them confirm in writing their policies, so if she has problems when checking in to her flight, she has something "official" in her hand.


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