What are the steps to cancel your residence visa?
- This commment is unpublished.@Patrick KiernanHello Patrick,1. Pay the fee of S/ 6.80 on pagalo.pe or any Banco de la Nacion branch; code 07561; concepto Cancelación de calidad migratoria2. Enter the Agencia Digital, in the left menu choose Cancelación de calidad migratoria3. Fill in the required fields (when I remember correctly only an e-mail address, the Migraciones office that should handle the application, the details of the bank receipt and details of your travel document). Then click an Guardar datos y generar tramite.4. Print and/or download the document.5. Usually within 3 days you get an e-mail with the confirmation that your resident visa and carné was canceled and with the orden de salida. You have 15 days to leave the country.GreetingsEva
- This commment is unpublished.@Sunflower Thanks Eva.I already left the country for more than 183 days and came back in.When I came back in and showed my carne at migraciones they said it was invalid and I would have to enter as a tourist and reapply for the residency visa if I wanted it.Since I have entered as a tourist I have already exceeded 90 days since March 21st. I am planning on leaving in August and I don't want to go through the process of applying for the residency visa again so I'm planning just to pay the fine which I estimate will be around 740soles.If I check the date my residency visa expires (via https://sel.migraciones.gob.pe/servmig-valreg/VerificarCE) it says mid Aug 2025 ... I understand from what migraciones said when I arrived and from reading your site that it is meant to auto cancel after 183 days so I guess that info can only be seen by migraciones?In my case do you think it is worth trying to cancel my residency visa?Thanks,Patrick
- This commment is unpublished.@Patrick KiernanHello Patrick,now that you are in Peru as a tourist, not a lot you can do. If you overstay then you will have to pay S/ 5.35 per overstayed day. If it's wise to overstay such a long time, especially if you are planning to return to Peru in the near future and/or regularly, is up for you to decide.And as your time as a tourist is already expired, you most probably cannot apply for another family visa anyway.To check the status of your resident visa and your carné, enter the Agencia Digital either with your carné number or with the passport number linked to your carné. In the left menu select Consultas en linea and then carné. If you see that your visa and carné are still marked as valid, you most probably must cancel your carné as soon as possible.If the immigration officer saw in the system that your carné was already canceled or if he just saw that you have been outside Peru for more than the allowed half year and therefore didn't let you enter as a resident I don't know.GreetingsEva