How many days did I get when I entered Peru (on the left the TAM virtual and on the right the old" TAM)

How many days did I get when entering Peru?

Allowed time to spend in Peru as a tourist and how to check how long you can stay

While during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country, in May 2022 the entry stamp was re-introduced just to be eliminated again at the end of May 2023 for those entering Peru on international flights. And, unfortunately, this time it seems for good as at land borders stamping of passports is eliminated successively as well.

Today, your entry and the number of days you got (and when you leave your departure) is just automatically registered and nothing more than an entry in the Migraciones database. Once again, tourist and business travelers don't have anything in writing on how long they are allowed to stay.

As you don't get an entry stamp anymore, your only options to find out how long you can be in Peru as a tourist or as a business traveler is to ask the immigration officer and, if you want to have a confirmation "in writing" or need proof when you entered or left the country, to check online. As many things in Peru that's sometimes easier said than done, but hopefully this article will help.

Content overview


How long can I stay in Peru as a tourist?

According to the old Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1350, and the new Foreigner Law, Decreto Legislativo 1582, which was published in November 2023, foreign tourists, who can travel to Peru visa-free, can stay a maximum of 183 accumulated days in a 365-day period.

However, this doesn’t mean you get the full 183 days when you enter the country. The general 183 days per year was and still is limited for most foreign tourists by a publication of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) issued in 2019 and updated occasionally. This publication allows most foreign nationals to stay in Peru as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period for touristic, recreational or health purposes; a few can stay up to 90 days in a 365-day period and a handful up to 180 days in a 365-day period.

Since August 2021, no foreign tourist who can enter Peru visa-free, was given the full 183 days upon arrival. The rule for everyone seems to be up to 90 days in a 180-day period, even for those who, according to RREE, are allowed to stay longer. So, when you enter, in most cases you get three months and then have to stay out of Peru at least three months before re-entering the country.

However, it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer how many days you are allowed to stay in the country. You are not entitled to get the full 90 days per half year or the full 183 days per year. And depending on the immigration officer and your situation you might (or not) be allowed to re-enter the country before your 180-day period is over, if you haven't stayed the full 183 days of your 365-day period.

But be also aware  that the new Foreigner Law further states that in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days upon arrival, an extension can be granted until the 183 days are reached, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions.

As till today (March 2025) the administrative regulations, called TUPA, necessary for the implementation of the new Foreigner Law still haven't been published, we don't know, which foreign nationals can extend or for which nationalities there might be restrictions or when foreigners might be able to extend or how it works. The only foreign nationals, who already now can extend their stay as a tourist, are Bolivians, Ecuadorians and Colombians, which is stated in the TUPA from October 2023.

Note: The 180-day period isn't per half year from January to June or July to December, as the 365 days period isn't per calendar year from January to December but calculated from your day of first entry.

If you want to check whats the maximum you are allowed to stay in Peru as a tourist, please have a look at our PDF "Visas for Peru by country and allowed length of stay" at the end of this article. This PDF is an English translation of the original published by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which can be found here.


How many days did I get when entering Peru?

TAM - Tarjeta Andina de Migracion

For decades, it wasn’t a problem to know how many days you got when coming to Peru. Already on the plane (or at the border) you had to fill in a small white card called TAM (Tarjeta Andina de Migracion), which additionally to your passport was stamped by immigrations at the point of entry and the number of days written on it.

Tarjeta andina de migracion (TAM) Peru
Tarjeta Andina de Migracion (TAM) - Andean Immigration Card. This card had to be filled in when arriving in Peru; the upper part (here on the left) stayed with immigrations, the bottom part (on the right) was given back to the visitor stamped and with the allowed days written on it; upon departure, it had to be returned to immigrations.

 TAM virtual

A few years back, however, Peru abolished the use of this printed form and implemented a virtual card, the so-called TAM virtual for entries at Jorge Chávez International Airport (for international travelers) and at seaports, later at land borders. Your entry was (and to this day still is) automatically registered in the Migraciones database and additionally your passport was stamped and the number of days you were allowed to stay scribbled on the stamp.

Elimination of entry stamp

As part of Corona hygiene measures, stamping of passports was eliminated in 2020 and your entry, the number of days you got and your departure was only automatically registered in the Migraciones database. Lots of foreigners didn't have a clue how many days they were allowed to stay. And as the system wasn't properly prepared, retrieving the TAM virtual was a nightmare for some foreigners.

This ended when in May 2022 Peruvian immigration officers started stamping passports again. And while the old paper TAM wasn't back, on the entry stamp the immigrations officer would write the number of days the foreigner was allowed to be in Peru as a tourist.

Peruvian entry stamp 2022
Peruvian entry stamp 2022-2023 showing the date you entered Peru, above the number of days you were given and below the immigration control post where you entered.

But to follow the example of other countries worldwide, who already have elimated the entry stamp, since May 29, 2023 Peru doesn't stamp passports anymore. Now we are back that foreigners don't have anything in writing about the number of days they are allowed to stay in the country.

So, if you want to confirm the number of days you got or just check which personal data is registered, or, if for whatever reason, you need to prove when you entered or left the country, you have to check your Tam virtual.


How to check your TAM virtual

Option 1: Migraciones website

Checking your TAM virtual and getting the confirmation of how many days you got usually is easily and quickly done on the Migraciones website.

migraciones qr code to check tam virtual

Enter the Migraciones website under Consultas en Linea TAM Virtual or scan above QR code. In the drop-down list choose your travel document, in most cases this will be the passport (pasaporte) and enter the passport number.

Afterwards, choose in the drop-down list your nationality; be aware that the names are in Spanish, so you won’t find, for example, United States or US, but have to look for EE.UU (Estados Unidos); or no sign of Germany, so select Alemania, etc.

Check you Tam virtual on the Migraciones website
Check on the Migraciones website how many days the immigration officer gave you when you entered the country.

Then just enter the day you entered Peru and the captcha. Click on “Verificar”.

You now should immediately get your TAM virtual showing:

  • your personal details registered
  • the point of entry
  • the day you entered (Fecha de ingreso)
  • the number of days you are allowed to stay (Tiempo de permanencia).
tam virtual peru
Printout of a Peruvian TAM virtual

If an error message pops up or nothing happens, switch off a VPN, language translation program, ad blocker or incognito mode you might be using, reload the page and try again. Still nothing? Clear your cache and/or use another browser; Chrome and Firefox worked fine when we tried it just recently. Still nothing? No way around our "Option 2: Get in contact with Migraciones" to check with them if you were registered correctly when you entered the country.

If for whatever reason you need a confirmation when you left Peru, on the first page enter the date of your departure and additionally check the box “TAM virtual de salida”.


Option 2: Get in contact with Migraciones

If you get an error message or aren't shown your entry in the Migraciones database, you can send an e-mail to consultastamvirtual @ migraciones.gob.pe, which hopefully is answered within a few days-


Option 3: Official duplicate of the TAM virtual

If for whatever reason you need or want a copy of your official Migraciones TAM virtual, which shows your personal data, the border you entered, your day of entry and the time you were given when you entered, you can request it through the Agencia Digital.

First pay the fee of S/ 3.20 (2025) for the Migraciones administrative procedure under code 07561 - Formulario F-SPE-001, concepto: "Duplicado de Tarjeta Andina de Migración (TAM)" on pagalo.pe or at any Banco de la Nacion branch / ATM.

You can find detailed explanations about how to pay, what you have to do and be aware of and how to register and find your way around the online payment platform pagalo.pe in our article "Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru".

Then enter the Agencia Digital, choose if you are Peruvian or foreigner and fill in required fields (passport (CE or DNI) and number, birthdate, nationality and your last entry into Peru). On the next page, click on "Mesa de Partes" at the top. Check "persona natural" and enter an e-mail address and cellphone number. Accept the terms & conditions and click "Siguiente".

Get an official duplicate of your TAM
Request an official copy of your TAM virtual on the Migraciones online platform

In the drop-down list under "Tipo de solicitud" choose "Nuevos trámites TUPA" and the "Subtipo": "Duplicado de Tarjeta Andina de Migración (TAM)" as well as the Migraciones office. Then download the form, fill it in and below upload it together with your payment receipt. Click on "Registrar".

Within 24h Migraciones processes your request, and you can then download your TAM virtual on the Agencia Digital.



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    CelTata · 09/11/2024
    I checked the list that you attached at the end. I have one question. It is clear to me if it is written 90/180 days. But what does is mean if there is only written 90?
    90 in 365 days or always 90 when you reenter even without being out of the country for 90 days...
    Thank you!! :) 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 09/11/2024
      Hello CelTata,

      Since August 2021, this topic comes up often. So first a short explanation about the legal background.

      According to the old foreigner, Decreto Legislativo 1350, and the new foreigner law, Decreto Legislativo 1582, in general, tourists can stay in Peru for 183 days in a 365-day period.

      However, this doesn’t mean that all foreigners can stay the full 183 days in a 365-day period or that you get the complete 183 days when you enter the country.

      The publication issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) you mentioned is based on agreements Peru has with different countries. It limits and, in some cases, divides the general 183 days per year allowing most foreign nationals to stay in Peru as a tourist for up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

      If you check out the list again, you will see that for most foreign nationals, who can travel to Peru visa-free, you find 90/180, which means they can stay up to 90 days in a 180-day period, for a few 180/365, so up to 180 days in a 365-day period and 90/365 (up to 90 days in a 365-day period).

      Under Estados Unidos de America (and a few other countries) you will only find 90, so 90 days. The list doesn't state if it's in a 180- or 365-day period. This leaves lots of room for interpretation and uncertainties.

      The 90 surely doesn’t mean that you get 90 days whenever you enter.

      Over the past over three years, I regularly get e-mails or comments stating that someone or an immigration officer said/showed some document that US Americans (and a few other foreign nationals) can only stay 90 days in a 365-day period.

      I've never seen such a document explicitly stating 90/365 for US Americans nor could I find it on any official site. I even contacted Migraciones and the Peruvian General Consulate in Washington a good year ago and again a few months back, but they confirmed that US Americans can stay visa-free as a tourist for 183 days per year and the 90 means 90 days in a 180-day period.

      Additionally, I know of quite a number of US Americans, who had no problem staying in Peru 2 times 90 days, so the full 180 days within a year.

      However, as in many countries around the globe it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer how he/she evaluates you /your situation/your travel history and how many days he/she is willing to let you stay as a tourist in Peru. You are not entitled to get the full 90 days or the full 183 days per year. It's completely up to the immigration officer if he/she lets you enter and how long he/she allows you to stay.

      The same applies if you already stayed in Peru for 90 days and you want to reenter the country before your 180-day period is up. If you haven’t spent the complete 183 days allowed in a 365-day period some immigration officers allow you to enter giving you another 90 days, while others either refuse to let you enter or just give you any (small) amount of days they are happy with. So, you are at the mercy of the immigration officer.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      CelTata · 11/11/2024
      @Sunflower Hi Eva
      Thank you very much for that detailed reply!
      I guess I'll find out when I'll go back to Peru soon. Let's hope the immigration officer is in a good mood lol
      Thanks :) 

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 11/11/2024
      All the best and good luck.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Mathew · 26/10/2024

    Thanks for this helpful information! I have a bit of a neurotic question but just wanted to make sure. Do I need to print out my TAM virtual document before leaving Peru, or can I just show the virtual version? 

    Thank you!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 26/10/2024
      Hello Mathew,

      You neither have to print out the TAM Virtual document nor show the digital version when leaving Peru. The immigration officer you have to face when leaving will scan your passport and will see your entry (or entries and exits)on the screen.

      Usually you only need to know about the TAM virtual when you want to check how long you can stay in Peru or when you must prove somewhere official when you entered and/or left the country.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Mathew · 26/10/2024
      @Sunflower Thank you so much!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jonny · 02/09/2024
    Hi Eva,

    Can I just say thank you so much for all the effort you put into this, its greatly appreciated.

    I'm wondering if you could assist with what you think my current situation is, I appreciate things ultimately come down to the agent at mirgrations each time you enter.

    - Entered Peru 04/10/2023, left Peru 02/11/2023 (29days)
    - Entered Peru 29/08/2024. Intend to stay until 25/11/2024 (88days).

    When does the period rest in my case? Does this mean from 04/10/2023 - 03/10/2024 I was entitled to use 183 days and only used 64days (29days + 35days)and now my new year starts 04/10/2024 and can use 183days from 04/10/2024 - 03/10/2025? 

    If so, am I then entitled to stay for 90days between 04/10/2024 and 03/04/2025? Rather than 90days from my entry this year on 29/08/2024? 

    Sorry if this isn't very clear but I'm struggling to understand when my relevant year ends and how this rolls over year on year.

    Many thanks again 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 02/09/2024
      Hello Jonny,

      I understand your problem, but can't give you an accurate answer.

      Your first 365-day period started with your first entry into Peru, which was on 04/10/2023. It ends on 03/10/2024. Officially all days, you could have stayed, but didn't "use" in this period lapse.

      You entered again on 29/08/2024 with your first 365-day period still running. So, as you only have stayed a few days in this first 365-day period, it actually depends on the immigration officer how he evaluated your travel history.

      First of all, I think that you got the full 90 days (best check your TAM virtual as explained above to confirm) and won't have a problem staying until 25/11/2024.

      But the question remains, when your second 365-day period may start / may have started and how the days you stayed in your first are taken into consideration. 

      Unfortunately, Migraciones hasn't made public how they determine the 365-day periods in such cases and how the days are calculated. Additionally, even among immigration officer cases as yours are handled differently. So there doesn't seem to be an official guideline.

      Often, but not always immigration officers "start" a new 365-day period and the calculation starts from there again. Others really make an effort and - in case you got 90 days - would deduct the 35 days, which you stayed in your first 365-day period and consider only 55 days used in your second 365-days period, which would start at the beginning of October. How the immigration officer will evaluate your case, when you re-enter, I don't know.

      Sorry, I couldn't help.


  • This commment is unpublished.
    Robert · 06/06/2024
    Hi Eva,

    I have an unusual situation where my girlfriend and I entered Peru via LIM at the same time but I was given 90 days while she was only given 40; we both have US passports. 

    We plan on staying for 59 days as we have already rented an apartment for our time here. What do you think would be the best way to go about this; go to a local migration office and ask for the full 90 days, do a quick border hop and get re-stamped, or just do nothing and pay the fines on a 19-day overstay for her. 

    Paying the fine seems like simplest thing to do here, but we are planning on coming back for a month or so in October and we don't want to create any red flags for her. We would appreciate any advice you could give on the best course of action.

    Thank you,

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/06/2024
      Hello Robert,

      your situation isn't as unusual as you think. Immigration officers at the airport once in a while do this with couples for no obvious reason.

      Anyway, as of today there is no possibility to extend your stay as a tourist. So, going to a Migraciones office is a waste of time as you won't be seen without an appointment, which is difficult to get in a timely manner, and even if you manage to get in without an appointment you will be told that there are no extensions.

      This leaves you / your girlfriend with two options: leave Peru for a short stay in Chile, Bolivia or Ecuador or overstay.

      The correct way to go would be to leave and return hoping that upon your return you both get the days you need until you leave.

      You will understand that I cannot and won't recommend to overstay as I believe you should respect the country you are visiting as a guest and its rules including the time you are allowed to stay as a tourist. However, giving you the full 90 days and your girlfriend 40 is just ridiculous. So, if it were me and my husband, I would overstay the few days and pay the fine, especially as you are not even pushing the 90 days limit in a 180-day period.

      But there are consequences (in most cases just the overstay fine) and yes, the overstaying will be registered. Here again, I doubt that overstaying 19 days will give your girlfriend any trouble coming back in October. As your 180-day period isn't over by then you might not get the full 90 days, but should both get at least another 30 days.

      Nevertheless, please be aware that it's always at the discretion of the immigration officer if you are allowed to enter and how many days he/she is willing to let you stay.

      You find more info on overstaying in Peru in our article "Peruvian overstay fine for tourists". https://www.limaeasy.com/peru-guide/legal-stuff/peruvian-overstay-fine-for-tourists

      Wishing you all the best

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Caro · 17/12/2023
    Hey, thank you so much for all that detailed information.
    Apologies for being a little thick, but I'm not sure I get how to turn my 90 day tourist visa, into 183. 
    I entered Peru on December 8th, and I checked my status on the immigration website, and I was granted 90 days, therefore until March 6th. 
    If I want to get another 90, do I have to leave the country and come back? 
    But if I do so, don't I risk not being able to get back in? Or do I have to leave the country for a minimum of 3 months or something like that? 
    Thanks for all your help
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/12/2023
      Hello Caro,

      according to the old Peruvian foreigner law, Decreto Legislativo 1350, and the new Peruvian foreigner law, Decreto Legislativo 1582, which was published on November 14, 2023, foreign tourists can stay in Peru for 183 accumulated days in a 365-day period; so, half a year within one year.

      But a publication of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs limits or better divides this general 183 days for most foreign national in two times 90 days in two consecutive 180-day periods.

      So, over the past two years, most foreigners got a max of 90 days when they entered the country as a tourist. According to the rules, extension weren't possible and after 90 days they had to leave and could only return 3 months later. But this wasn't always enforced. So, some people could return before their 3 months out of the country were over and would get another 90 days; others weren't allowed to return or were only given a few days up to a month or so. However, the 183 days in a year were usually (with a few exceptions) strictly enforced. So, if you already stayed half a year in Peru within the last 12 months, in most cases entry was denied.

      Now, we return to the new foreigner law. Contrary to the old one it describes that in case foreign tourists don't get the full 183 days, an extension can be granted, unless international agreements or conventions determine a shorter period or don't allow extensions.

      At the moment, the necessary administrative regulations for this new foreigner law haven't been published yet. We don't know how the extension works and for which nationalities there might be restrictions (most probably at least for EU nationals as there is an agreement in place that allows Peruvian nationals to stay 90 days within half a year in the Schengen area and EU nationals to stays 90 days in a 180-day period in Peru. So, right now we can just wait for more official news.

      In case you have a nationality, for which international agreements or conventions determine a stay as a tourist for less than 183 days or don't allow extensions, then your only option is leave after the 90 days and return (or overstay). If you are lucky you might (or not) get another 90 days if you come back to Peru before your first 180-day period is over. It's at the discretion of the immigration officer, so no-one can guarantee anything.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Caro · 24/12/2023
      @Sunflower Thank you so much!! This is so clear and detailed, wow. 
      Happy holidays!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Antonio · 20/10/2023
    So confusing and burocratic
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 21/10/2023
      Hello Antonio,

      yes, bureaucratic stuff is always confusing, especially in countries like Peru.

      While having the physical TAM card or an entry stamp in your passport surely is easier, checking your TAM virtual is usually a simple process.

      So, in case you just want to know how many days you got when you entered Peru and aren't interested in the explanation about the background just skip the first chapters in this article and directly go to "How to check your TAM virtual" subpoint Option 1: Migraciones website, where the process is explained in detail.

      So, in short, go to the Migraciones website under Consultas en Linea TAM Virtual, enter your personal data and in seconds you get your TAM virtual displayed on the screen. Under "Fecha de ingreso" you find the date you entered the country and below that under "Tiempo de permanencia" the number of days you are allowed to stay in Peru as a tourist. 

      If you have any further questions, just give me a shout.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ann · 10/08/2023
    Hello Eva , thank you . 

    Could you please help me with this math equation ?

    Entered Peru : Jan 4- Feb 5 , 2023
    Entered Peru: April 25- May 17,  2023
    Entered Peru: July 24- Aug 6,  2023

    How do you calculate this? As there are 69 days total used so far.  thank you Ann
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/08/2023
      @Ann Jan 4- Feb 5 , 2023: 32 days
      April 25- May 17, 2023: 22 days
      July 24- Aug 6, 2023: 13 days

      So far you spend 67 days in Peru. The maximum you could be in Peru as a tourist until your 365-day period ends on Jan 4, 2024 is 116 days.

      However, the max immigration officer give visitors is 90 days. And it's always up to the officer how many days he/she is willing to give you.

      Overall, you shouldn't have a problem returning to Peru in December or January and most probably getting 90 days.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ann · 10/08/2023
    Hello, If i have 5 days left this year 2023 on a tourist 90 day stay in Peru but entered Peru on December 31, 2023. Is that count towards the 90 day stay of what year 2023   or 2024?

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/08/2023
      Hello Ann,

      Peru doesn't count in calendar years, but in 180-day and 365-day periods.

      Most foreign nationals, who can visit Peru visa-free, can stay 90 days in a 180-day period and a total of 183 days in a 365-day period. 

      The 180-day period isn't per half year from January to June or July to December and the 365-day period isn't per calendar year from January to December but calculated from your first entry.

      So, how many days you can still spend depends on when you entered Peru and how many days you already spend.

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    Beijul · 03/07/2023
    Hi. Lots of info here which is really helpful. What's confusing is I read on the UK government website that "If you enter Peru without an immigration entry stamp through any land border, you may still be able to enter Peru with no problems, but once in, you will not be able to leave Peru until you have obtained a new entry stamp. That is required by law." So in order to leave i need an entry stamp? How do I obtain that?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 03/07/2023
      Hello Beijul,

      honestly, what you quoted from the UK government website doesn't make any sense to me, but might be taken out of context; or the current entry processes/recent changes weren't updated.

      Anyway, at the end of May 2023 stamping of passports was eliminated for those entering Peru on international flights at Jorge Chavez International Airport (Lima), Alfredo Rodríguez Ballón Airport (Arequipa), Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport (Cusco), Capitán FAP José A. Quiñones Airport (Chiclayo) and Capitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos Airport (Trujillo). Even though there are plans to successively stop stamping at land borders as well, right now you still should get an entry stamp  when crossing into Peru at a land border.

      If your passport wasn't stamped when you entered the country at a land border, you should immediately check your TAM virtual as described above.

      If you get an entry displayed with your correct information you should be fine and shouldn't have a problem leaving the country.

      If you, however, get an error message and can't access your TAM virtual, it's possible that your entry into the country wasn't registered correctly at the border. Only then, you have a problem and might be denied to leave the country. You should get in contact with Migraciones immediately and most probably first have to get this mess sorted out and only then are allowed to leave Peru.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Beijul Shah · 03/07/2023
      @Sunflower Thanks Eva! That’s helpful. I’ll keep an eye on TAM and go from there! 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Nick · 18/03/2022
    Hello, I've found some very useful information on this page. But one question: who can I call to double check to amount of time I am able to stay in Peru. I also remember being told 6 months (it's been 4 already), so the 90 days thing is new to me. I would like to double check with the relevant authorities. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/03/2022
      @Nick Hello Nick,

      I'm a little bit confused. This page is dedicated to explain in detail which options you have to find out how many days you were given.

      Speaking to someone in person or on the phone (in charge is Migraciones) isn't a good option to double check anything, as unfortunately, answers aren't always accurate and sometimes quite "creative". Better choose an option, where you get something in writing. So, best work your way through above mentioned options.

      The easiest, quickest and at the moment most successful way to find out how many days you got is above described "Option 1: Migraciones website". How you do it, is explained above.

      If this doesn't work, try "Option 2: Migraciones Agencia Digital". Here as well, explanation above.

      Still no luck, then use "Option 3: Get in contact with Migraciones". Contact details can be found above.

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    AL · 09/03/2022
    I wrote to the Peruvian consulate in Washington DC and my husband called the Puruvian consulate in DC. They told us that US citizens get 183 days in Perú on tourist visa. On the phone call with my husband, the lady he spoke with said that if we ask the officer for 183 days, it depends on his/her discretion. Could it be that they possibly mistaken? You're very helpful website and the migrations site for Peru seem to suggest otherwise.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 09/03/2022
      Hello AL,

      Interesting response from the Peruvian consulate; they should know better.

      According to the Peruvian Foreigner Law from 2017, Decreto Legislativo 1350, foreigners in general can stay in Peru for a maximum of 183 cumulative days in a 365-day period for touristic purposes (see page 60, article 29.1h); that’s correct. As well correct that it’s always at the discretion of the immigration officer if he or she lets you enter the country at all and how many days he/she gives you. You have no right to get the full 183 or 90 days.

      However, what the lady from the Peruvian consulate might have forgotten to mention is that already in 2019, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) eliminated the general 183 days for most nationalities. Already since then US and many, many other nationals who can travel visa-free to Peru now are mostly only allowed to stay up to 90 days in a 183-day period (see Requerimientos y exoneracion de visas para ciudadanos extranjeros, page 1 under America del Norte, Estados Unidos).

      And while in 2019 and the beginning of 2020 (before the borders were closed due to Covid), this new rule was handled quite relaxed and lots of foreign travelers still got their 183 days when entering the country or could extend if they didn’t, since August 2021 immigration officers at the airport (the land borders only opened a few weeks ago, so not sure how strict they are there at the moment) seem to give travelers as standard only 90 days according to above mentioned list from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Visitors who, according to the RREE list, are still allowed 183 days reported that even they only got 90 days.

      So, yes, while you can try to ask for 183 days, don’t be surprised to only get the 90 days allowed for US passport holders.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      AL · 09/03/2022
      @Sunflower Thank you so much for this detailed response!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      GJ · 28/04/2023
      @Sunflower Eva and any other authors of this page–just want to say a big thank you. You always have up to date information, clearly communicated, in a relatively chaotic place. I really appreciate it!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 29/04/2023
      Hello GJ,

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. It's always great to hear that the information we provide here is helpful.

      Yes, the overall bureaucratic situation in Peru is different than what we might be used from home. Additionally things change quickly and no-one seems to bother informing anyone in a timely manner. We really try our best to have the most up-to-date info here on LimaEasy, which is a challenge and, to be honest, only possible with the help of our great readers.

      Thanks again, you made my day.

      Have a great weekend

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Chandon · 21/02/2022
    Hi, I have overstayed in Peru, and paid the amount of months I overstayed when I left the country for Costa Rica. I am now planning to return to Peru. I heard somewhere I might not be able to enter as I have stayed more than 180 days in a year.. Is this true? Would you be able to clarify to me if I would be able to enter Peru again 4 weeks after. I left with my situation? Thank you so much! <3 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 21/02/2022
      Hello Chandon,

      most nationalities are only allowed to stay in Peru as a tourist for 90 days in a 180-day period. This means three months in Peru and at least 3 months out of Peru. That's the current regulation according to the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

      If you try to re-enter Peru before your 180-day period is over or shortly after you left having paid months in overstay fees (hopefully you weren't additionally sanctioned with an entry ban), two things can happen: either the immigration officer you have to face doesn't bother and just let you in giving you another 90 days or is doing his/her job by the book, might give you a hard time (so be prepared for some discussion) and only allows you to return to Peru for a few days (I heard anything between 7 and 30 days; I never heard of anyone who was refused to enter).

      So, nobody can guarantee you that you are allowed to enter again and for how long you can stay. As everywhere around the globe, it's at the discretion of the immigration officer.


  • This commment is unpublished.
    Cassandra · 31/01/2022
    Thank you so much for this post. I stayed in Peru for the entire Pandemic (1 year and a half) then left Peru in 4 September 2021, when it was announced we would start having to pay fines. I paid by 3 week overstay fine, and returned late November. Ive now almost stayed 90 days again and I'm wondering if i leave the country, when is the earliest i can return?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/02/2022
      Hello Cassandra,

      according to the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can stay 90 days in a 180-day period; so 3 months in Peru, 3 months out of Peru. If you entered Peru at the end of November 2021 and they gave you another 90 days, then you could stay until the end of February. Your 180-day period ends by end of May, when you could enter again with no problems. That's the legal situation.

      If you try to return to Peru earlier than end of May you can be lucky and the immigration officer just gives you another 90 days. Or he / she is doing her job by the book, gives you a scolding and may only allow you another few days (anything between 7 and 30 days; I never heard of anyone being denied to enter).

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Tom Bellamy · 25/01/2022
    Unfortunately the state department website still says tourist visas are for 183 days for US nationals, although your document says 90 and it seems more likely that you guys know what you're talking about. 

    I understand that proof of onward travel can be required in order to receive a tourist visa - would you happen to know how frequently Migraciones asks to see this for US nationals arriving for tourism? If my return ticket is outside of the 90 day window (by just a couple days), is this likely to be a problem?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/01/2022
      @Tom Bellamy
      Hello Tom,

      Yes, it's unfortunately 90 days in a 180-day period for US citizens.

      And yes, one requirement to enter Peru visa-free as a tourist, so without having to apply for a "real" tourist visa at a Peruvian consulate before coming to the country, is to have proof of return or onward travel. However, Peruvian immigration usually never checks the return or onward ticket of visitors when entering. It is the airlines flying you to Peru who request to see it when checking in for your flight to Peru.

      If your return flight is just a couple of days outside the 90 days, you shouldn't have any problems. When entering Peru you could, showing your return ticket, ask to get, for example, 92 or 94 days, but I doubt you are successful and personally I would let sleeping dogs lie. At the moment, overstaying your time in Peru for a few days doesn't have any consequences. However, when leaving the country you might be asked to pay an overstay fee of S/ 4.60 per day you overstayed. After payment you are free to leave without any further reprisals.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Tom Bellamy · 25/01/2022
      @Sunflower Thanks so much for the information Eva! I think I'll follow your advice to let sleeping dogs lie and just won't bring any of it up unless I'm asked, S/ 4.60 per day for a couple days is no big deal.

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