Hi, I will be traveling to Peru on May 7th, I have my 2 doses of moderna covid vaccine, but will be getting my booster of May 2nd. Will I have any problems entering peru and traveling within Peru?
- This commment is unpublished.@Jand Hello Jand,
No, you won't have any problems when you have three shots.
Just have your vaccination certificates, either in digital or paper form, proving that you had three doses of a vaccine against Covid on hand.
Check with the airline flying you to Peru, if they have other / additional requirements.
- This commment is unpublished.@Sunflower Hang on. I'm pretty confident that you had to have had your booster 14 days before arrival. Are you *certain* about this answer?
And I'm really sorry if I'm wrong. I've just done a ton of research for the trip I'm leading, and I was *adamant* that my people get their booster at least 14 days prior (based on my research) - This commment is unpublished.@JT Nelms Hello JT,
yes I’m sure, at least that’s what the current Peruvian Covid regulations, the Supreme Decree 041-2022-PCM, says.
In 2021, shortly after the rule either vaccination or neg. PCR test was introduced, you had to have your vaccination 14 days prior to your arrival. This passage is gone from the regulations. I’m not sure when exactly it was changed, but latest with the first Covid-related Supreme Decree of 2022 (010-2022-PCM).
If you have a look at the current one DS 041-2022-PCM in article 4.4 it says for entering Peru, for example, the following: “Los peruanos, extranjeros residentes y extranjeros no residentes de 12 años a más cuyo destino final sea el territorio nacional, en calidad de pasajeros e independientemente del país de procedencia, deben acreditar haberse aplicado la primera y segunda dosis de vacunación contra la COVID-19 en el Perú o en el extranjero, y la tercera dosis los mayores de 18 años que residan en el país y se encuentren habilitados para recibirla, según protocolo vigente. En su defecto, pueden presentar una prueba molecular negativa con fecha de resultado no mayor a 48 horas antes de abordar en su punto de origen.”
So, translated freely: Peru requires an official vaccination certificate from everyone older than 12 years - Peruvian, foreign resident of Peru and non-resident foreigner - entering the country, proving they had the first and second dose of a vaccination against Covid-19. Residents of Peru older than 18 years must present a certificate of a third shot. Failing to do so (so, if you are not vaccinated according to your age group), a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane has to be presented.
Nowhere in the current regulations you find that the vaccination or booster has to be administered 14 days before your arrival.
So, not sure where you did your research and how up-to-date the information there was. Anyway, I base my statements each time on the current version of Covid regulations published by the Peruvian government in the official Peruvian gazette El Peruano. Airlines, tour operators or other private companies might ask for something different.