All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead celebration in Peru

Date: Sunday, 02 November 2025

On November 1 and 2, All Saints’ Day (Día de Todos los Santos Vivos) and All Souls’ Day (Day of the Dead - Día de los Difuntos), Peruvians celebrate the Living and the Dead with a mixture of ancient indigenous traditions and Christians elements brought to Peru by the Spanish conquerors.

As in numerous other Latin American countries after mass Peruvians head to the cemeteries for a lively celebration colorfully decorating the gravesite of deceased loved ones and bringing small gifts and offerings such as flowers, sweets, food, alcohol and special bread.

So, expect colorful celebrations with musicians and dancers offering to perform in honor of the deceased in exchange for a small tip, street vendors and an overall festive atmosphere with lots of traditional food and beverages on both days at Peruvian cemeteries.

Read more about the celebration sin our article "All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead in Peru".

All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead in Peru

Peruvian Public Holidays & Festivities
As so many other religious festivities in the country, the celebration of All Saints’ Day (Día de Todos los Santos Vivos) and All Souls’ Day (Day o...

Venue / Location:
all Peru

All Dates

  • Saturday, 01 November 2025
  • Sunday, 02 November 2025
  • Sunday, 01 November 2026
  • Monday, 02 November 2026
  • Monday, 01 November 2027
  • Tuesday, 02 November 2027
  • Wednesday, 01 November 2028
  • Thursday, 02 November 2028
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