Swan Lake - Saint Petersburg State Ballet on Ice in Lima

Ballet, Dance & Theater
Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2019 - Friday, 17 May 2019

The Saint Petersburg State Ballet on Ice presents Swan Lake, the story of Odette, a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer's curse, at the Teatro Auditorio Santa Ursula in Lima in May.

The Saint Petersburg State Ballet on Ice (former the Leningrad State Ballet on Ice) was founded in 1967 by the outstanding choreographer Konstantin Boyarsky, combing the art of ice skating with classic Russian ballet.

Since 1995 the Saint Petersburg Ballet on Ice has been performing the most famous ballets by P. Tchaikovsky ("Sleeping Beauty", "Swan Lake", "Nutcracker") and ballets by S. Prokofiev ("Cinderella" and "Romeo and Juliet") around the globe.

After performing in Arequipa earlier in May they as well present 7 shows Lima. Under the artistic direction of Konstantin Rassadin, former outstanding USSR ballet dancer and choreographer, 34 excellent artists dressed in classical ballet costumes present one of the greatest classic ballets of all times on an ice rink installed on the stage of the theater.

Venue / Location:
Teatro Auditorio Santa Ursula
Av. Sto. Toribio 143,San Isidro, Lima
are available at Teleticket in Wong and Metro supermarkets or at Teleticket online
S/ 41.50 - S/ 330


All Dates

  • From Tuesday, 14 May 2019 to Friday, 17 May 2019
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