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Domestic Workers Law

Tintin Updated
El Peruano (Ley de las trabajadoras y trabajadores del hogar – Ley No. 31047 / Reglamento de la Ley No. 31047 – Decreto Supremo No. 009-2021-TR)

The norm contemplates aspects related to the employment contract, the payment of salaries, bonuses, compensation for time of service, the working day, paid breaks, the prevention of sexual harassment, among others.

The purpose of the Law is to prevent and eliminate all forms of discrimination in the working and employment conditions of those who perform domestic work, guarantee their fundamental rights, as well as recognize their significant contribution to the social and economic development of the country.

Law No. 31047 replaces since the 1st of October 2020 the previous Law. No. 27986. Please also read a very detailed description on this subject in our article:

While in many first world countries an unaffordable luxury, in Peru having a so-called empleada (domestic worker) that does your cleaning, laundry,...

Domestic Workers Law - (download the PDF in the attachment section below).


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  • Domestic Workers Law
    (Ley de las trabajadoras y trabajadores del hogar – Ley No. 31047 / Reglamento de la Ley No. 31047 – Decreto Supremo No. 009-2021-TR)
    484 KB
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Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

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