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Los Pantanos de Villa in Lima

Los Pantanos de Villa

Natural Reserve Pantanos de Villa

Av. Defendores del Morro (ex Av. Huaylas)
  • Chorrillos
City (Peru)
Phone Number
(+511) 254-7611

Lima is one of the few metropolises in the world that has within its city limits a natural reserve with an extraordinary biodiversity. The Pantanos de Villa were established in May 1989 and was recognized by the RAMSAR Convention in January 1997. These unique wetlands extent over an area of 263ha and are the only protected area within Limas city limits. The marshes are an important ecological area not only for Lima's elsewhere quite neglected flora and fauna but as well for scientific, educative and recreational reason.

The main aim of the Pantanos de Villa Reserve is to protect especially the bird fauna (migratory and resident), to preserve the rich and wild flora characteristic for the coastal Peruvian region and to protect the amazing landscape to develop educative activities and tourism. Pantanos de Villa is a great place for bird lovers. Little deep lagoons, connected to the hydrological system of the Rímac River, a wide variety of reeds and other water and swamp plants, fish, reptiles and aquatic insects offer more than 170 bird species of which over 70 are migratory an ideal (temporary) home.

Make a walking or boating tour through the marshes and enjoy one of the more beautiful sides of Lima. As prices for the different tours vary please check below mentioned web page for detailed information.


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