

Member since: Friday, 26 February 2021
Last Visit: Thursday, 27 March 2025
I’m a publisher by trade and additionally have a master’s degree in business and tourism. Over 2 decades ago I left home, traveled a lot and lived in many countries around the globe; one of these is Peru, which – yes, I have to admit it – I wasn’t fond of at first, but fell deeply in love with over the 10 years I stayed.

Next to traveling and emerging into the lifestyle of my guest country, I love to read, research and share my knowledge. So, writing about my impressions and experiences and getting the facts right isn’t an obligation for me, but comes naturally and from my heart.

I’m always eager to learn more about different (ancient) cultures, their lifestyle, traditions, beliefs and how they are interconnected. And last but not least my respect for nature and its beauty makes me passionate about living a less consume-oriented life and maintaining our biodiversity, which results in my love of the abundance of fresh fruits, veggies and other produce in Peru, which then ends in my kitchen where I enjoy cooking and baking.

Peru with all its beauty and riches, but also with all its flaws, is a very special, here and there even a magic place; and I’m thrilled to introduce you to it and give you an understanding of this amazing country as co-founder and editor in chief of LimaEasy.
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    Ethan · 05/06/2024
    Hey SunFlower,

    I have a FAMILY VISA for Perú. I am wondering if I leave the country for travel, do i need to inform the peruvian government that I am leaving? If so, how is this process done.

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      • LimaEasy
      · 05/06/2024
      Hello Etahn,

      if you just want to leave Peru for a short time (less than half a year) for vacation or a business trip or whatever, you don't need to inform anyone. When you pass immigrations just show your passport and valid carné and you are good to go. When you return to Peru the same: show your passport and carné and make sure you enter the country as a resident (not as a tourist). That's it.

      If you, however, leave Peru for good then you must cancel your residency before leaving the country.

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      • LimaEasy
      · 05/06/2024
      And what I forgot to mention:

      Even though not always enforced, if you as a foreigner living in Peru on a family visa want to leave the country for short or extended periods of time, for example, to go on holidays you might be asked to present a tax form before being allowed to leave Peru. 

      If you didn't have any earnings or other income in Peru, you might have to present the so-called “Declaración jurada de haber realizado actividades que no impliquen la generación de rentas de fuente peruana” at immigrations before you are allowed to leave. So, just download Formulario 1495, fill it in, sign it and show it to the immigration officer when leaving Peru. 

      If you, however, had any kind of income as independent or dependent worker in Peru while having a family visa, you might have to present the so-called "Certificado de Rentas y Retenciones" at immigrations before you are allowed to leave. This form is issued by your employer, who confirms that the income tax corresponding to your earnings was retained according to the Peruvian tax legislation. The physical form, Formulario 1492, is rarely used anymore. Instead, your employer or client has to enter his/her Sunat Virtual and fill in the Formulario Virtual 1692°, then print and sign it and give it to you. The form expires 30 days after it was filed with Sunat; so, you must leave Peru within these 30 days. 

      If you work independently, receive an income from Peruvian sources and pay your income tax directly to Sunat, you have to fill in Formulario 1494 “Declaración jurada de haber pagado directamente el impuesto”, sign it, attach a receipt proving you paid your income tax and present it at immigrations before leaving.

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      Ethan · 05/06/2024
      @Sunflower Thank you very much for all this information Eva. That all makes sense and I'll have all my documents ready, should the time come.

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    Alex · 30/05/2024
    Hi Sunflower I saw that you have in-depth knowledge about the visa process in Peru. I have a questions I am struggling to understand due to translation. My student visa was denied… how many days do I have before I am illegal? And also is it possible to exit and come back on a tourist visa for 30 more days as I have a flight leaving from Lima next month? Many thanks I hope you can help as this was the result I found from google. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 30/05/2024
      Hello Alex,

      the time you have to leave should be somewhere on the resolution. Usually, they give you 7, 10 or 15 days. If you don't leave then you could further be sanctioned with an obligatory departure notice and a re-entry ban.

      Depending on how long you already stayed as a tourist before your student visa application and if you leave on time, you shouldn't have a problem to return to Peru as a tourist, especially as you have proof that you will leave the country an day x.


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    Ethan · 01/04/2024
    Hey Sunflower,

    I am an American who has applied for a Peruvian Family Visa as my wife is Peruvian. I have completed my application and just waiting for the response and I am currently in Peru. My 90 days in the country will expire in the coming weeks and I was wondering what your suggestion was in this situation. Do i need to apply for a certain type of extension? if so, what? If something different, would love to know your advice.

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      • LimaEasy
      · 02/04/2024
      Hello Ethan,

      actually, if you have submitted your application and have your numero de expediente, then you don't have to do anything.

      As soon as you applied for your visa your time as a tourist  stops. During the evaluation and approval process you aren't a tourist anymore and not yet a resident.

      Just check your Buzon electronico regularly to see if there are any notifications from Migraciones to not miss a deadline. And to avoid any other problems, have a copy of the confirmation that you applied for a visa with you.

      All the best


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      Ethan · 02/04/2024
      @Sunflower Hey Eva,

      Thanks for the timely response and providing clarity to my situation. This is wonderful news. Is there anywhere I can go online to verify this? I am sure this is all true, but would like to have it in writing as well to go along with having all my documents on hand, should my 90 days come to an end.

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      • LimaEasy
      · 02/04/2024
      Hello Ethan,

      no, you won't find the answer on any official website. Sorry.

      If you want to verify what I said, then your only option would be to get in contact with Migraciones. Our glossary article about Migraciones might be helpful to make this process as smooth as possible.

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    Fredrick Goma · 11/01/2024
    Am a Ghanaian and my visa was tourist or temporal visa.. Thank you , you really helping. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 11/01/2024
      @Fredrick Goma
      Hello Fredrick,

      if you are from Ghana you must have a tourist visa or other temporary or residence visa issued in a Peruvian consulate in your passport to travel to Peru.

      After the visa was issued you have half a year to enter the country. If you don't come to Peru within this half year the visa is null and void.

      So, as your tourist visa was issued more than six months ago you cannot use it anymore to travel to Peru. You must apply for a new tourist visa at the consulate in Accra.


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    Fredrick Goma · 09/01/2024
    Hello, I have a 1 year Peru visa, I couldn't leave my home country due to illness. I'm recovered now and want to do my internship in Peru. My visa is 6 months gone, can I still travel to Peru? 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 09/01/2024
      @Fredrick Goma
      Hello Fredrick,

      if your visa was issued in a Peruvian consulate abroad you must enter Peru within 183 days after the date of issue. So, if you didn't come to Peru latest half a year after you got your visa, you cannot enter the country with it anymore.

      So, if you belong to a nationality that can visit Peru visa-free for tourism purposes, you could travel to Peru and once here apply for a "cambio de calidad migratoria" I assume as you are planning to do an internship in Peru to "formación".

      If you, however, belong to a nationality that cannot travel to Peru visa-free and must apply for a visa before coming to Peru, unfortunately, you must apply for a new visa at a Peruvian consulate.

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      Fredrick Goma · 10/01/2024
      @Sunflower Thank you, so with this same visa, in this case it's the discretion of the Peruvian immigration to grant me entry access if I still decide to enter Peru right? Can any immigration officer deny me visa if am transiting to Peru? Let's say am transiting through Turkey? 
      PS: (My visa was issued through a consulate. )
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      • LimaEasy
      · 10/01/2024
      @Fredrick Goma
      NO!!! Visas issued at a Peruvian consulate are usually valid for one year; but you must (!!!) enter the country within half a year of the date of issue otherwise the visa is null and void.

      And no, in this case it's not at the discretion of the immigration officer. You cannot enter Peru anymore on your visa if it was issued more than 183 days before you want to travel to Peru.

      What is your nationality? And what visa did you get at the Peruvian consulate?


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    Elisha Massey · 24/10/2022
    Hi Eva,

    I'm Elisha from Pakistan. Me and my wife got married in 2019 Pakistan. Our marriage is registered in Pakistan only. There is no embassy and consulate in Pakistan so i reached out the nearest peruvian consulates (Dubia and China). Only Peruvian consulate in China will entertain Pakistani nationals. Due to Covid China is not issuing tourist visa so I am unable to visit China. I shared my situation with the peruvian counselor in China and he advised me that my wife should visit the immigration in Lima, Peru to process the family visa. I'm currently in Pakistan and my wife went back to Peru few days ago. I read your articles and I will mention documents and if I miss any please advise according to my situation.

    1: Marriage certificate ( Apostille from my country foreign affairs. 
    2: Police Certificate.  ( Apostille from my country foreign affairs.
    3: Interpol Report: How do I apply it. As mentioned I'm in Pakistan .
    4: Birth Certificate:  ( Apostille from my country foreign affairs.

    What other documents do I need to complete my documentation?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 24/10/2022
      @Elisha Massey Hello Elisha,

      What a muddled situation. I’m so sorry that you and your wife have to go through this.

      As you are married to a Peruvian and your wife is now in Peru again, according to Peruvian legislation, you have the right to a family union in Peru. According to the foreigner law, you can apply for a family visa either at a Peruvian consulate outside Peru or at Migraciones, the Peruvian immigration authority, in Peru.

      However, most Peruvian consulates abroad do not issue resident visas anymore, only tourist and business visas. So, the option to apply for a family visa and enter Peru with the correct residence visa is most probably out. Therefore, the only way for you to come to Peru is as a tourist, but you as Pakistani national unfortunately must apply for a tourist visa at a consulate before being allowed to do so, and then apply for your family visa at Migraciones in Peru.

      I’m confused why the Peruvian consulate would advise you to send your wife to Migraciones in Lima and have her apply for your family visa. That’s impossible! You must be in Peru on a valid visa (for example, a tourist visa) to apply for any residence visa at Migraciones. Your wife cannot do this for you as long as you are not in Peru. While you already won’t be able to get the required Interpol clearance (below more) you / your wife won’t be able to even enter the Agencia Digital (the online platform where you have to apply) as there, already on the login page, you have to fill in the date when you, the one who is applying for the visa, entered the country. If you fill in a wrong date or leave the space open, the system won’t let you enter the page where you can apply.

      Overall, having your wife apply for your family visa in Peru while you are still in Pakistan is not possible. You must be in Peru.

      So, the question is what options you have to get a tourist visa to being able to come to Peru. You already did the right thing by contacting the nearest Peruvian consulates. What a mess that the Peruvian consulate in China seemingly has jurisdiction over consular affairs for citizens of Pakistan and Peruvians living in Pakistan and China doesn’t issue tourist visas at the moment which you need to enter China to apply for your Peruvian tourist visa which you need to get to Peru and apply for your family visa. Have you asked the Peruvian consulate in China if it’s absolutely necessary that you apply in person? Could there be the option to send your application for a tourist visa, passport and required documents to China and do a possible interview by Skype? And once they approved (or denied) your application, send everything back to you?

      Other option: To avoid that you have to apply for a tourist visa to get to a Peruvian consulate, I checked which countries Pakistanis can travel to without a tourist visa (unfortunately just a few) and then checked against countries in which there is a Peruvian consulate. The only one I found is the Peruvian consulate in Doha, Qatar. While they might not be in charge of Pakistani nationals, it could be worth to contact them anyway, explaining your situation and asking if they are able to help and might issue you a tourist visa. Personally, I additionally would contact any other Peruvian consulate you might be able to get to and ask the same or ask if it’s probably possible to send them all required documents, so you don’t have to come in person.

      In case all of this is in vain, your wife should get in contact with Migraciones and ask how and where you either get a tourist visa or can apply directly for your family visa. What a nightmare.

      Your wife additionally could have your marriage registered at Reniec in Peru, which she can do without your presence. However, she needs a copy of your Pakistani marriage certificate with an Apostille or a legalization. When I understand correctly, Pakistan just acceded to the Hague Apostille Convention in July of this year, but this will only come into effect on March 9, 2023. So, here we have the next hurdle. Either you wait until next year to get an Apostille (which is compared to the legalization much, much easier and can be done in Pakistan without the need for a Peruvian consulate) or you have to go through the process of legalization of your marriage certificate at the responsible authorities in Pakistan and, as last step outside Peru, at a Peruvian consulate to which you don't have easy access.

      Once your marriage is registered in Peru, your wife must update her DNI (Peruvian ID card) at Reniec, so it shows her correct marital status.

      The Apostille / legalization procedure applies to all other foreign documents that you need for the application for a family visa as well.

      To apply for your family visa in Peru, according to current regulations (these might change) you only need from Pakistan your

      - Passport (make sure it’s valid for the next few years and has at least two or three free pages in the visa section, so you don’t have to worry about its expiration date when being in the middle of your visa application or about getting a new one soon; at the moment the Pakistani consulate in Lima is closed and in charge is the one in Buenos Aires, Argentina)

      - Criminal record check from Pakistan (with Apostille or legalization)

      - Pakistani marriage certificate (not for visa application but for registering your marriage!!!)

      Then, as described in our Family visa article, if you apply as spouse of a Peruvian you additionally need some documents issued in Peru

      - Peruvian marriage certificate: To register your Pakistani marriage at a Peruvian consulate or at Reniec in Peru, you need the Pakistani marriage certificate (with Apostille or legalization) and then will be issued a Peruvian marriage certificate. As you are married to a Peruvian, for your family visa application only the Peruvian marriage certificate is accepted (if you registered your marriage at Reniec in Peru, you can get a recent copy quickly and easily).

      - Interpol Ficha de Canje: This document is only issued in Peru! You must visit Interpol in Peru in person (for example, fingerprints are taken), so this is already the first clue and insurmountable obstacle that your wife in Peru cannot apply for your family visa for you while you are still in Pakistan.

      - DNI of your wife with correct family address, correct marital status and no pending election fees

      - Form, payment receipt and possibly a sworn statement

      That’s it. For the family visa application, you do not need your birth certificate, however, it’s always a good idea bringing a birth certificate (with Apostille or legalization) or other important documents (depending on what your plans are, for example, highest school leaving certificate, highest professional degree or similar, as well with Apostille or legalization) with you when moving to a foreign country.

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    Lyn · 01/01/2022
    Hello! I an expected to travel to peru on Wednesday. The declaration form asks about symptoms and exposure. I have tested positive for covid on the 27th of dec but my doctor cleared me from isolation. She said that I am cleared to travel starting Jan 2. Is this going to be a problem when filling out te declaration and in entering peru? Please advice. Thank you
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      • LimaEasy
      · 02/01/2022
      Hello Lyn,

      Honestly I'm not sure what to answer and how your doctor can clear you from isolation and allow you to travel. The rules to fly are established by your airline (you might want to check what they have to say) and the regulations to enter Peru are quite clear.

      So, if you are vaccinated Peru requires an official vaccination certificate proving that you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 at least 14 days before arrival. In this case no-one will know about your positive test and it's up to you and your conscience how you fill in the health declaration form. However, be aware that you declare under oath that the information provided by you is correct. Additionally, if you arrive in Peru with obvious symptoms there is a chance you end up in forced quarantine for at least 14 days.

      If you are not vaccinated, you must present a negative PCR test result that is not older than 72 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane. So, no matter what your doctor says or what document he or she issued, Peru only accepts the negative test result.

      How you fill in the health declaration depends on your honesty. If you answer the question honestly you have to live with possible consequences: the airline might not allow you to fly despite your vaccination certificate / negative test result and even if you make it to Peru you might be put into quarantine upon arrival; or no-one checks your health declaration properly and you can just enter the country without anyone bothering you.

      If you lie on your form, neither the airline nor the health officials at the airport can prove otherwise, if you arrive in Peru healthy and with an official vaccination certificate / a negative PCR test result.

      So, it's up to you to take your chances.

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    Bryce · 01/12/2021

    I'm using your article on Peru's economy for an economics essay I'm writing. I find the article very informative and well written. Do you mind sharing your name so I can properly cite the publication? Also, just curious, what sources did you use to get the statistics you have in the article?

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/12/2021
      Hello Bryce,

      thank you so much for your nice words.

      I, Sunflower or Eva Papke in the real world, wrote the economy article for LimaEasy.com.

      I as well made the charts. You can find the data source, such as INEI (Peru’s official statistics office), the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture, the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism, the Peruvian Ministry of Producton, the BCRP and the Worldbank, in the description of each chart.

      I hope, LimaEasy helps you writing a great essay.

      All the best

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    Paul Attenborough · 21/10/2021
    Hi Eva, 
    I am a regular visitor to your website, its my penultimate 'Go To' guide for Peru!

    Eva, I am married to a Peruvian National, I have since been advised by Peruvian Immigration, to apply for a residency Permit or face a denied entry on my next visit....
    My application is progressing, I attained a National Police Check from the AFP, apostilled etc...
    The police record check detailed 'No disclosable court outcomes' listed on my completed police check, meaning  “there is no record of court convictions, findings of guilt or any police history information held by any police agencies”, against me
    However, the immigration Official said the Antecedentes Policiales, Judiciales y Penales request has still not been met??? 
    WhatsApp number as i am in a bit of a quandary

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      • LimaEasy
      · 21/10/2021
      @Paul Attenborough Hello Paul,

      what you are experiencing right now is exactly what I feared would happen when I first read the new foreigner law with this new requirement. In Peru you have the Certificado de Antecedentes Policiales (Police Clearance Certificate), the Certificado de Antecedentes Penales (Criminal Record Check) and the Certificado de Antecedentes Judiciales (Judicial Background Record Check); and as required by the new law Migraciones of course would like to get these 3 checks, which in most countries aren't even issued in this form. Therefore Migraciones, for example, accepts a US criminal background check issued by the FBI for US American nationals; for European nationals, they accept the European Certificate of Conduct.

      Assuming that AFP means Australian Federal Police and assuming that you are an Australian national, you would need a piece of paper with the title “criminal background check” or somewhere stating that you have a clean criminal background. As I honestly have no idea about which documents are issued in Australia, I did a quick search and, if I haven’t missed something, understood that your National Police Check from the AFP, which even is described as criminal record check on the website where you can apply for it, combines the police, criminal and judicial record check however is named “National Police Check”. Is this correct or is there any other certificate issued in Australia stating that you have a clean (criminal) record? If not, then I only can think of two options.

      The official translator, who translated your document most probably has translated “National Police Check” as something like “Certificado de Antecedentes Policiales” which in Peru only shows if a person has registered encounters with the police, was involved in any criminal activities or is investigated. Seeing this, but most probably not knowing the difference between a Peruvian and Australian “police” check, Migraciones, of course, says that this document doesn’t meet the requirements.

      Not sure, if you are in Australia or in Peru at the moment. If I was in Australia, I would pay the Peruvian embassy a visit or call them, explaining the problem and asking them to confirm in writing with some nice official Peruvian stamp that the Australian National Police Check is something like a police, criminal and judicial check in one document and all Australia issues (they should know that) and “no disclosable court outcomes” means there is no record of court convictions, findings of guilt or any police history information. If I was in Peru, I would visit the Australian embassy, explaining the problem and asking for a solution and / or for an official Australian statement confirming the meaning of this document. I would then add the document from the Peruvian embassy in Australia or the Australian embassy in Lima to the “National Police Check” with all other necessary documents and hope that someone at Migraciones reads and understands the issue and accepts your Australian National Police Check.


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    Grace Requilman · 17/10/2021
    Hello good day! I just want to ask on what should I do if I over stay here in Lima Peru with my son. My fiancé was a Peruvian citizen but I cannot get married here because they need all my documents apostille and also my son is half Filipino - Peruvian but needs also an apostille documents for him to be register here. Is there any other option for me to get a tourist visa over here?

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      • LimaEasy
      · 17/10/2021
      @Grace Requilman
      Hello Grace,

      as you wrote another comment concerning the some matter on our Tourist visa extension page, I replied there in detail.


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    Susan Bremner · 28/08/2021
    Very interesting and readable history of Lima in its many eras. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 28/08/2021
      @Susan Bremner
      Hello Susan,

      thank you so much for taking the time to send me such nice words.

      I wrote the Lima history a few years back and, after having done some more research on Lima's and Peru's past and just recently having finished the Political history of Peru (which can be found in our Peru Guide), I think I will give it a little "touch up" hopefully making it even more detailed and interesting.

      Thanks again and have a nice weekend.


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