Machu Picchu, the famous Inca citadel in die Andes mountains and Peru’s tourist magnet, which can be found on many bucket lists, doesn’t seem to need an introduction. However, getting there and experiencing the magic of this legendary site the way you imagine isn’t an easy task and can be confusing and overwhelming at times.
Probably one of the most stunning and beautiful geological occurrences in the world can be viewed at the Rainbow Mountain which is part of the Ausangate mountains high in the Andes about 140 km (85 miles) southeast of Cusco.
One of the many off the beaten track gems Peru has to offer is the Moron Lagoon, also known as Oasis of Moron, located about 250 km (155 miles) south of Lima near Pisco.
Peru is full of natural wonders that are lesser known and / or located off the beaten path and therefore missed by most visitors when planning their trip. One of these are the Gocta Waterfalls located in the Chachapoyas province in the Amazonas region of northern Peru.
Just 4 hours from Tacna in southern Peru in the Vilacota-Maure Regional Conservation Area one of the many hidden and mostly unknown natural treasures the country has to offer, can be found: the Valley of the Geysers (El Valle de los Géiseres).
Until 10 or 15 years ago, Peru was an absolute insider tip and travelling on a low budget even to the most famous tourist destinations the country has to offer, was easy and doable without a problem. With the increasing popularity of Peru over the past years however came a better infrastructure, more professionalism, wider choices and more peopl...
While other major cities in Latin America operate more or less impressive subways or other public mass transportation systems, Lima with its chaotic privately owned "bus system" stood apart for many years. But since 2012, Peru's capital finally has a Metro. For 2 1/2 years it only was half a route, but since July 2014 the complete route linking ...
The chaotic situation of transporting the masses in Peru's capital finally led to plans creating a real public transport system for Lima's citizens. After many delays they inaugurated the new Metropolitano in 2010. Since then gas powered articulated buses circulate on special bus lanes that are partitioned off the normal road, finally giving Lim...
Before renting a car in Lima, we would highly recommend reflecting on the need for it. Sure if you are planning to travel through Peru a car gives you more freedom and flexibility, but driving in Peru and especially in Lima differs from what you are used to. You can get around Lima easily and cheaply by taxi without having to stand your ground a...
Although heavy traffic and pollution might discourage you from walking around, some places in Lima are best discovered on foot, but be aware that pedestrians actually don't have any rights in Lima. So be more careful than you are used to! Don't expect drivers to stop at cross-walks. They also won't give way to a pedestrian or break when someone ...