Peru has so many interesting and amazing sights spread across the country that the little treasures which still represent the beauty, ancient history and old traditions of Peru like no other often have a hard time standing up to the famous and popular tourist attractions. One of these small hidden gems are the Salt Ponds of Maras.
Sitting proudly atop a hill overlooking Lake Umayo about 35 km (20 miles) from Puno in southern Peru, the Chullpas de Sillustani are above ground tower-like tombs built by the pre-Incan Qulla culture.
Long before the Incas, the culture that today is associated with Peru like no other, even emerged, numerous other highly advanced civilizations inhabited the Peruvian coastal areas, the highlands and the jungle for thousands of years and left us an impressive heritage. One of these amazing societies is the Chachapoya culture.
In the first half of June members of four Quechua communities high in the Peruvian Andes about 180 km (110 miles) from Cusco come together to ceremonially cut the ropes of the Q’eswachaka bridge, the last remaining traditional Inca rope bridge, let it fall into the Apurimac river below and then rebuilt it by hand in a 4-day ceremony just like th...
Gran Pajaten is an archaeological site in the Andean jungle of northern Peru built around 200BC by the Chachapoya culture, the most important pre-Colombian civilization in the area of the time.
Dinosaurs in Peru? Yes. About 150 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed the area of what today is a wide and desert gorge of the western Andes mountains that joins the Valley of the Majes River in southern Peru leaving their footprints behind. These petrified footprints and other fossils found in the same area inspired regional authorities to crea...