Established in 1551 as the first official university on the American continent, the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) is not only the oldest and the longest continuously operating university in the Americas, but also the most respected higher-education institution in Peru.
Even though people had been living in the area for thousands of years and developed the countryside into a green oasis with extensive fields and fruit plantations, Lima celebrates its birthday on January 18, the day the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro founded the colonial city in 1535.
While Peru has a volunteer visa, the so-called “visa cooperante” (cooperation visa), getting one is such a bureaucratic mess and in most cases not worth the effort or sometimes even impossible, especially for smaller organizations or for a short volunteer time, that most travelers planning to volunteer in Peru enter the country as a tourist and ...
My name is Juana. For many years I lived with a colony of mice in a priory in Lima, Peru. We had a good life with the friars who lived there and found plenty of food in the kitchen and pantry. We had snug little homes in nearby nooks and crannies.
Foreign nationals, who are in Peru as a tourist or hold another temporary visa, can only sign a legally binding document (such as a work contract, a sworn statement, a rental contract, a car purchase, a marriage license, an apartment purchase, etc.) after having applied for a special permit, the so-called “Permiso especial para firmar contratos”...
The General Law governs any company established in Peru with national or foreign capitals on Companies. We can establish companies in a sole act performed by the founding partners. To register a Company with only two partners who may be individuals (or a corporate body) and preparing the Minutes of Incorporation is required.
PromPerú, the Peruvian Commission for the Promotion of Export and Tourism, is the agency of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) in charge of developing strategies to produce an integrated and attractive image of Peru.
Founded in 1969 to improve the business environment and encourage the promotion of investment, trade and interpersonal contact between Peru and Japan, the Japanese Peruvian Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit association.
The INEI is the entity responsible for producing and disseminating the official statistical information that the country needs with the quality, timeliness, and coverage required, in order to contribute to the design, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies and the decision-making process of socio-economic agents, the public sector, and th...