October is the purple month in Lima and Limeños pay homage to their most venerated religious figure: El Señor de los Milagros, also known as Cristo de Pachacamilla. Often dressed in purple frocks, ...
While on October 31 most think of Halloween, Peru celebrates on that day the Day of the Creole Song (Dia de la Cancion Criolla), an important part of the coastal culture of the country.
November is the time of the year in Lima that many await and lots despise: the Feria Taurina del Señor de los Milagros, the largest bullfight festival in Peru, is held in Lima’s renowned Plaza de A...
As so many other religious festivities in the country, the celebration of All Saints’ Day (Día de Todos los Santos Vivos) and All Souls’ Day (Day of the Dead - Día de los Difuntos) is a mixture of ...
Santa Rosa de Lima is the patroness of Lima, Peru, the Americas and the Philippines. Already as a child Rosa was possessed with the veneration of religion, as a young adult she lived in absolute ad...
Raúl Porras Barrenechea was a famous Peruvian lawyer, professor, historian, writer, diplomat and politician. For his valuable researches he was honored twice (1945 and 1956) with the 'Inca Garcilas...