Founded in 2013, the Chamber of Commerce of India in Peru (INCHAM) is a non-profit organization working to enhance the economic relationship in trade, investment and tourism between Peru and India.
The Irish Peruvian Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2011 on the initiative of a group of Peruvian and Irish businessmen living in Peru in order to improve and close the gap between the business communities of Peru and Ireland.
All administration charges, processing fees and fines government agencies, public authorities and entities levy in Peru have to be paid at the Banco de la Nacion. While for years this meant standing in long lines at one of the numerous Banco de la Nacion branches, since 2018 you can also pay online using the website or app "".
The Ministry of Production is an institution of the Peruvian Government in charge of formulating, approving, executing, and supervising all levels of production, industry, manufacturing, and fishing in Peru.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications is the institution of the Peruvian Government in charge of all matters related to transportation and communications services in Peru.
Newton College is a Peruvian British school offering a modern, humanistic, technological education combining academic excellence, sound character formation, and a sense of service to the community.