Peruvian Postal Service - Serpost

Peruvian Postal Service - Serpost

Reliability and Reputation

The national Peruvian postal service 'Serpost' is much better than its reputation. Receiving mail in Lima and sending it from Lima elsewhere is quite reliable, while outside the capital it's less dependable.

Sending Mail from Lima to the World

Sending mail within Lima and from Lima to the rest of the world is quite reliable, even if exceptions confirm the rule. Outside the capital, the postal service is unfortunately less consistent. If you want to make sure your mail really reaches the recipient in Lima, Peru or elsewhere in the world, better send it as registered mail ("registrado" or "certificado").

Airmail to Europe or North America takes up to two weeks, packages and parcels can take around four to six weeks; at least they normally reach their destination. Postal charges for sending postcards and letters to international locations are reasonable, parcel are a bit more expensive depending on weight and destination.

Receiving Mail in Lima

Letters and smaller parcels are usually delivered directly to your address in Lima. Bigger parcels and packages have to be picked up at the nearest customs post office after receiving a notification. Advise the sender to spend a few more bucks and send your envelopes or parcels as registered mail. This way we received all mail send to us from overseas in the last years. Mail from North America and Europe send to Lima takes around 10 to 14 days.

Note: Articles for your personal use worth less than US$100.- can be received paying no custom fees. Sometimes the postal charges from abroad are added to the value.

Poste Restante

For those without an address in Lima, they can send mail to general delivery. To pick up your mail, you need your passport. As letters are sometimes sorted and filed strangely, make sure you have them check thoroughly for your mail. Normally letters are kept 3 months before being sent back, registered mail sometimes only a week or two. Although this service seems to work well, it isn't 100% reliable. Make sure they address the letter as below:

Name/s + LASTNAME/S (as stated in your passport, last name in capital letters)
Poste Restante
Correos Central
Jr. Conde de Superunda
Lima 1

Serpost Offices in Lima

Serpost has offices spread around town. We can find a listing of all post offices in Lima on their web page under "red de oficinas". The page is only available in Spanish. For "tariffs" and "sending options" have a look under "tarifas".

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Isa · 28/10/2024
    Hi :) does anybody know where I could have my delivered in Cusco?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 29/10/2024
      Hello Isa,

      not sure what you want to have send, but you can have mail sent to you poste restante to any main post office. This service usually works ok, but isn't 100% reliable and picking up your mail can be a headache.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Eylem Yagbasan · 16/05/2024
    Hi, I sent a parcel from London by Royal Mail UK on 27.04.24 to Iquitos. I tracked it and it looks like a delivery attempt was made on 11.05.24. My friend will be able to pick it up today. Can I get the address of where it’s located please? Ref: PE160101
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/05/2024
      @Eylem Yagbasan

      the package should be at the Serpost Office. In Iquitos the address is
      Arica 402, Iquitos 16001

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Aaron · 26/03/2024
    Good afternoon,

    I sent 3 parcels to a friend on Saturday 2nd March. All 3 parcels were under 2kg and clearly labelled with their address. It has my name and a customs sticker on. 

    I’m wondering if you’ve come across the parcels and if it’s been delivered? (It was shipped with Royal Mail from the UK) I messaged her, and she says it’s lost. However, air Mail roughly takes 3 to 6 weeks 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 26/03/2024
      Hello Aaron,

      I'm sorry to say, but we from LimaEasy surely haven't come across any of your parcels. We publish a website.

      Probably, best check the Royal Mail "Track and Trace" or the "Rastreo de envios" from Serpost, the Peruvian postal service with which your parcels will be delivered. As soon as your parcels passed through customs they should be displayed on the Serpost site.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Deborah Anderson · 23/01/2023
    Filing a claim for refund of package that was lost in transit 1/7/2023 and ordered 12/4/2022 package was shipped per Registered Mail by D. O. was processed to ship around 12/13/2022 from
    Store: xxx
    Buyer: xxx
    Order xxx
    Seller: themetallicatstore

    Tracking# xxx
    This is all the info I have
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 24/01/2023
      @Deborah Anderson
      Hello Deborah,

      I deleted all your personal details for your protection.

      Honestly, I'm not sure how we from LimaEasy can help. We publish a website and we surely aren't Serpost and we don't offer shipping services.

      So, best file a claim directly with Serpost; either at one of their offices, or under 511-5110, or by mail servicioalcliente @ serpost.com.pe


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