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Law that Regulates Single-use Plastic and Disposable Containers or Packaging

Tintin Updated
El Peruano (Ley que regula el plástico de un solo uso y los recipientes o envases descartables – Ley 30884 / Reglamento de la Ley No. 30884, Ley que regula el plástico de un solo uso y los recipientes o envases descartables – Decreto Supremo 006-2019-MINAM)

The purpose of the law is to establish the regulatory framework on single-use plastic, other non-reusable plastics and containers or disposable expanded polystyrene containers for food and beverages for human consumption in the national territory.

The purpose of the law is to contribute to the realization of the right that every person has on a balanced and adequate environment for the development of his life, reducing the adverse impact of single-use plastic, plastic marine litter, river and lake and other similar pollutants, in human health and the environment.

Law that Regulates Single-use Plastic and Disposable Containers or Packaging - (download the PDF in the attachment section below).


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  • Law that Regulates Single-use Plastic and Disposable Containers or Packaging
    (Ley que regula el plástico de un solo uso y los recipientes o envases descartables – Ley 30884 / Reglamento de la Ley No. 30884, Ley que regula el plástico de un solo uso y los recipientes o envases descartables – Decreto Supremo 006-2019-MINAM)
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Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

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